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France Passion


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I know that there have been suggestions of places to stay in France before, but with difficulties with search facility, links would be useful. I now have 2010 France Passion in hand and will be travelling from Normandy to N. Spain in the autumn. I would be really pleased to get some recommendations of FP and/or Aires en route.

Perhaps, due to above mentioned search facility we could keep a thread going for this not just for my route but for any FP sites in France (?)

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Mr. Grumpy - 2010-03-12 9:53 AM


I have sent you a long PM, pick it up from your Inbox.


Thanks Mr G your help is much appreciated. I have indeed also got the Aires books for France and Spain, which I believe should be used in conjunction with FP.

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Great idea to have a France Passion specific thread, although limited responses so far suggest may be of interest only to a few. In an attempt to generate more interest here are our best 5 France Passion sites:

Grasse 06130 Espace Terriors. Very secure, owner very friendly and local bus to Grass from outside gate.

Audinghen 62179 Cap Nature. Ideal for first/last stop from tunnel or port. Also aire.

Fleurie 69820 Domaine de la Maison Fleurie. Parking in front of large Chateaux in village. Owner very friendsy with excellant English; 5 star.

Uzes 30700 Domaine Saint-Firmin. Parking rather rough but right in Uzes itself. Also an aire.

Aiglepierre 39110 Domaine Les Sarmentelles. In centre of a very rural French village.

Numbers above are taken from 2010 France Passion book. All are within or very near to a town or village as we like to have some where to explore when parked up. Any one else have any F.P. sites worth sharing?

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FP-site recommendations were rerquested, years ago on a previous incarnation of this forum, and the reaction was negative.


By "negative" I don't mean that nobody responded, but that forum members in the FP scheme refused to provide details of their favourite FP sites. It was emphasised that, because a major attraction of the scheme was the diversity (and unpredictability) of the sites, a motorcaravanner joining the scheme should enjoy the adventure of arriving at a FP site with no preconceptions and not rely on other people's subjective opinions.


We've always viewed the FP scheme as a sort of overnighting 'blind date' arrangement. Sometimes the date goes well and a long term relationship may develop: some times it's just a one-night stand. We've revisited certain FP sites regularly over the years (usually to buy wine!), others we've returned to now and again when we happen to be nearby, some we've decided (for one reason or another) that once was enough. But even when, on leaving a FP site, we know we shan't be back, that doesn't mean the experience hasn't been interesting and worthwhile.


There is also the potential risk - small perhaps but (based on earlier France Passion forum discussion) real - that providing FP-site recommendations might encourage motorcaravanners who are not members of the scheme to exploit that information.


It's well known that few FP-site hosts will bother to check for current FP membership. Consequently, I'm certainly not going to reveal which sites we most enjoy visiting when there's a chance we'll one day turn up at a 'favourite' and find it already chock-a-block with FP-scheme non-members piggy-backing on my recommendation.


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FP-site recommendations were rerquested, years ago on a previous incarnation of this forum, and the reaction was negative.


By "negative" I don't mean that nobody responded, but that forum members in the FP scheme refused to provide details of their favourite FP sites. It was emphasised that, because a major attraction of the scheme was the diversity (and unpredictability) of the sites, a motorcaravanner joining the scheme should enjoy the adventure of arriving at a FP site with no preconceptions and not rely on other people's subjective opinions.


We've always viewed the FP scheme as a sort of overnighting 'blind date' arrangement. Sometimes the date goes well and a long term relationship may develop: some times it's just a one-night stand. We've revisited certain FP sites regularly over the years (usually to buy wine!), others we've returned to now and again when we happen to be nearby, some we've decided (for one reason or another) that once was enough. But even when, on leaving a FP site, we know we shan't be back, that doesn't mean the experience hasn't been interesting and worthwhile.


There is also the potential risk - small perhaps but (based on earlier France Passion forum discussion) real - that providing FP-site recommendations might encourage motorcaravanners who are not members of the scheme to exploit that information.


It's well known that few FP-site hosts will bother to check for current FP membership. Consequently, I'm certainly not going to reveal which sites we most enjoy visiting when there's a chance we'll one day turn up at a 'favourite' and find it already chock-a-block with FP-scheme non-members piggy-backing on my recommendation.


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Thanks, RobertandJean for the information.



Derek Uzzell - 2010-03-14 9:14 AM


FP-site recommendations were rerquested, years ago on a previous incarnation of this forum, and the reaction was negative.


By "negative" I don't mean that nobody responded, but that forum members in the FP scheme refused to provide details of their favourite FP sites. It was emphasised that, because a major attraction of the scheme was the diversity (and unpredictability) of the sites, a motorcaravanner joining the scheme should enjoy the adventure of arriving at a FP site with no preconceptions and not rely on other people's subjective opinions.


We've always viewed the FP scheme as a sort of overnighting 'blind date' arrangement. Sometimes the date goes well and a long term relationship may develop: some times it's just a one-night stand. We've revisited certain FP sites regularly over the years (usually to buy wine!), others we've returned to now and again when we happen to be nearby, some we've decided (for one reason or another) that once was enough. But even when, on leaving a FP site, we know we shan't be back, that doesn't mean the experience hasn't been interesting and worthwhile.


There is also the potential risk - small perhaps but (based on earlier France Passion forum discussion) real - that providing FP-site recommendations might encourage motorcaravanners who are not members of the scheme to exploit that information.


It's well known that few FP-site hosts will bother to check for current FP membership. Consequently, I'm certainly not going to reveal which sites we most enjoy visiting when there's a chance we'll one day turn up at a 'favourite' and find it already chock-a-block with FP-scheme non-members piggy-backing on my recommendation.


I am sorry it is not thought good to share information and although I appreciate the thought process (similar to sharing wild camping spots) we are new to motorhoming on the continent and any advice or recommendations are apreciated.


Perhaps, you or others might consider sharing information by PM, if not openly, although it seems that you are prepared to suggest that non members can make use of FP, openly :-(

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magbrin - 2010-03-14 1:12 PM


Perhaps, you or others might consider sharing information by PM, if not openly, although it seems that you are prepared to suggest that non members can make use of FP, openly :-(


Might be worth you looking at the following earlier thread




When you are in a position to have firmed up on your route through France, PM me and I'll see if there's any FP site near to your route that we've enjoyed staying at.

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-03-14 7:03 PM


When you are in a position to have firmed up on your route through France, PM me and I'll see if there's any FP site near to your route that we've enjoyed staying at.


Thanks Derek, will do :-)

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Derek sorry but can not understand this will not share attitude. On one side, the owners of F.P. sites want people to visit so they might have chance to sell more products and often ask that you tell others about them. On the other, is not the purpose of forums like this to enable all of us to share information in an open and freindly way? And no we do not think that putting a few F.P. sites on here that we think are worth a visit will result in them being over run, given that 90%of the time on F.P. sites we are on our own. Anyway enough of this, here are another 5 and maybe might just include one of yours Derek!

08260 Griondelle.Chambers and Table D'Hotes. Roads in are narrow but a nice village worth a potter round.

26340 Saillans. Domain de la Mure Nice setting and 10 min walk into nice town of Saillans

51190 Oger. Champagne Henry de Vaugency. Parking in courtyard of the Champagne house in centre of village.

76270 Flamets Fretils. Ferme Auberge La Dranvillaise. Not in vilage but outside country resturant; good food if a little expensive.

89290 Quenne Nangis. Domaine Boivin Not in village but set out like a top class CL.

Anyone else prepared to take a risk and share some?

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robertandjean - 2010-03-13 11:37 PM


Great idea to have a France Passion specific thread, although limited responses so far suggest may be of interest only to a few....


prompted me to mention the forum reaction to an earlier request for France Passion recommendations. It may be there are currently few forum members who are in the FP scheme and this explains the lack of response/interest. Alternatively, forum members who are in the FP scheme may be choosing (as in the past) to keep quiet.


We travel in France outside the July/August period and we've only once encountered a full FP site. This was on a cattle farm in Finistère where a late-arriving Brit pushed the assigned parking space beyond its stated maximum number of camping-cars. After much motorhome toing-and-froing the late-comer was shoehorned in and repaid this good neighbourliness by running a generator for the next three hours.


We've never visited any of the FP sites you've mentioned. You seem to have favoured the eastern areas of France and we've generally kept to the west.


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We tried FP in 2007 and found that the ones we visited were either full or on the empty ones felt that we were being obligated to buy the produce of the site whether it was our interest or not. Due to this we decided it was not for us so have not rejoined. Others may well have their own view, to which of course they are entitled, however that is the way we felt so be aware that you may find yourself in this situation.

In principle the idea appeared good but it was not for us we will stick to Aires at least you know where you stand with them.



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Hi, We have just received the 2010 edition of the FP guide, and I am currently updating a file for ultimately transferring to sat nav.


It is a tedious process, locating the locations firstly on Garmin Mapsource as lat long degrees, then transferring the detail onto a spreadsheet and hand markup of the FP book. I try to plot a route first on the screen, then relate it to the tiny map that FP provide and hunt through the listings for sites which look to be within easy distance of the proposed route, then find the lat long references.


so far, My file includes fp sites near the route Calais ,Rouen,Evreux,Chartres,Gien,Nevers,Clermont Ferrand, Millau,down to Agde., and some sites a bit further west,


Currently adding sites in eastern France ,Calais to Trier route for our next holiday, and any other sites that I feel inclined, starting in alphabetical order through the book.


There are 1500 sites in the book, and so far only 200 in my file. I would be happy to share the file , and would ask if anyone else is as typing mad (2 finger s only), would they care to share their efforts. My file is in microsoft database format which is easily convertable to CSV format for satnav use.


We have used FP sites, near Calais,(Audinghen) in an Orchard in Normandy,(name forgotton), St Priest en Murat,(over friendly dog),

on a farm that grows Lentils, (Location forgotton,), near an Auberge overlooking a fishing competition lake, west of Clermont Ferrand,, and a considerable number of others. All have been excellent places for a stopover, and only once did we feel under presure to buy something.

It has provided excellent opportunity to get away from the real rat race, and to practice my GCE "o" level French (remember that era?)


I Wish FP would get with it and provide SAT NAV data, but then it might lead to use by those who don't want to buy the book (28 euro), and really have free camping.




ps A person by name of Phil ??? produced a full list a few years ago, maybe he might still be around.

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WOW, tonyg3nwl. you have your work cut out = a real (France) Passion



Basil - 2010-03-15 11:05 AM


We tried FP in 2007 and found that the ones we visited were either full or on the empty ones felt that we were being obligated to buy the produce of the site whether it was our interest or not.





Forgive me, Bas if I have got the wrong end of the stick but I thought that part of the idea of the scheme was to support local businesses. I am very keen on sampling the produce of different countries and regions and this was one of the draws of the FP scheme. The fact that you could stay overnight on a vinyard or farm is a bonus.......................... and as for being on our own, that would be a delight :D


and thank you again R&J for more suggestions :-)

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We used FP sites in 2008 on our tour of the French coast from Calais to the Vendee across the loire valley and back to Calais and also used aires. We've not spent any length of time in France since but would definately rejoin if we were to.


Some of the FP sites were very good, some we didn't like the look of and moved on, 2 we couldn't find and another at Vertus nr Epernay has become our regular Champagne supplier. OK we only bought a mixed case the first time but have been back since for 7 cases for a wedding. Michel Collard is very welcoming, check out his website. Champagne for pre dinner drinks anyone, but he does appreciate visitors who buy



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magbrin - 2010-03-15 7:29 PM


WOW, tonyg3nwl. you have your work cut out = a real (France) Passion



Basil - 2010-03-15 11:05 AM


We tried FP in 2007 and found that the ones we visited were either full or on the empty ones felt that we were being obligated to buy the produce of the site whether it was our interest or not.







Forgive me, Bas if I have got the wrong end of the stick but I thought that part of the idea of the scheme was to support local businesses. I am very keen on sampling the produce of different countries and regions and this was one of the draws of the FP scheme. The fact that you could stay overnight on a vinyard or farm is a bonus.......................... and as for being on our own, that would be a delight :D


and thank you again R&J for more suggestions :-)



Nothing to forgive I was just making you aware (as you gave the impression that you were new to FP) that some, not all, of the 'operators' may try make you feel 'obliged' to buy their produce whether you want it or not. If that is not a problem for you then that is fine.

We always try to support the local busnesses when we stop on Aires and make a point of doing so, however that is our choice, being made to feel that you HAVE to buy flower pots or other useless (to us) commodities and being bad temperedly sworn at for not buying is not in my opinion the point of the FP guide, perhaps you are quite happy to accept that we aren't. Being alone on an FP site can be enjoyable but that was not the point of what I said.



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Like everything else there are varied opinions, all based on personal experiences, and I appreciate them. Yes, Bas we are new to FP, and I have to say the responses have been a bit disappointing either because others like you are disenchanted or as Derek says they do not want to share their good experiences >:-)

Any more view wouldd be welcome :-)

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Magbrin, FP is great - works better in some regions than others (reflecting the preponderance of winegrowers in its listings!) Not everyone likes it, and there is sometimes an implied expectation to buy produce. (Not that some of us take much pressure to buy wine!!) It's never gone over into actual pressure for us, though; on one occasion in Alsace, the lady of the house asked us what wine we wanted. I said we'd visit to buy in the morning, but in fact she was only wanting to know our preference for a bottle of wine as a gift to drink with dinner!!


I can't really recommend anywhere in the areas you mention - we stayed with an excellent oyster producer near Carnac last year, but they seem to have left the scheme sadly - while we were there they got real hassle from a German caravanner who couldn't see why they wouldn't let them stay when they were already full (and in a caravan!) Only FP host we've ever stayed at which was full, mind.

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Hi again.


If this works, I am trying to attach a ZIP file of approx 250 France Passion Locations. When unzipped with Winzip, It should appear as a list readable in microsoft works spreadsheet, or even in Notepad . It is a 'comma separated variable' file and each line gives east/west degrees, north degrees, town or village name,domaine name or equivalent.


It may be of some use to those with Satnav devices, but in some cases, the original directions are difficult to interpret on a map, so please read the info in conjunction with the 2010 FP Guide

If anyone finds that they have a more accurate gps reading on arrival at a site and cares to forward it to me, I will update the list.


Please note that this list is by no means complete, as the book lists over 1500 sites, and as time passes, I hope to add more listings..




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  • 5 months later...

Just thought I would revive this thread - I dare say some peeps have used FP this summer and may have something to add.


An update to our situation - some of you will already know we are expecting our first grandbaby next month. This will delay the start of our trip, but we hope to get away by the end of October.


Route through France undecided - will depend where we cross. Does anyone know of any ferry companies who operate late bargains in the autumn? However, we have contacts in Normandy (Cherbourg and Coutances) in Angers, Tabres and Spanish Basque country so may stop off in one or more of these areas. We also plan to follow the Ebro valley across Spain.


I have managed to load the Aires of France and Spain onto TomTom. And I have tonyg3nwl's spreadsheet (thanks again for that) but does anyone have access to a file with some or all FPs in Tomtom format?


A further update is that we have offered free overnight stops on our nursery in the Highlands, this summer, and although we have been very grateful to those m/homers who have bought plants, food or items from our shop we hope they have not felt obliged to do so, and anyway not everyone has! Maybe some of you who have felt "obliged" have just felt guilty using a free site :-(

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hi these french passion sites sound just up our street but as most of you, i think, have european vans would our american rv 34 foot be too big to use these sites. Your help would be appreciated as l don't want to join and find l have wasted my money. Thanks again for any help given. *-) (lol)
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cleo - 2010-09-18 6:45 PM


hi these french passion sites sound just up our street but as most of you, i think, have european vans would our american rv 34 foot be too big to use these sites. Your help would be appreciated as l don't want to join and find l have wasted my money. Thanks again for any help given. *-) (lol)

Most of the France Passion sites we have visited would be difficult with an RV, due to either narrow access roads or the parking itself. Although in the guide many indicate are suitable for "le grand campers" think this means vans upto say 7/8 m not RVs. Not to say some are fine eg Cap Nature at Audinghen (dept 62) is easy for RVs, have seen two there.

Interesting also that few further contributions to suggestions/reports of FP sites other than the 10 we have provided. Come on some of you forget this "keep it to youself attitude" and share info in the spirit of both the www and FP.

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