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We intend to sell our van in 3 MMMS sold our last one there.its a

RAPIDO 7087F sept 05 .2.8.JTD with cruise con cab air con.sol pan.alarm

rev cam.awning.aerial.tow-bar.re-mapped.15000.miles.fix bed sep shower.

SO whats it worth . (?) (?) (?)

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Whatever someone will pay for it!


Not meant to sound flippant Sandra, but that's precisely the situation.

The same van can be advertised one month and only attract minimal interest, the next month can have people falling over themselves to make an offer.

Have a look at other ads for similar vans, in mags and online, but bear in mind you'll only ever see the ASKING prices. No-one ever places an ad afterwards to tell everyone how much they actually sold their van for!


Best of luck though.



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Yep exactly what Tony said . I had the same problem last week and asked a few of the knowledgable people in the M/H game and they didnt know not one .


So I looked at what it was selling private sale

took off some went to a dealer who's lucky for us father wnted to buy it .


I stuck money on to what I had been offered by Brownhills and it still would sell on his forecourt should his father not want it .


result ! with this economy the way it is I dont actually think the politicians are telling the truth the new vans are not selling so glad I got out whilst I could . I hope you have luck selling .

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You can start with comparisons here..




Simple stuff really, find as many private sale vans as you can, and as many dealer vans as you can. Average the prices for both and your figure, if your van is average, should fall somewhere in the middle. Got that?


Don't forget, it's not the greatest time of year for selling, but not the worst either.





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HI all. a dealer has offerd us £25.000. but its a 700 mile round trip.my son will drive the car there to bring us back.as i cant drive.we have to sell the van for a house move.we hope to buy another van next year

when we will have time money and somewhere to park it.thanks all.

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So is that it? One offer and you're taking it?


Either you've you got too much money and/or too little time on your hands to do some research and sell private.


Either way, with respect, what was the point of your question? Had someone come on here and said it was worth, say £29K, would you have done anything about it?



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As has been said previously it's worth what someone will pay. Our previous van was worth £17k to us, £11k to a dealer (as a p/x) and £15 1/2 to the folks who bought it . Make sure you give it a good valet before anyone views it and a recent MoT helps, even if it's not really due for a few months. Also silence any bangs or rattles before a test drive as a noisy van will put prospective buyers off straight away especially first timers. I my own experience I have always got a better deal selling privately rather than to a dealer whether it's a m/h or a car.
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LordThornber - 2010-09-10 8:36 AM Either you've you got too much money and/or too little time on your hands to do some research and sell private. Either way, with respect, what was the point of your question? Had someone come on here and said it was worth, say £29K, would you have done anything about it? Martyn

To be fair Martyn, they did say that they have to sell the 'van because of a house move and if they didn't sell it in September, it would probably sit around somewhere until March/April next year, however, I do agree with your last sentence. 

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Bazza454 - 2010-09-10 10:14 AM
LordThornber - 2010-09-10 8:36 AM Either you've you got too much money and/or too little time on your hands to do some research and sell private. Either way, with respect, what was the point of your question? Had someone come on here and said it was worth, say £29K, would you have done anything about it? Martyn

To be fair Martyn, they did say that they have to sell the 'van because of a house move and if they didn't sell it in September, it would probably sit around somewhere until March/April next year, however, I do agree with your last sentence. 

Hi Baz, yes, fair comment about the house move, I'd failed to consider that.Martyn
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misty - 2010-09-10 8:03 AM


HI all. a dealer has offerd us £25.000. but its a 700 mile round trip


But watch out that when you turn up with it he doesn't then say it's not as described or not as good condition, etc, etc and lower his offer!

He's then got you over a barrel because what do you do next, drive 350 miles back home or take his lower offer?



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Hi Misty


Forgive me if I'm being daft but have you just considered keeping it if you don't actually need to sell it to realise the money for the move? Even if you have to pay for storage somewhere, it would be the best financial situation, especially since you are considering getting another one next year anyway - you lose money when you sell motorhomes, especially to dealers, so even if it costs you a few hundred pounds to keep it, it would probably be a lot less of a loss than selling it now and having to buy another. Just a thought .... :-S

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jhorsf - 2010-09-10 6:49 AM


welcome to the forum davew


you just lost one reader, Misty sit down a breathe into a paper bag it must be worth more than that


Maybe but I'll be right. You won't draw £25k from a dealer unless you take out another (expensive) van. As has been said you'll get there and it won't be as described. Sorry.


He may put it on his forecourt for you under brokerage and do so at say £29k, with you drawing £25k when it eventually sells but that's a different thing altogether.

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HI all just an update if anyones interested. we did ring 5 dealers 2 never rang back .1 offerd peanuts .2 offerd the same price .one was hundreds of miles away .the other one would come and collect it .guess which we chose

so now its sitting on the dealers forcourt waiting for a new owner .we hope they enjoy it as much as we have.we hope to buy another van next year one a bit smaller .to fit in the garden.thanks for all your advice





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Guest JudgeMental
Ta for the update...but come on put us out of our misery :D How much did you get (if you dont mind sharing) and have you the money honey? :-D
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Guest JudgeMental

we like a happy ending on here :-D


any interst from MMM advert? as mine is on there Nov isue :-S


EDIT: you can go back in and edit (like wot I just did)

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