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Catalytic Converter Theft


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I have a Fiat Ducato X250 based Swift Bolero 680FB on Saturday I was about to set off for the weekend when on starting up, the engine sounded as though it had no exhaust. I looked underneath to see a huge gap in the exhaust system where the catalytic converter used to be, somebody had undone 4 nuts & removed the cat rendering the vehicle immobile.

The local Police were informed but they did not offer much solace. My insurers will hopefully accept the estimate to replace the cat, £700 plus, but as there is no known 3rd party it will go against my insurance & cost me the excess. This is for the component only & does not account for recovery to a dealer or fitting charge, which I hope to avoid as the thieves did not cut it off (the most common method of theft).

Apart from the anger felt, the ruined weekend, the financial cost, there is a feeling of apprehension that the replacement will go the same way as the position of the cat is very vulnerable to theft, which takes only a few minutes.

My local Fiat dealer tells me that he has had quite a number of requests for replacements in recent weeks, so please be aware if you own a similar vehicle.

If anybody has suggestions as to how future thefts might be eliminated I for one would be happy to hear them.


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Usinmyknaus - 2010-09-14 7:55 AM


Sounds like it's time for some engineering genius to invent "Catalytic Converter Locking Nuts" similar perhaps to those used on alloy wheels?




Unfortunatly they then just cut the cat out. I read some while ago about fitting a 'cage' around cat which makes it much harder to remove.

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Wire it to the mains 240 volts, and put up a warning notice that the 'van is protected by high voltage. The disclaimer protects you, so long as you take care to protect the unwary child or pet. Might catch the odd fox, but they are not a pet normally !

If not appealing enough, place a big tray of liquid under the van, by the converter. Place a notice nearby telling all that the liquid is highly corrosive, and is intended to keep vermin away.

The liquid can be water, old cooking oil or engine cleaner, indeed anything that is not harmful .

The "vermin" will no know otherwise. :$ >:-(

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Dont forget that the other goog part for these type of thieves to pinch is the fuel tank on fords and others with a hook-on construction as found them trying to get mine off and stopped it . The jack under the van I kept but they bent the pick up pipe so could only drive 30 miles and then had to top up with fuel.
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This, unfortunately, is the downside of MH's being built on commercial chassis. There is sufficient room to get under the vehicle and 'work' without having to jack it up.

The answer is that you need to prevent anyone getting underneath!

If you always park in exactly the same place, say on your front drive, then consider building a 'block' that you can drive over that will then prevent anyone accessing the Cat. Failing this how about sliding a pallet or two (or maybe getting a metal frame made) under the vehicle and chaining to the front wheels and/or chassis. Just don't forget to remove what ever you do before driving off yourself!



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If your vehicle is kept on say your drive where people are about or live it is very easy to protect your van. If its in a field then its not


Buy a reversing sensor kit ( 4 sensors ) and fit them on the van skirting facing out. These will act as proximity alarms and will bleep faster the nearer some one comes to the van. The height is sufficient so as not to be set of by dogs or cats and if you walk past at normal speed they do not go off.


I have two set on the curved part of the bodywork just behind the front doors facing slightly forward. If anyone looks through the drivers or passengers window it will set the bleeper of ( good for wild camping ) £15 ebay



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LordThornber - 2010-09-14 3:13 PM
nowtelse2do - 2010-09-14 2:31 PM

Our local refuse company had 4 trucks that had the cat's stolen, over £1000 each plus delays and cost of repairs. Guess who was camping in their vans half a mile away at the time.


Howie :D :D :D Martyn

Howie did you guess? :-D


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Wingpete - 2010-09-14 10:25 AM


Wire it to the mains 240 volts, and put up a warning notice that the 'van is protected by high voltage. The disclaimer protects you, so long as you take care to protect the unwary child or pet. Might catch the odd fox, but they are not a pet normally !

If not appealing enough, place a big tray of liquid under the van, by the converter. Place a notice nearby telling all that the liquid is highly corrosive, and is intended to keep vermin away.

The liquid can be water, old cooking oil or engine cleaner, indeed anything that is not harmful .

The "vermin" will no know otherwise. :$ >:-(


Better than that, how about some Indian 6 inch nail beds attached to your drive ... they wouldn't want to go under the 'van then ... just be VERY careful how you park!!! 8-)

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Just because a person did not understand about the scrap value of a catalytic converter does not make them silly and that was not a very kind or helpful put down now was it Eddie?
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The cats have a lot of Platinum inside them and will fetch a couple of hundred pounds each for the vermin that nick them. Last week I visited a dealer who had a large notice prominently displayed on his entrance gates: Warning, all catalytic converters have been removed.

Wiring them to 240 volts will of course get you in jail when a thief prosecutes you using taxpayer's money. Posting a notice about caustic substances or electricity will still get you in jail because the thief will say he can't read Engish so you failed to warn him in his own language. That has happened.

I think the only solution is to have them welded to the pipes each side, and construct impenetrable gates in front of the vehicle. Or buy a huge house with an even huger garage that you can lock it in. Er- no, you can't do that, you spent the price of a house on the camper.

It would never occur to a UK govenment of course to allow teachers to teach children that there is such a thing as 'right' and another thing called 'wrong' and what the difference is. "You aren't allowed to tell a child off for doing wrong. They have to be allowed to express themselves". That was what my mother was taught when she went to Teacher Training College. So you get criminals who breed children and teach the children that crime pays.

There is a choice of prevention systems: Have a pre-1993 camper without a cat, or have an Isle of Man registered camper, cut out the cat and weld a straight pipe in its place. They dont have MOTs so you dont need a cat.

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2010-09-14 7:28 PM


Just because a person did not understand about the scrap value of a catalytic converter does not make them silly and that was not a very kind or helpful put down now was it Eddie?


Bu$$er of moron, just because you have no sense of humour..."Patroism" indeed what a complete egit.......


for your information when I say something like "silly" it is a term of endearment...NOT that I have to justify myself to the likes of you

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Thanks Eddie for that typically balanced and well reasoned response!


When someone has to resort to insults to try and justify his point it tends to reduce the value of their argument not increase it and does little to encourage newer members.

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2010-09-14 7:52 PM


Thanks Eddie for that typically balanced and well reasoned response!


How you manage single handily to make visiting here an unpleasant expedience never ceases to amaze me......you make my skin crawl

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