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internal or external blinds


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Hi and welcome. Our Hymer A class ( B series) came with internal Remis blinds, and external silver screens. We only use the internal Remis ones, we find they keep the van private and snug at night, we open them in the daytime for the extra visability. So far we have not needed to use the external ones. We are amazed how many people arrive at a site, and lock themselves away behind their external screens for their whole stay.

Brian B.



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I used the external silver screen cover on the 2004 Fiat, successfully. Keep condensation away from interior.

Newer 2008 Fiat screen is dfiiferent size, so had to buy new Taylor silver screen for outside use. It works well. Tried using just the fitted interior blinds and the condensation can be quite severe, (so long as you keep breathing ) needing the screen to be wiped dry to see out of it.

Just be sure to dry the externals before putting them away for a long period of time, or mildew may form when stuffed into a locker space wet.

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Interior insulating cab 'blinds' will provide good heat insulation, but won't prevent condensation on the inside surfaces of the cab glass.


External insulating cab blinds are superior to interior blinds insulation-wise and will prevent cab-glass condensation.


External blinds involve you going outside the motorhome to fit/remove - no fun in wet/windy weather. Interior blinds can be fitted/removed from within the motorhome whatever the weather conditions or time of day, but, unless the weather is very warm and dry, you'll need to wipe the inevitable condensation from the glass before driving off. Interior screens also tend to be cheaper than exterior ones, will normally be less bulky to store and (in my view) offer more flexibility if you get multi-piece interior blinds rather than the one-piece 'universal' versions.


As we move around a lot in our own motorhome, normally stopping for just one overnight halt at a time, exterior blinds don't much attract me. If we planned to have the motorhome standing immobile for several successive days (or using the vehicle in very cold weather), it might be another matter. As it is, our Hobby has Van Comfort interior blinds, Remis concertina blinds, I hang a thick curtain around the inside of the cab, and the cab-glass is treated with Rain-X. But there's usually sufficient condensation on the inside of the cab-glass each morning to require wiping off before driving.

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Interesting thought Derek - Rain-X on the inside of the glass windows - that one never occured to me?


On balance does it work as we too never bother with all the faff of fitting and storing often wet thermal blinds and condensation does take a bit of shifting to clear it all on a cold morning?

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Our Hymer has Remis concertina blinds fitted and they are all we need most of the time, but we also have:-


Exterior insulation which we had to make ourselves and we made out of house roof insulation. This has about double the insulation of any motohome product but isn't as pretty. Under a foot of snow we don't much care!


Interior insulation which we can trap between the Remis blinds and the windscreen. The point of this is that it can be removed without venturing outside if, for example we were to feel threatened on an Aire.


Interior pads for the roof vents.


All these things take up quite a bit of space but as we have a huge 'garage' in the van, they hang from the garage roof.



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Our van has Remis blinds, don't use any external blinds when wild camping. Otherwise in the summer we use and external sola blind means we can draw the Remis binds back in the morning and see out & others can't see in. Use external blinds in the winter only takes a a couple of minutes to fit and you get no condensation on the screen also fit them when not using the van.


Can have great fun with Sola blinds a couple of weeks ago I drove around an Aire to the service point with the Sola Blinds on, saw some very worried French men.





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