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Fiat Duacato side lights


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If I remember correctly I read a post on here a few months ago saying that on some MH's (Fiat?) to leave the sidelights on without the ignition that you have to push the ignition key in and turn it backwards a further notch past 0 to remove it AND leave the lights on.

Does this make sense, I hope so!


Maybe someone else can confirm or refute this?



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Yup it is common sense to read the manual, but I missed the appropriate bit apparently, my mistake.


Oh hang on, isn't this a forum and like most forums contains information 80% of which can be found in some manual or other.



I'm grateful to you, Brian, for your informed but unnecessary answer to my question. Fortunately the answer had already been provided by two helpful members.


Perhaps for newbie's such as myself there could be a 'don't ask dumb questions' sticky :D

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Well, it may prove more useful than you have so far thought it, so it seemed worth pointing out its existence.  After all, there is a wealth of information, and some quite important dos and donts, in the manual.  Tyre sizes and pressures, weight limits, oil types, locations of batteries, spare wheels, information about trip recorder settings, warning lights, etc, etc. 

Always worth a read, and far more likely to be relevant to the model you actually have, than someone's well intentioned advice based on a similar, but in fact different, model.  I'm a great believer in RTM.  Even RTFM!  :-D

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No s**t does it really tell me all that. 8-)


Perhaps if you had read my post as fastidiously as you do a manual, you would't have missed. ".....I missed the appropriate bit apparently,....." and the bit where I had conceded "my mistake."


I have read many of your posts in other threads with interest and admiration at the depth of your knowledge. Your input into my "rear seat belts question" was very welcome, particularly your suggestion to me about using a weigh bridge was valuable info. that I am acting on this Tuesday. I have thanked everyone for their input to my, very few, posts because I am genuinely grateful for the advice.


However, your post and particularly the last is patronising and smug.


If this attitude is indicative of 'motorhoming folk', it's not going to be as much fun as I had hoped.

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Hello Heyloft.  I seem to have annoyed you, which was not my intention at all, so I am sorry for that.

No, I did not miss your comment regarding having missed the relevant bit of the manual, but neither did I miss the following sarcasm.  It was the latter, which I thought a bit uncalled for, to which I felt provoked to respond, perhaps unwisely, in kind.  So, you have now retaliated.

I'm glad you have found some of my other posts useful, which is what I try to be.  People ask questions which, if I think I can, I'm happy to answer.  Generally, I have no idea how much they already know, so I try to answer fully.  Clearly my comment about the manual irritated you, I guess because you had missed the relevant bit.  My intention was to draw to your attention that it is there.  In retrospect, my comment was rather too brief and probably, under the circumstances, appeared unhelpful, which is not what was intended.

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Brian thank you for your response.


I'm quite happy to take the rap for causing this thread to lose its way. You took umbridge at my sarcasm and I apologise but consider, just consider, that your "manuals" post may have been interpreted as sarcasm, particularly as your post was over an hour after I had posted my thanks for a correct answer.


Most forums claim to be friendly and helpful. Most are not, they are clicky clubs of the self elected elite. Everything I had read until yesterday indicates that this forum is the opposite and is indeed friendly and helpful with some healthy ribbing and banter. I hope this is the case.


Not annoyed at all Brian. But, I am terribly bored with this now as I suspect you are.



Time to post another question.....bloody heating thermostat. Get ready with your answer. :D

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I know about it now :$



And I've found it in the manual under ignition settings. I completely missed it OR it simply didn't register.


On reflection it is extremely useful not having the ability to accidentally leave the side/park lights on. Bad enough on a normal car, but with all the extra external lighting it would be an inconvenient mistake to make.


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Heyloft - 2010-11-08 1:10 PM Brian thank you for your response. ...............

You're welcome.  Yes, I can see how you may have read that as sarcastic, in view of the timing.  Apart from drawing your attention to its existance in the manual, I was rather hoping some kind soul with a Ducato manual might post up the page reference - hence "anyone".  Just an example, I'm afraid, of how knowing what one meant at the time, doesn't always guarantee it will be read in the same vein!  No harm done, I hope.  :-)

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