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Drive Away Awning


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I've got a Movelite XL driveaway awning which is a good size for us (2 adults , 1 child and 1 dog , to leave stuff like bikes in there or have a couple of chairs and a table set up.


My only gripe is that its not as water tight as I'd like, there are a couple of drips from the odd seam area of the roof section , but that said I haven't yet sealed it properly which you are supposed to do anyway.


As for easy of use , I have to put up / take down by myself so in windy conditions it can be 'entertaining' but generally takes me about 30-40 minutes to put up and peg out without really rushing.


One thing I did find last time out was that you do need the yellow storm straps when there's any kind of gusty or high winds as the frame will bend alot but the straps do help keep its shape.


It packs away really well , to about the size of a crisp box maybe a little smaller , and is fairly lightweight.


You will need the driveaway kit as well so you can , ahem! , drive away!!



got a good deal earlier this year from Riversway online , they seem to have regular sales so worth checking out their website


sorry forgot to add - you do need to check the height of your MH as this does have a bearing on what awnings would be suitable.

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Very pleased with the Movelite XL only problem has been the top section that can be unclipped on one side for extra ventilation.


It is very hard to tension it well and the Spanish sun and evening breeze has done for the material along the edge where it vibrates. It's only held on with 4 tapes and could be replaced easily but Movelite won't supply replacements.


Eventually I will find a local repair shop for it but otherwise it's been very good for us, no other damage despite hard use. :-)


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we have a riviera mobil 300, hates wind of any description even with storm straps on. Blew down in spain, spent many windy nights awake just in case. now have a highlander square shaped more robust slightly heavier one but not used it yet!


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Hi Eddie and Sue,


As newbies to MH'ing are you sure you need an awning?

We had folding campers for many years before buying our MH and are now so relieved to be rid of an awning!

All I'm saying is make sure you DO need one before parting with your hard earned cash. Just think of the hassle every time you go on or off site if you have to line up the awning and get it connected properly.


Like most things MH related there is no right or wrong, just matters of personal preference, so I am not knocking those that use awnings, just asking if you have thought about it enough to be sure you need one.



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We have a 'Harrison Hi Top Deluxe'.....It has metal poles and is similar to the old frame tent concept.


Very robust in bad weather if erected correctly and is waterproof!!


Downside is that it is heavy by 'modern' standards and quite a lump to carry.

I can put it up by myself in about 30/40 mins, but would need assistance in very windy weather !!

We only use it if we are staying on one site for more than a week.

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Guest pelmetman

We have a Maestro HT, which is the old fashion type ie Heavy (lol)

Cost less than £300


Our reason for choosing it is because, we only use it when we intend to stay on one site for a week or more.


Regarding attachment we dont bother with the figure of 8 attachment thingy, and just chuck some guys over the roof which we peg down or tie to the trailor.

As we use that to carry it along with all the other stuff we carry when staying on one site for a week or more as we are usualy with tugger friends :D


We also have a gazebo which is large enough for 4 to spread out and it keeps out the mozzies, ideal for the summer (lol) It was less than forty quid from Argos 8-)


This year we used both, and found that by putting the awning/gazebo up away from the camper and winding out the fiamma to meet it along with a couple of windbreaks made an ideal dog garden B-)


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Hi. Just joined this forum and awating delivery of our new Burstner Nexxo (although already hardened campers as we have and will be keeping our beloved VW Type 2).


We are planning on using our Khyam Sleeper with both vehicles. They are very quick to erect (less than 20 mins), well designed and made. Various layouts are available but having a dog we just feel the extra space will be necessary as most of our motorhome camping will be either side of the summer!)

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