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Jan 2011 MMM


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You are far from alone, Clive.

Other packages have arrived by post, within a few days of posting, but something is adrift at MMM distribution department.

Last month,s copy arrived on 12th November ( usually around 20th) and I thought that January isue would also arrive early to avoid Christmas mail problems.

I have been a subscriber for well over 10 years, but consistency of delivery has been the worst ever this year


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FRANKP60 - 2010-12-23 2:55 PM


Asked postman here in Uckfield what was happening to magazines ,told they where being held till after Christmas when other post was all delivered .Is it legal to hold back mail in this way!!!!!!


Still not delivered in Pembrokeshire !


I don't know but it's going to cost Warners a packet when we all start cancelling our subscriptions, I wouldn't mind if the local Supermarkets hadn't got theirs 2 weeks ago !! If they can be delivered to them they can be delivered to US.NOT a happy subscriber ! >:-( >:-(

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Now an 'EX' subscriber, My new years resolution: Not to 'Put up with' bad service, when I am paying.

Warners need to sack their Distributor.


I'll 'read it' at Smiths instead. ( no, I'll take my chances at the Supermarket as they seem to get priority, you only find these things out when things get 'Difficult'). Ray :D

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See if I care. I'll read mine when it arrives and still enjoy it every bit as much. The main reason we subscribe is the cost saving involved. We also subscribe to the telegraph for the same reason, even if I do have to stay up late some nights to read it! In view of the weather and postal situation it seems a little unfair to go on bashing MMM when it is all beyond their control. We have not had any previous problems with MMM deliveries but two Caravan Club magazines have gone missing and needed to be replaced this year so clearly all is not well with the post when it comes to printed matter.
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The main reason I subscribed was to make sure that i received it each & every month, didn't have to 'remember' to pick it up from the supermarket, AND to get the adverts early, to pick up bargains before others. The cost came a long way down the list ( I saved 5 times the annual subscription buying a pair of Cab seats, in the 'bits for sale' section). But I'm not 'knocking Warners' they produce a great magazine, It's their Distributor that is rubbish. Ray
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  • 3 months later...

I still haven't received my January copy and am wondering if anyone who did and doesn't keep back numbers long would care to chuck it my way. I will obviously pay the cost of the postage and make a donation to a charity of their choice.


Many thanks.



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Grahamlw1946 - 2011-04-08 9:25 PM


I still haven't received my January copy and am wondering if anyone who did and doesn't keep back numbers long would care to chuck it my way. I will obviously pay the cost of the postage and make a donation to a charity of their choice.


Many thanks.




If you still would like a copy pm me with your details and I will send one.

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