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New campingvans are to big

Alf Stonehouse

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:-D For some time camping cars have kept a very large distance from each other & mine :-S


Since i returned to the Corezze dept 19 (in France) my first stop in Sadroc found four other campers arrive we were rather forced to be close


When i moved i found another British camper a mercadies benz "Rapido"i thought it was fun that we had almost the same registration number the difference their "letter" was to the left and my "letter"indicating the year, to the right *-)


As i looked at the "Rapido" and then to mine i thought they were about the same size *-)


Next morning we both left,i returned about 16.00 & the Rapido just after,to my amazment the rapido parked just in front of meless than 10 feet away 8-)


Later i got out & was amazed just how big the Rapido is it was like a tower block beside me 8-) *-) Later as i moved on other campers parke very close to me *-) several have said "hello" & "goodbye" 8-) 8-) Perhaps its the season? :-) *-)


Ive revisited other stops including the station platform which is quite busy a modern camper would be so out of place and in several places simply to high to get under the trees *-) i expect


My camper isnt "that"much smaller compared to new 6 meter long campers but mine isnt "ice white" with patterns drawn on it & so "looks"far smaller blending in with parked cars


:-S Most new campers are longer than 6 meters (20 feet) while 6 to a maximum of 7meters is the limit of most parking places ;-) many of which offer good stops in the center of busy towns or very smal quite villages


In the region around Montpellier dept 34 ive driven through villages with streets so narrow ive feared for my wing mirrors & pedestrians

8-) While the "main road" goes anywhere off it would be impossible for a van longer than 6 meters and then not easy :-S


Same goes in Dept 66 on the Spanish boarder there are super places to stay but impossible to get to with anything larger than a delivery van 8-) or ancient camper :-D


On the coast ive seen campers larger than a city bus one had sides that came out when parked to make it even wider


In summer i wonder if ill have to use all the very hard to get to places ive found as all the listed places will be full with huge campers needing four place each (?)

I wondered to if the newer places listed for campers & old ones changed (Tournon sur Rhone)are all vast open spaces just to be able to take the new campers?In Tournon even my ancient camper was told to move from beneath the plain trees on the central parking :-(

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Guest JudgeMental
why do you have to start a new thread everytime you add something about your trip? just add on to an existing thread? and it will rise to the top? then it would read like a blog and make more sense.......
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Thats easy :-S

In France its very hard to find internet connections most library's & often cafès limit the connection time to between 30 mins & one hour which is mostly 20 to 50 mins in on-line time and i have to post on-line when using their PC or rarely can plug in my portable firefox :-)


Take today,i came in checked my email then looked at this forum i would desperately like to list all the aires on my e-book reader but i cant update the list :-( I posted a few weeks ago with no replies and now cant find the post at all ;-)


Same goes for motorhome matters i cant find my posts even this post i had to look hard for when rushing i miss things :-(


From this after noon i will only have a wi-fi connection when i return to Cahors on route to Bazes & then only a short time


This laptop uses to much power even though its the smallest IBM/Locanova they make my asus which is far better is Linux & absolutely unable to use wi-fi.The only place i can connect with it is hear *-) Thus i cant prepare my posts


All a question of time connection & sun


Yesterday & this morning rain & grey now clear blue sky & sun which is not posting weather :'(


If i see one of my posts ill add to it but i doubt i will they mostly sink into oblivion :-(

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My last post for now,im off to do some washing


From your post your so upset that ive posted on this forum at all you would rather anything were lost where you wouldn't see it


Im sorry but either ill continue as i have or wont come hear at all.


Given the weather & soon beach to be, the quest to find an internet connection soon looses its appeal


I can & do retreat to sms only & email check when my phone finds an open wi-fi such as found in Cahors where ill be soon as i continue my travels about France


I would never have thought motor homing could be such a pleasure & adventure

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Nice to know you are enjoying it Alf - one post? 7 posts? Still nice to know what you are up to - this is how we learned a lot when we started. Originally, for the first few years, too "scared" to post - but hey!


Eddie is lucky my husband stops me posting all my ramblings every time we go away... ;-) Keep enjoying your trip - if we don't want to read what you've written we're not forced to click and open. *-)

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Alf Stonehouse - 2011-02-16 10:54 AM


:-D For some time camping cars have kept a very large distance from each other & mine :-S


Since i returned to the Corezze dept 19 (in France) my first stop in Sadroc found four other campers arrive we were rather forced to be close


When i moved i found another British camper a mercadies benz "Rapido"i thought it was fun that we had almost the same registration number the difference their "letter" was to the left and my "letter"indicating the year, to the right *-)


As i looked at the "Rapido" and then to mine i thought they were about the same size *-)


Next morning we both left,i returned about 16.00 & the Rapido just after,to my amazment the rapido parked just in front of meless than 10 feet away 8-)


Later i got out & was amazed just how big the Rapido is it was like a tower block beside me 8-) *-) Later as i moved on other campers parke very close to me *-) several have said "hello" & "goodbye" 8-) 8-) Perhaps its the season? :-) *-)


Ive revisited other stops including the station platform which is quite busy a modern camper would be so out of place and in several places simply to high to get under the trees *-) i expect


My camper isnt "that"much smaller compared to new 6 meter long campers but mine isnt "ice white" with patterns drawn on it & so "looks"far smaller blending in with parked cars


:-S Most new campers are longer than 6 meters (20 feet) while 6 to a maximum of 7meters is the limit of most parking places ;-) many of which offer good stops in the center of busy towns or very smal quite villages


In the region around Montpellier dept 34 ive driven through villages with streets so narrow ive feared for my wing mirrors & pedestrians

8-) While the "main road" goes anywhere off it would be impossible for a van longer than 6 meters and then not easy :-S


Same goes in Dept 66 on the Spanish boarder there are super places to stay but impossible to get to with anything larger than a delivery van 8-) or ancient camper :-D


On the coast ive seen campers larger than a city bus one had sides that came out when parked to make it even wider


In summer i wonder if ill have to use all the very hard to get to places ive found as all the listed places will be full with huge campers needing four place each (?)

I wondered to if the newer places listed for campers & old ones changed (Tournon sur Rhone)are all vast open spaces just to be able to take the new campers?In Tournon even my ancient camper was told to move from beneath the plain trees on the central parking :-(


Just a small point Alf but I would find your posting easier to read If we could have I in upper case and lay off the use of Emotions scattered throughout the text. I found it very hard going and disjointed. No offence intended just telling you how I found it.

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Is it me or is our esteemed Alf Stonehouse a professional moaner..Most of his posts he's moaned about something or other...Wi-Fi/Internet connections...Size of vans!! Taps on the Bournes..just seems all the threads he does he moans...Give it a rest mate and enjoy the lifestyle !!!
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Alf is new to all of this, out in the 'world' on his own, so I for one am quite happy for him to post in any way he want to, especially since he's having problems with internet etc (I know all about that at home, never mind when away!).


He doesn't 'moan' as such, he observes and gives his views, some of which are quite hilarious and it's quite entertaining to read.


If Alf feels happy keeping in touch in this way then why not? I certainly would not wish to discourage him.


Keep posting Alf! :->

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Alf - other than a roma home everything is much bigger than us, for a laugh camp sites some times put us in the middle of big motorhomes, it's like being in a bungalow among sky scrapers - we have a lovely T5 California which suits us to the ground, we love it. Before buying we tried both, the large and the small and chose the small, suited our needs, however I can see how a much bigger camper would be great if you are spending weeks on end touring about (lucky people).



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Mel B - 2011-02-17 4:32 PM


Alf is new to all of this, out in the 'world' on his own, so I for one am quite happy for him to post in any way he want to, especially since he's having problems with internet etc (I know all about that at home, never mind when away!).


He doesn't 'moan' as such, he observes and gives his views, some of which are quite hilarious and it's quite entertaining to read.


If Alf feels happy keeping in touch in this way then why not? I certainly would not wish to discourage him.


Keep posting Alf! :->




yup :D :D

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Mel B - 2011-02-17 4:32 PM


Alf is new to all of this, out in the 'world' on his own, so I for one am quite happy for him to post in any way he want to, especially since he's having problems with internet etc (I know all about that at home, never mind when away!).


He doesn't 'moan' as such, he observes and gives his views, some of which are quite hilarious and it's quite entertaining to read.


If Alf feels happy keeping in touch in this way then why not? I certainly would not wish to discourage him.


Keep posting Alf! :->


Totally agree. I enjoy your posts Alf!



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Mel B - 2011-02-17 4:32 PM


Alf is new to all of this, out in the 'world' on his own, so I for one am quite happy for him to post in any way he want to, especially since he's having problems with internet etc (I know all about that at home, never mind when away!).


He doesn't 'moan' as such, he observes and gives his views, some of which are quite hilarious and it's quite entertaining to read.


If Alf feels happy keeping in touch in this way then why not? I certainly would not wish to discourage him.






Keep posting Alf! :->






ere ere :-) keep posting Alf :-)

i quite enjoy trying to decipher your messages (lol)


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pelmetman - 2011-02-17 7:55 PM


I want to know if he's drunk the 100 litres of wine in his water tank yet 8-)


me too :-D

and what type of van he has *-)

i reckon he just drained it...or washed in it...or give it to the dogs, so they would poo in their owners vans instead of the ground (lol)


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I'm wondering if Alf is the guy I met in Saumur last September, travelling around in his home converted LDV that he was proud to tell us that he paid £400 for, and seemed as happy as Larry. I for one are jealous, he's out there living the dream, I'm stuck here waiting for the missus to pronounce the temperature has gone up enough for us to venture forth. All power to your elbow Alf, and many thanks for your PM. :-)
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Alf is a true down to earth motorcaravaner, who tells it as he sees it, I feel that some of his critics are just frusrated stay at homes who have lost the sense of adventure.


Keep it coming Alf, you have a large grateful audience. (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
as per usual I have been taken wrong...I have no objection to Alfs postings, it was just a suggestion that the style and content would read better and make more sense as an updated BLOG? That would normally then rise to the top to be read again when he updated us on his trip...rather then lots of disjointed postings all over the place..............that is all *-)
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