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New campingvans are to big

Alf Stonehouse

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If that is important to him, yes he would.  They represent the number of posts made, not the number of strings started.

I'm with judgemental on this, one long string please, rather than lots spattered all over the forum.

I'd even suggest that the string truly belongs in chatterbox, as most posts are only marginally about motorhoming, being more his observations of humanity while travelling around.

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Alf, first off PUBLISH AS MANY THREADS AS YOU WANT ITS A FREE TO USE FORUM,  I for one will follow your tour and enjoy your look at life as you tour,  Don't forget to  name what you think are the better Aires you come across,  also would you let us know what your Make of Motorhome is gives us a better idea of how you are situated and if ours would fit where you go, Keep safe keep writing,  Corky.
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i agree with you objecters 8-) one long post...but come on dont diss him :'( i quite admire him doing it all on his own.. me thinks you retired folk are getting stir crazy :-D long winter...hes in france..you lot chomping at the bit for spring :-D come on now admit it :-D




ps and every nite i come in from work 6pm...yes 12hr days!!!!!!!!!!

i will bump the thread so when alf logs on he will see it and continue :-D

so there..you dont have to read it...unless youve scared him off >:-(

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