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Mirror Guard


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On another forum a poster said he bought a set of mirror covers for the X250 at a show.

later he gave a tel number and posted pictures of the item,this was a set of covers in white which on a white van to me looks very nice.

The other forum has now closed the tread.

Has any one here any more info on these items?

I know a lot of people here have asked about alternatives to replace the expensive X250 mirrors the said item would cover up damaged mirrors.

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urbanracer - 2011-03-14 3:30 PM On another forum a poster said he bought a set of mirror covers for the X250 at a show. later he gave a tel number and posted pictures of the item,this was a set of covers in white which on a white van to me looks very nice. The other forum has now closed the tread. Has any one here any more info on these items? I know a lot of people here have asked about alternatives to replace the expensive X250 mirrors the said item would cover up damaged mirrors.

I also saw the thread and the poster said they were purchased at the Malvern Show and on the mirror guard there was a phone No 07971654936.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the mirrorguard protects the mirror caseing from impact damage, It covers the complete mirror head on a x250 cab.

There is a 10 mm space between the original mirror and the guard which has shock absorbing pads placed between.

The mirrorguard itself is made of a very tough ABS plastic that stops the original expensive mirror getting damaged.

They come in white, black, or silver. White is the most popular as it matches the paint on white cabs also they can be seen by the oncomeing white van man (lol) .

Hope that helps


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Just so I understand.........that's 100 quid for 2 plastic covers for the front faces of your door mirrors?


100 quid?


That's almost 50 pounds per little plastic cover.



I'm clearly stupid.


Can someone with the knowledge please enlighten me as to why anyone would feel driven to buy 2 plastic plastic covers for their van door mirror bodies..........for one hundred pounds?











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Can someone with the knowledge please enlighten me as to why anyone would feel driven to buy 2 plastic plastic covers for their van door mirror bodies..........for one hundred pounds?





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chas - 2011-04-03 8:14 AM


Can someone with the knowledge please enlighten me as to why anyone would feel driven to buy 2 plastic plastic covers for their van door mirror bodies..........for one hundred pounds?



A French white van man smashed my 2004 Fiat Ducato side mirror. All that was broken was the outer plastic casing. Cost me £210 to replace the whole mirror - and that was three years ago!! I consider £50 per cover a very good investment!!


Looking at the website it appears that they do not do covers for earlier ducato models.



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Guest JudgeMental
can some one post a link to web site as I cant find it *-) might get a silver pair for new van...........
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Guest Tracker

Does anyone have experience of these covers actaully saving their mirror following hard impact - and have they been crash tested to substantiate the claims being made.


If you like the cosmetic effect of white or silver mirrors you can get primer and paint that will adhere to plastic and they will look just as good?

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Guest JudgeMental
well they look pretty substantial to me and made of ABS so SHOULD protect original mirrors? particularly if there is a space and suspension spacers as claimed.....
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Tracker - 2011-04-03 1:22 PM


Does anyone have experience of these covers actaully saving their mirror following hard impact - and have they been crash tested to substantiate the claims being made.


If you like the cosmetic effect of white or silver mirrors you can get primer and paint that will adhere to plastic and they will look just as good?


As I said earlier there is no way judgement should be passed until people have actually seen them. I have and they are substantial. Why knock a product when you haven't even seen it? Someone is trying to make a living here and, while its every person's right to criticise, it is totally illogical

why they should do so if they have no idea what they are talking about.

How do you know painting your own mirrors will look just as good? Somehow I doubt it.

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Maybe when Kartracer is selling these at the next show he will let you hit one fitted to a van of his with a hammer to prove they do protect the mirror in fact it would be a good demo to get a fiat x250 door and mirror on the stand with one fitted and bash it with a hammer now that would sell a few
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Guest Tracker
Mike88 - 2011-04-03 2:22 PM

As I said earlier there is no way judgement should be passed until people have actually seen them. I have and they are substantial. Why knock a product when you haven't even seen it? Someone is trying to make a living here and, while its every person's right to criticise, it is totally illogical

why they should do so if they have no idea what they are talking about.

How do you know painting your own mirrors will look just as good? Somehow I doubt it.


Please read my post properly before you have a go Mike.


I did not criticise the product and precisely because I do not know anything about it I asked what I thought was a polite and resaonable question about whether there is any evidence that it does what it says on the website?


And yes I have successfully painted mirrors on a van, at the same time as spraying a black bumper, and jolly good it all looked too!


A little more courtessy would be appreciated before you dive in all guns blazing if you don't mind.

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Tracker - 2011-04-03 1:22 PM


If you like the cosmetic effect of white or silver mirrors you can get primer and paint that will adhere to plastic and they will look just as good?


Tracker. I think you should read your comments again. You have not seen the product but you think painting mirrors yourself will look just as good. How would you know when you haven't seen the mirrors? That was my point.



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Guest Tracker

You answered half of my comments to you Mike but chose to ignore the the other half?


I have seen a picture of the mirror covers on the website and whilst it shows me what they look like it does not establish whether they work at protecting the mirror against violent impact?


So having seen a picture I still consider that properly painted mirrors look just as good - if not better and certainly less bulky - but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


I wonder if they increase or decrease the wind noise from the mirrors at speed?


I am not knocking them as if they work they are a great idea - but I do think I am entitled to ask without being got at?


Have you got them?


Do they protect the mirror?


Do they look pretty?


Do they have any affect on the wind noise?

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Tracker, I answered the second half of your question only because the first half was so ridiculous that I felt an answer was not required. Do you honestly believe that anything could survive being hit by a passing truck? These are cheap products in the overall scale of things and common sense suggests that they will offer some protection but not survive impact from a heavy lorry.


This is what you wrote on another thread at 1.09pm:


"Apart from that I don't see how a cover on a mirror will prevent the mirror and its mechanism from being smashed by the impact of a passing truck - just something else to replace surely and the lack of any pricing on the website makes me think they ain't gonna be cheap?"


After that at 1.22pm on this thread you ask if they have been crash tested and go on to say you could do just as good a job by painting the mirrors yourself. If that's the case why are you bothered if they are crash tested or not? Surely people will buy them if they look nice and will offer some protection in the same way that they will buy headlamp protectors. In fact compared to the high price being charged for headlamp protectors these mirror guards are an absolute bargain as they are very substantial. I do not own them nor will I but that is not the point.


I'm sorry but the whole purpose of your posts seemed to me to be of a potentially malicious nature by casting aspersions on a product you clearly have no absolutely intention of purchasing.


It just irritates when people try and scupper somebody's initiative when they have absolutely no interest in the outcome. I wish I wouldn't have intervened now but there you go and that's my last word on the matter. You are welcome to respond but I shall not.

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Good post Mike.

We were talking about mirror protectors not painting mirror backs.

looks a good idea when the price of a new mirror complete might be £300,no one is forcing anyone one to buy and it a product if it works is needed. It might be a cover up for a broken mirror,but I do agree we need more info,prices can the item be removed without cosmetic damage to mirror so transferred to another van and more info on the website and a proper contact tel number.

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Guest JudgeMental

Well said Mike! a white van hit my new fiesta's mirror a week ago and sent it flying, luckily it was just the case and was retrieved with just a few scratches and clipped back on...I would dread to think how much it cost!


anyway i thought we where supposed to be supporting NEW start up businesses? as they supposed to be the saviours of us all? *-)


the more tracker goes on the more I am convinced I need to buy a pair! :D

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