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Civil unrest


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Some weeks ago I sent in a post asking could it be possible that riots break out in Britain on the same scale as the middle east.

I think it can and it has already started, coalition cuts are all well and good but they are now beginning to hurt and people are angry.

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Some are angry Malcolm


Others just say that the cuts are required and that EVERYONE needs to make sacrifices. The private sector has been suffering for years whilst the public sector took more and more.


I think there would be more anger on the streets if the public sector WAS NOT cut back!


The demonstrations yesterday showed the arrogance and anger of people who are having reality thrust upon them and they do not like it.


The violence was from those who are anti everything and like football hooligans having nothing to do with football, they had nothing to do with the demonstration.


People should be allowed to demonstrate. Even if others do not support their views. Those that introduced violence have trashed most of the support for the main event.




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Although it is costing me more on a day to day basis I can get by but what about the people who can't? They are suffering and angry and it is going to explode good style at some time in the near future.

The financial situation we are in was not brought about by the ordinary Joe but they are paying for it, totally wrong in my opinion, apportion the blame in the right quarters and make them pay for it.

Banks, utility companies and local councils are squeezing the public until the pips squeak, even the welfare benefit people are screwing the unemployed, if you have to phone the benefit people about your claim you have to go through a premium rate number >:-)

There is going to be a very very angry lost generation of youngsters in the future.

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Guest pelmetman
knight of the road - 2011-03-27 10:06 AM

if you have to phone the benefit people about your claim you have to go through a premium rate number >:-)


Eh? 8-) ...........My ghast is flabberd 8-)

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Guest JudgeMental
"everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.
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JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM


"everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.


So would ending immigration and the open door policy of Tony and his crew that has cost us billions

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Guest Tracker

If one's political persuasions are so inclined it is easy to blame the banks and corporate tax avoidance for the national debt debacle but if that is one's belief then perhaps one should offer to start a queue in order to pay more in taxation to fund the services that we cannot afford under current taxation levels?


I have a feeling that it would be a very short queue!


Everybody has a solution but nobody wants to pay for it?

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Tracker - 2011-03-27 1:53 PM


If one's political persuasions are so inclined it is easy to blame the banks and corporate tax avoidance for the national debt debacle but if that is one's belief then perhaps one should offer to start a queue in order to pay more in taxation to fund the services that we cannot afford under current taxation levels?


I have a feeling that it would be a very short queue!


Everybody has a solution but nobody wants to pay for it?



So in your opinion who should pay for this national debt debacle? You say if ones political pursuasions are so inclined it is easy to blame the banks blah blah, basically you are having a go at Labour voters are you not?

It wasn't the labour voters who got us into this s*** it was Blair and Browns government that got us into it, Labour voters are not as stupid as you seem to think, they have to manage their money just as much as any ordinary Tory voter does

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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2011-03-27 10:14 AM


knight of the road - 2011-03-27 10:06 AM

if you have to phone the benefit people about your claim you have to go through a premium rate number >:-)


Eh? 8-) ...........My ghast is flabberd 8-)


Yes really. An 0845 number. The government quotes the standard BT tariff for home phones which is not so bad. But people who cannot afford a phone are obliged to use coin boxes. The tariff for these is hidden away, as BT only advertise their best rates. You have to go on BT website and search for it. I worked it out that the cost per minute for an 0845 number was 30 (yes thirty) times as much as a normal number from a BT coinbox. And a call to the benefits agency is hardly likely to be brief!!! That was before the minimum charge went up 50% from 40p to 60p late last year. Even thats a lot if you have no income. But people like that are apparently easily ignored.


You have to remember that, thanks to the conditions of the rushed Tory Privatization, the taxpayer remains liable to pay BT pensioners if BT goes bust. Not just those pensions due before the privatization, but apparently indefinitely. Currently the BT pension liability is around £100 billion and rising. In order to avoid the political embarrassment of that, the Government turns a blind eye to BT's monopolies and profiteering whenever it can.

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antony1969 - 2011-03-27 1:25 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM


"everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.


So would ending immigration and the open door policy of Tony and his crew that has cost us billions


I agree whole heartedly Antony. The country has been bled dry.


Multiculturalism? Shove it.


My home town hasn't had much to shout about for many moons, but now?


It's just bloody awful, a sea of claimants from overseas have swamped us and added nothing.



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LordThornber - 2011-03-27 8:01 PM


antony1969 - 2011-03-27 1:25 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM


"everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.


So would ending immigration and the open door policy of Tony and his crew that has cost us billions


I agree whole heartedly Antony. The country has been bled dry.


Multiculturalism? Shove it.


My home town hasn't had much to shout about for many moons, but now?


It's just bloody awful, a sea of claimants from overseas have swamped us and added nothing.


Well said Martyn , They have added nothing and we had no say in Labours big multicultural experiment . All they created was a divided and skint society

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JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM "everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.

With you on this one.

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Guest JudgeMental
Corky 8 - 2011-03-27 8:19 PM
JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM "everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.

With you on this one.

Thanks Corky cheque on the way:-D......and as for immigration? who are you going to do the work and pay some taxes I wonder, if not immigrants? While the indigenous people, being bone idle would rather sit around on benefits. And as for our governments of millionaires doing anything about the tax evasion situation in this country...... it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas...not a chance!
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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 8:30 PM
Corky 8 - 2011-03-27 8:19 PM
JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM "everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.

With you on this one.

Thanks Corky cheque on the way:-D......and as for immigration? who are you going to do the work and pay some taxes I wonder, if not immigrants? While the indigenous people, being bone idle would rather sit around on benefits. And as for our governments of millionaires doing anything about the tax evasion situation in this country...... it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas...not a chance!
We all know who caused the numerous problems Judge...............but do you know a political party who can sort it out (?) :D .............
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JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 8:30 PM

and as for immigration? who are you going to do the work and pay some taxes I wonder, if not immigrants? While the indigenous people, being bone idle would rather sit around on benefits.


Eddie, you think that they're working? Well I'll only call on my own experiences and tell you that our Town Centre is stuffed with non Brits, hanging around, smoking, looking decidedly shady.


As or taking work, (National min wage stuff), well they woudn't be paying any tax.



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JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 8:30 PM
Corky 8 - 2011-03-27 8:19 PM
JudgeMental - 2011-03-27 11:27 AM "everyone needs to make sacrifices" Indeed......if this was only true! The banks, and the tax avoidance schemes alone allowed to operate in this country would clear up the deficit in one swoop. Instead we attack the poor, the old, the children, rather then the likes of Philip Green.

With you on this one.

Thanks Corky cheque on the way:-D......and as for immigration? who are you going to do the work and pay some taxes I wonder, if not immigrants? While the indigenous people, being bone idle would rather sit around on benefits. And as for our governments of millionaires doing anything about the tax evasion situation in this country...... it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas...not a chance!
Thought you might be in favour of immigration Judge , You cant get ladyboys like those in ya picture from these parts can ya , whatever turns ya on
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Guest peter
Peter James - 2011-03-27 5:00 PM


pelmetman - 2011-03-27 10:14 AM


knight of the road - 2011-03-27 10:06 AM

if you have to phone the benefit people about your claim you have to go through a premium rate number >:-)


Eh? 8-) ...........My ghast is flabberd 8-)


Yes really. An 0845 number. The government quotes the standard BT tariff for home phones which is not so bad. But people who cannot afford a phone are obliged to use coin boxes. The tariff for these is hidden away, as BT only advertise their best rates. You have to go on BT website and search for it. I worked it out that the cost per minute for an 0845 number was 30 (yes thirty) times as much as a normal number from a BT coinbox. And a call to the benefits agency is hardly likely to be brief!!! That was before the minimum charge went up 50% from 40p to 60p late last year. Even thats a lot if you have no income. But people like that are apparently easily ignored.


You have to remember that, thanks to the conditions of the rushed Tory Privatization, the taxpayer remains liable to pay BT pensioners if BT goes bust. Not just those pensions due before the privatization, but apparently indefinitely. Currently the BT pension liability is around £100 billion and rising. In order to avoid the political embarrassment of that, the Government turns a blind eye to BT's monopolies and profiteering whenever it can.

Unless I'm wrong 0845 is a local call rate number.
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Guest peter


Thought you might be in favour of immigration Judge , You cant get ladyboys like those in ya picture from these parts can ya , whatever turns ya on

Whaat! I didn't know the judge was a turd ferret. Mind you I wouldn't be surprised, I mean, walking around in a long curly wig and wearing silver buckled shoes and a long robe. Not to mention a public school education, with all that spanking and fagging. :D (lol)
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Guest Peter James
peter - 2011-03-27 9:33 PM

Unless I'm wrong 0845 is a local call rate number.

It might be from your phone. But we are talking about poor people trying to claim benefits - BT coinbox.

I rang an 0845 number from one. It said UK calls 20 minutes for 40p (that was the minimum charge before the recent 50% increase). I put in my 40p which lasted less than a minute! 'The BT call box price list is as clear as mud – the usual obfuscation on the part of BT.' http://www.saynoto0870.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?num=1108328278

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Guest Tracker
knight of the road - 2011-03-27 4:44 PM

So in your opinion who should pay for this national debt debacle? You say if ones political pursuasions are so inclined it is easy to blame the banks blah blah, basically you are having a go at Labour voters are you not?

It wasn't the labour voters who got us into this s*** it was Blair and Browns government that got us into it, Labour voters are not as stupid as you seem to think, they have to manage their money just as much as any ordinary Tory voter does


Who pays Malcolm - give you three guesses - the same folk who always pay - who else but the taxpayer of course because there is nobody else to pay.


Sorry if you felt I was blaming the voters - I wasn't - but I was blaming in absolute terms the politicians that we all chose to elect and then chose to re-elect.


We shall of course never know but I am inclined to the thought that whilst the route to balance the books might have been slightly different if Grasping Gordon had got back into no 10, the Nation's international credibility might have taken a pasting with less immediate cuts which would have impacted on government decisons as it has with other mismanaged economies?


At the end of the day if you borrow money you have to repay it or go on paying interest until that alone breaks the national purse - and then see what the cuts would have been?

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Peter James - 2011-03-27 9:59 PM


peter - 2011-03-27 9:33 PM

Unless I'm wrong 0845 is a local call rate number.

It might be from your phone. But we are talking about poor people trying to claim benefits - BT coinbox.

I rang an 0845 number from one. It said UK calls 20 minutes for 40p (that was the minimum charge before the recent 50% increase). I put in my 40p which lasted less than a minute! 'The BT call box price list is as clear as mud – the usual obfuscation on the part of BT.' http://www.saynoto0870.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?num=1108328278






I know this is a radical idea but.........maybe - just maybe, they could actually get off their arse and go and visit the local Social Security Office in their own town to resolve their taxpayer-funded handout question/claim?

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Sorry, Bruce,

That comment just shows that you don't live here any more -- our 'local' towns no longer have their own 'dole offices'. the previous round of Govt./Local Authority cuts/austerity measures (years ago) has deprived all but one of our 5 market towns, in this part of Wiltshire, of any local services at all -- so, if you are unemployed, sick or disabled and you have no money because the system hasn't delivered the cash that you are entitled to, then it is a ten-mile walk or bike-ride if you haven't got the price of a bus/train fare -- or that extortionate 'phone call -- which might well be disconnected after a couple of minutes anyway!I didn't include ancient grumpies like me -- as we still have our 'bus passes -- for now!




P.S. Just don't get me started on the lack of a decent Post Office, active Police Station, housing advice centre, etc., etc.!



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BGD - 2011-03-28 11:41 AM

I know this is a radical idea but.........maybe - just maybe, they could actually get off their arse and go and visit the local Social Security Office in their own town to resolve their taxpayer-funded handout question/claim?


Yup, far too radical Bruce :D



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