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With all due respect you are talking out of your backside, in the 70's when you signed on the world was completely different place.

In those days there were plenty of jobs available but in this day and age there isn't, and that is a fact that you cannot deny, in the big cities such as Gt Manchester there is much competition for what work is available between the indigenous population and the immigrants.

Try and get a job today and see what happens?

PS I neither condone or condemn anyone working a flanker what they do is their business I just keep myself on the straight and narrow.

PPS I am still awaiting big Mommas reply to my earlier question as and when it was that he came out of the military to seek work, he has probably seen my post but hasn't the courtesy to reply.

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knight of the road - 2011-03-30 2:16 PM


Donna, when does a normal fine upstanding man who has lost his job through no fault of his own and is forced to sign on for JSA become in your words a lazy freeloading scrounger?? Has the curse of unemployment not hit any member of your family or friends?



Malc, you have got some serious mood swings, yesterday you saw fit to make a humourous comment about my post, yet today you are looking to elicit a reaction, the thread has developed into 2 sides, those who believe a large percentage of benefit claimants are lazy scroungers and those who dont. I hadn't entered the discussion, I merely asked who 0n earth gets up in ther middle of the night to continue said discussion.


They must be putting something in the water up north, 'cos the amount of bitchin' you're doing, you're turning into a woman.


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donna miller - 2011-03-30 2:36 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-30 2:16 PM


Donna, when does a normal fine upstanding man who has lost his job through no fault of his own and is forced to sign on for JSA become in your words a lazy freeloading scrounger?? Has the curse of unemployment not hit any member of your family or friends?



Malc, you have got some serious mood swings, yesterday you saw fit to make a humourous comment about my post, yet today you are looking to elicit a reaction, the thread has developed into 2 sides, those who believe a large percentage of benefit claimants are lazy scroungers and those who dont. I hadn't entered the discussion, I merely asked who 0n earth gets up in ther middle of the night to continue said discussion.


They must be putting something in the water up north, 'cos the amount of bitchin' you're doing, you're turning into a woman.



I honestly cannot slag off people who are less fortunate than myself it is not in my nature, I know who the bad guys are who are abusing the system but I also know who the good guys are and who are having a bad time of it, as for putting something in the water, I am on hormone injections every 3 months, side effects are..... mood swings, nowt fresh for me, hot flushes, loss of bodily hair but increased hair growth on my bonce which has given me long wavy blond hair, weight gain on tummy due to increased appetite leading to night time raids on fridge hence being up at 4.30 am (lol) (lol) (lol) whatever I post is not to be take personally.

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knight of the road - 2011-03-30 2:55 PM


weight gain on tummy due to increased appetite leading to night time raids on fridge


Malc - try drinking water instead of munching - a lot of the time the hunger pangs are actually caused by being a dehydrated!


If not, then put a padlock on the fridge and give the key to your other half to look after so you can't get at it! :D

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Nothing taken personally Malc, just a little confused at your changes, which you've now explained.

You need to eat small and frequently to keep the hunger at bay, try fruit instead of savoury snacks, tomatoes make a good snack and are not fattening, or morrisons do some tasty large rice cakes.

If you feel bloated all the time, try deflatine or windeeze, they can help relieve it a bit.

Failing that, lift your leg and let one rip :D :$

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Mel B - 2011-03-30 6:34 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-30 2:55 PM


weight gain on tummy due to increased appetite leading to night time raids on fridge


Malc - try drinking water instead of munching - a lot of the time the hunger pangs are actually caused by being a dehydrated!


If not, then put a padlock on the fridge and give the key to your other half to look after so you can't get at it! :D


According to my oncologist plain old water is the best medicine one can take because it flushes out the toxins from ones body and the beauty is it is completely free.

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knight of the road - 2011-03-30 2:20 PM


Well in your mind who is actually responsible for the financial mess that we are in, it certainly wasn't Joe public was it? You seem to know everything.


Oh I see Malc - it's get at Richard day today too is it?


I only wish that I did know everything and I only wish that I did know the best answer and I only wish that if both those applied the government would listen to me!


Like yourself I only express an opinion but I try to do it without criticising other people and when I disagree with what they say I try to do so without being personal.


I have said on many many occasions that in my humble view the reasons we are in such deep doodah are because the last government borrowed too much money over too many years to fund too many public service jobs to mask the horrific state of real wealth creating jobs under their tenure which made the unemployment figures look as if they were doing a good job. In reality many of us knew waht was happening and were waiting for the bubble to burst - just ask CliveH


Better to pay £100 a week unemployment benefit than £400 a week salary - and it don't take a magician to work out who pays for it all in the end.


As many of us keep saying - either we cut the size of the public sector or we increase tax for the rest of us to pay for it to remain the same inefficient bungling inept wasteful burden.


The banking fiasco may have brought it out in the open but blaming the bankers and tax avoiders is a smoke screen beloved only by those who really caused the cock up.


So who wants to pay more tax to help the public sector remain the same?


Yeah - I thought so - still no volunteers!


Have an early night Malc and I hope you feel better in the morning.






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water is certainly a good remedy but as with many things, do not overdo it. Also I do not know what the water quality is like in your area but sometimes the treatment can be a bit wobbly, as our water can sometimes really taste quite odd. We suspect they are adding chemicals, whether to 'kill us or cure us' we do not know.


I have no medical training so would never offer advice to anyone apart from discussing this with your doctor, or even getting a 2nd opinion if you have doubts. If the side effects were explained to you as a possible consequence, then you may have to wait and see if they settle down. If not, again, discuss with the medic.


To speak with 'tongue in cheek' I can see now where your reference to 'derriers' is coming from.


However, to refer to your comments, in the late 70's unemployment averaged 10% with certain parts of the UK hitting 15-25%. According to the latest figures it currently stands at 8%. Where there could be agreement between us is that the number of workers today is about the same as back then, but the general population has increased significantly in the last 40 years, so the number of workers supporting everything is a lower percentage. Also our industry base has changed significantly from from could be described as 'basic industry' such as coal mining , docks etc to nowadays more complex industries where different skills are required. Unfortunately, our education system has not always produced people with the necessary skills to take advantage of what is available, and we have suffered as a result. Also peoples demands for cheap and cheerful goods have diminshed demand for anything of quality, so as a result wages will be depressed. Our other 'failing' was Gordon Brown's fudge in creating so many non jobs in the public sector in the 90's/2000's which masked the true scale of what was happening. Had we all known then action could have and should have, been taken sooner and we may have not arrived at such a pitiful state.



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We are away for a full 7 days on april the 9th where I intend to chill out and rest up a wee while, the pressure has really been on over the last couple of months, and compounded by my sons move into his new flat, humping furniture up a flight of stairs is not exactly my cup of tea, the last job was today, a damn big washing machine, thank god he is now in.

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Take care of yourself and enjoy your week away - although no doubt you will have plenty more observations to make before then!


Where are you going - with or without van - anyway hope the sun shines on you?

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knight of the road - 2011-03-30 8:43 PM



We are away for a full 7 days on april the 9th where I intend to chill out and rest up a wee while, the pressure has really been on over the last couple of months, and compounded by my sons move into his new flat, humping furniture up a flight of stairs is not exactly my cup of tea, the last job was today, a damn big washing machine, thank god he is now in.


Further to the above, we are going to the CCC site at troutbeck in the lakes to meet up with a couple that we met and palled out with last year when we were down south.

They are new to the caravan scene and have never been north of the Watford gap before, they are anxious to see a genuine northerner who keeps coal in his bath, wears a flat cap and has a whippet by his side, for a special treat I might take the across to Huddersfield to meet Antony who keeps a couple of ferrets down his pants (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Not for nothing is it called the Lake District so be sure to take your wellies, waterproofs, grip tracks, spade, jack and tow rope when you visit the wettest place in England!


'Tis nice when t'sun shines mind you - just make sure you don't miss the one day per year!

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