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The forum will be down tomorrow

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Rich..!! Yer back, even your plug looks great. It was a bit scarey for a few minutes. Hey, I'm famous, Daniel speaking to me.... and also Amanda...what a lovely name, a great title song to by Boston. Think I'm falling in love again...Hah, spring is here, Tip Toe Through The Tulips.....Mm! Mmm! Mmmm! That's Where I'll Be.  :D :D

I'v found my emoticons again' but only by clicking on to the enable box.


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awww - thanks,


There's actually been over a dozen people working on this update day and night for months. I was told that the forum members must especially be looked after and so I am confident everything will get fixed for you.


With regards to text size,... the font is actually the same size, although the font-style has changed a little. This isn't too difficult to change, even if we address this specifically in the forums for you all - there's certainly a lot more width now for your messages.


PS: I'm always smiling :-D

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Guest Tracker
Mel B - 2011-04-05 7:57 PM


At last! I thought someone had bribed the website developers to block me from posting!!! 8-)


I was getting paranoid! :D


We should be so lucky!

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Tracker - 2011-04-05 7:53 PM


Thanks Splinx - appreciate your efforts on our behalf and hope to see little Splinxy smiling soon!


Can't grumble can we after all it is still free in spite of the rumblings of the doomers and gloomers!


Quote function is now fixed too 8-)

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Guest Tracker
Tracker - 2011-04-05 8:00 PM


Mel B - 2011-04-05 7:57 PM


At last! I thought someone had bribed the website developers to block me from posting!!! 8-)


I was getting paranoid! :D


We should be so lucky!


I didn't realise that Paraboia was infectious!


Thanks for fixing the quote so quicklly Splinx - take the rest of the day off and be back in tomorrow for the early risers - about 4.00 am should be OK!

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Guest pelmetman
Splinx - 2011-04-05 7:58 PM


With regards to text size,... the font is actually the same size, although the font-style has changed a little. This isn't too difficult to change, even if we address this specifically in the forums for you all - there's certainly a lot more width now for your messages.


Must be my imagination then, as I think the emoticons look smaller to :-S ...............Quote bits working now :-D

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I think the new site looks great - well done Warners. I haven't been on the forum for a few days, mainly because I am getting fed up with all the bitching - by the men! - so was not prepared for the changes. I logged on quite efforlessly and it had remembered my sign in so no delay there. I hope some of the girls come back on now.
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Splinx - 2011-04-05 7:58 PM

With regards to text size,... the font is actually the same size, although the font-style has changed a little. This isn't too difficult to change, even if we address this specifically in the forums for you all - there's certainly a lot more width now for your messages.


Ah-ha, that's it, it may give us more width but it is difficult to read without zooming in which then means you lose the 'height' (ie can't see as many posts at one time so have to scroll more).


Please can it go back to what it was ... I really dont' want to go to Specsavers! :D

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I've attached both fonts (zoomed in) as a picture...


The first font is the old site, with the visibly, different font showing the new site.


I've even tried to perform a direct comparison on two 'a' characters for you.


Anyway, like I said, the font and size could be improved later this week. :-D


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By heck, you don't half move quick! :-S


The fact that the font is 'squished' up is what makes it difficult to read as the letters tend to merge into one another so it is very tiring.


Most of us are old souls and need as much help as we can get. :D


Forgot to say, when pressing the submit button, it takes longer to go back to the posting than it did before ... not sure if it's trying to tell me something. *-)

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Tracker - 2011-04-05 8:00 PM


Mel B - 2011-04-05 7:57 PM


At last! I thought someone had bribed the website developers to block me from posting!!! 8-)


I was getting paranoid! :D


We should be so lucky!


Aww Rich ... you know you'd pine if I wasn't around .... :D

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Completely agree with all comments on font, and we really want to ensure the site (and especially forums) is easy to read for all.


Mel B > Thanks for the posting speed issue, I had actually just noted that myself and added it to the Bug-Bash spreadsheet.


Need to get some sleep, so we're heading home now - we promise to get back to you with more fixes later this week.




PS: My eyes are absolutely shot too - just imagine what it's like being a programmer looking at screens all day, every day 8-)

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Hi Splinx and all the usual forumites,


I totally agree with all your comments on the font, it's far harder to read than the old as it certainly seems more 'squished up' (very technically put :D ).


And why is the preview box I am typing in now only in grey font and not black? This makes it very difficult to read. (And BTW I have near perfect eyesight before you comment on 'should have gone to... :D ).


And blue submit buttons on a blue border just fade into....


And now for my final question, WHY did you have to change something that wasn't broken? Sorry but I'm not impressed in any way, shape or form by the new look!




Edit, Just timed the time to post from pressing submit and was well in excess of 20 seconds. It's never taken that long ever before :-(


Sorry but why fix something that wasn't broken?


Edit 2 I've just spent 10 minutes reading new posts and now my eyes ache! I've never had this before so please, please, please change to a sensible font. (like the one we had before). Whoever puts grey font in a blue background wants shooting. Rant over.

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Second atempt at posting!

Agree don't like the size of font , too small. Also not dark enough. Can't read the GREEN names on BLUE header very well either. Like to know who is posting.

Was unable to post earlier, hope this one works now

As stated before WHY change something that ain't broke

Wonder if the search facility now works???



YES it worked slowly though.

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PJay - 2011-04-05 9:17 Can't read the GREEN names on BLUE header very well either..


Oh, so that's what colour it is!

As a true-blooded male, with poor colour perception, I really hadn't noticed, apart from the fact it wasn't a nice clear BLACK!

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Is it me, or has the font been changed back? :-D


I'm currently signed in on my netbook as we're at Hornsea for the night, and I can read the threads fairly easily!!! :->


If the webmeister is reading, one suggestion is to have the 'jump to page' at the top of the threads as well as the bottom, that way you don't have to scroll to the bottom of the page to go to a previous one ... just a thought!



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  • 2 weeks later...
If the webmeister is reading, one suggestion is to have the 'jump to page' at the top of the threads as well as the bottom, that way you don't have to scroll to the bottom of the page to go to a previous one ... just a thought!


Just wanted to say thank you for doing this - much quicker/easier now! :->

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have persevered, oh, how I have persevered!  :-)  But this forum is really becoming rather a pain!

So, is it just me, or do we now have (several) problems?

The new forum has become extraordinarily slow, even compared to its old self.  By that I mean several things.  I am finding the Warner's' site now very slow to load, and to move around within.  I am finding forum postings slow to open.  A number of us seem to be suffering multiple posts, with server error messages indicating posts have failed, whereas they have not.  I am getting screen lock-ups when trying to post.  I frequently have to resort to running the forum on two tabs, so that I can post on one, and then check whether the post has registered on the other.  I frequently find the time to submit a post results in a time-out, a lock-up, or a server error.  None of the "buttons" respond to being clicked upon, so it is very difficult to know if the command has registered.  The preview screen works fine, but the problem with submit is continual, and seems unaffected by the numbers on-line, or the time of day.  I have tried switching to and navigating around other web sites while on the Warner's' site, and do not find the same difficulties.  Finally, I'm sure a number of strings are not showing all posts and it seems the default for the number of pages may have been set too low.  This happened with the earlier "juddergate" strings several times, where posts did not show, and what is now happening looks very similar, but at somewhere around 5 pages.  The number of posts recorded to some strings exceeds the number visible.

Thinking it might improve matters, I made the mistake of installing Internet Explorer 9 - and basically couldn't use the forum at all, so have now re-installed IE8.  Somewhere, it seems there is a big problem on Warner's' server, wherever that may be.  It seems to be running like a PC with inadequate memory, or a hard disk that seriously needs a defrag! 

But, what do others think?

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Brian Kirby - 2011-05-07 2:42 PM

I have persevered, oh, how I have persevered!  :-)  But this forum is really becoming rather a pain!

So, is it just me, or do we now have (several) problems?

The new forum has become extraordinarily slow, even compared to its old self.  By that I mean several things.  I am finding the Warner's' site now very slow to load, and to move around within.  I am finding forum postings slow to open.  A number of us seem to be suffering multiple posts, with server error messages indicating posts have failed, whereas they have not.  I am getting screen lock-ups when trying to post.  I frequently have to resort to running the forum on two tabs, so that I can post on one, and then check whether the post has registered on the other.  I frequently find the time to submit a post results in a time-out, a lock-up, or a server error.  None of the "buttons" respond to being clicked upon, so it is very difficult to know if the command has registered.  The preview screen works fine, but the problem with submit is continual, and seems unaffected by the numbers on-line, or the time of day.  I have tried switching to and navigating around other web sites while on the Warner's' site, and do not find the same difficulties.  Finally, I'm sure a number of strings are not showing all posts and it seems the default for the number of pages may have been set too low.  This happened with the earlier "juddergate" strings several times, where posts did not show, and what is now happening looks very similar, but at somewhere around 5 pages.  The number of posts recorded to some strings exceeds the number visible.

Thinking it might improve matters, I made the mistake of installing Internet Explorer 9 - and basically couldn't use the forum at all, so have now re-installed IE8.  Somewhere, it seems there is a big problem on Warner's' server, wherever that may be.  It seems to be running like a PC with inadequate memory, or a hard disk that seriously needs a defrag! 

But, what do others think?

Brian, have you tried another browser? Chrome, Firefox etc.IE in all its various incarnations is notoriously bad for rendering websites properly without the web designers actually having to 'trick' it into displaying properly within the site's code.Just a thought....
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Have no problem navigating the site but do have a problem with your low contrast print on your posts Brian!!

Since you usually have something of value to say, can you not use a darker font just to ease the eyestrain on those of us who self abused too much when younger?

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I don't seem to have any particular problems using the O&ALive forums, but I'm using an iMac not a PC. There are a few oddities - like the top "Jump to page" operation doesn't work for me, though the bottom one does - but I don't get any error or time-out messages and the speed doesn't seem to be any slower than previously. It's still a crappy forum as far as the its basic 'logic' is concerned, but there you go - that's what you usually get with gift horses.
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