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The forum will be down tomorrow

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I don't seem to have any particular problems using the O&ALive forums, but I'm using an iMac not a PC. 

There are a few oddities - like the top "Jump to page" operation doesn't work for me, though the bottom one does - but I don't get any error or time-out messages and the speed doesn't seem to be any slower than previously. It's still a crappy forum as far as the its basic 'logic' is concerned, but there you go - that's what you usually get with gift horses.
Just checking to see if selecting the 'rich edit box' (which I think Brian uses) made any significant difference for me, but it seems not.
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I'm using IE9 and am not finding it slow or having any other problems. Have you checked to see whether your virus guard is slowing things down? I do use CCleaner regularly to clear out the rubbish that accumulates on the system.


With regard to fonts, I don't have a problem reading the forum but I find it much more difficult to read Which Motorhome these days with it's smaller and paler font: no problems with MMM though.





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I'm using IE9 and am not finding it slow or having any other problems. Have you checked to see whether your virus guard is slowing things down? I do use CCleaner regularly to clear out the rubbish that accumulates on the system.


With regard to fonts, I don't have a problem reading the forum but I find it much more difficult to read Which Motorhome these days with it's smaller and paler font: no problems with MMM though.





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I'm using IE9 and am not finding it slow or having any other problems. Have you checked to see whether your virus guard is slowing things down? I do use CCleaner regularly to clear out the rubbish that accumulates on the system.


With regard to fonts, I don't have a problem reading the forum but I find it much more difficult to read Which Motorhome these days with it's smaller and paler font: no problems with MMM though.





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Like Paul, I am having difficulty with the "Campsite Finder" on this site.

I keep getting:-



Windows Internet Explorer


Stop running this script?


A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.

If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.


Yes No




Also on the "Your Views" section, it shows "Watering the Van" as the last thread, but going into "Your View" & the thread isn't there :-(

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flicka - 2011-05-07 9:27 PM


Like Paul, I am having difficulty with the "Campsite Finder" on this site.

I keep getting:-



Windows Internet Explorer


Stop running this script?


A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.

If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.


Yes No




I've just been using the campsite finder and it works OK for me.



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And, typically, having said I had never had difficulties, I received an error message on posting to a thread followed by a duplicate posting. The latter may well have been my own fault, and I may have provoked the former by running the forum in two windows and copying stuff backwards and forwards between them.


I've also tried using (for the first time) the Campsite Finder and it worked quickly and without any problems.


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flicka - 2011-05-07 9:27 PM


Like Paul, I am having difficulty with the "Campsite Finder" on this site.

I keep getting:-



Windows Internet Explorer


Stop running this script?


A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.

If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.


Yes No




Also on the "Your Views" section, it shows "Watering the Van" as the last thread, but going into "Your View" & the thread isn't there :-(


Glad I'm not the only one having problems. The 'script' message is what I kept getting. I've just tried it again , only got the message once and then it appeared to work OK as I filled in the various boxes, then it slowed again and then after thinking about for a few seconds, it went OK again. Never had a response from the MMM team.

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Sorry to add a further complaint but frankly this is simply not up to standard. The well meaning responses from the developers unfortunately only goes to show that the thing has been created on the hoof with little or no bench testing.


The irony should not be lost on us however. What other group of people is better conditioned to bite its collective lips and put up with things that are unreliable or unfit for purpose?







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And I'll throw in problem while we're all at it.


I'm using Google Chrome and the Forum link buttons above the 'new thread' and 'new poll' links are all misaligned.

If I click for example 'Motorhomes' then I open a new thread and do not get taken to the 'Motorhomes' forum page.


Please Mr Moderator can you get your consultants to sort it out.



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Keithl - 2011-05-08 7:22 PM


And I'll throw in problem while we're all at it.


I'm using Google Chrome and the Forum link buttons above the 'new thread' and 'new poll' links are all misaligned.

If I click for example 'Motorhomes' then I open a new thread and do not get taken to the 'Motorhomes' forum page.


Please Mr Moderator can you get your consultants to sort it out.




This seems to look and work OK for me using Safari as browser, though I've found that I need to be pretty careful where I position the cursor before clicking on the various choices.


Speaking as a long-retired systems-analyst/programmer, it's always difficult to ensure that everything will work properly when system modifications are made and it's particularly challenging when the system needs to be out of commission for as short a time as possible (as with a commercial website). Nowadays, there's the additional challenge of system users employing a variety of software appllications that may or may not conflict with the system's own software.


For a relatively small and unimportant system like the O&ALive one, it will be impracticable labour- and cost-wise to test that every minor system modification or major upgrade will prove to be compatible with, say, every browser or anti-virus application being run by end-users. You just have to do your best, test as much as you realistically can, get the revised system up and running, hope that most of it works, and then sort out the problems reported by the users.


Even if a system has been extensively tested for compatibility and seems to be OK, users may still experience problems of their own making. For example, Safari users (including me) reported problems accessing the recent on-line MMM Readers' Survey that - in my case at least - were caused by the security settings I had chosen.


At least the forum Search facility now works pretty well (though it has to be said that it took several years and repeated nagging to get this to happen.)

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Is it just me, or is there a lot slower response when you press 'submit'....a couple of occasions its been so slow I've just about gone to press it again, and it doesnt seem to show that it is actually in process of even thinking about reacting!.....I gues thats why the postings often appear more than once!

I also wish the 'standard' small font for posting would be returned to the larger size and in heavier print!

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Is it just me, or is there a lot slower response when you press 'submit'....a couple of occasions its been so slow I've just about gone to press it again, and it doesnt seem to show that it is actually in process of even thinking about reacting!.....I gues thats why the postings often appear more than once!

I also wish the 'standard' small font for posting would be returned to the larger size and in heavier print!

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Is it just me, or is there a lot slower response when you press 'submit'....a couple of occasions its been so slow I've just about gone to press it again, and it doesnt seem to show that it is actually in process of even thinking about reacting!.....I gues thats why the postings often appear more than once!

I also wish the 'standard' small font for posting would be returned to the larger size and in heavier print!

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Is it just me, or is there a lot slower response when you press 'submit'....a couple of occasions its been so slow I've just about gone to press it again, and it doesnt seem to show that it is actually in process of even thinking about reacting!.....I gues thats why the postings often appear more than once!

I also wish the 'standard' small font for posting would be returned to the larger size and in heavier print!

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Just proved my point, I think ---- no reaction or indication, so pressed 3 times, and eventually it went!....three times!!!

Also the promised 1 second to redirect once posted is way wrong....more like 20-30 seconds I would think.

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I'm experiencing a very irritating problem and have been for some days. Sometimes the last post or posts in a thread do not display. For instance, the Bin Laden thread lists the last post at 7.06 pm but the last one that I can see is at 4.30 pm.

It is very slow when submitting a thread but if you are patient and resist the temptation to press 'Submit' again, you will not get duplications. Also, if you get an 'Error 500' warning it's best to ignore it as your post has probably been submited properly anyway, at least that's what I've found.

I regret to say that this is the worst forum of the few that I'm a member of. Technically worse that is, not the members or content.

Warners really do need to pursue the website developer responsible. There is no excuse for the number of technical glitches that many people are experiencing.
This forum, compared to most, is moribund, and frustration with the operating experience must be putting people off and losing them as members. 

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The post above is typical. After waiting a minute I got the Error 500 message but I exited the forum and logged back on and my message was there. However, in the list it shows the previous message to mine as the last one, so anyone else experiencing the same problem as me will not know that a new post has been added.

Wake up Warners, it's a disaster!
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Guest peter
It can go down again tomorrow and stay down, as it's rubbish at the moment with all the server 500 error messages I keep getting. >:-)
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francisgraham - 2011-05-09 10:15 PM


...I regret to say that this is the worst forum of the few that I'm a member of. Technically worse that is, not the members or content...


I've been saying this since 2005 when the original version of this website went live.


Ignoring the rest of the website (which I suspect many motorhome-owning forum participants do), the forums have always been 'rocky' performance-wise, have lacked basic features found elsewhere and been generally user-unfriendly.


Altering the forums' look and bolting on extra 'inspirational features' is just tinkering. The simple fact is that the forums' underlying logical mechanics are 6 years old and were not great to begin with. The forum component of the O&ALive website was always a mangy mongrel and painting it a pretty colour or getting it to wear a blingy collar won't transform it into a Crufts Best in Breed contender.


It's to be hoped that the present difficulties folks are experiencing can be resolved satisfactorily, though it will be interesting to see how long this may take. I agree with francisgraham that the O&ALive forums are moribund, but Warners are likely to be very reluctant to turn off the present forums' life-support while the membership is sufficient to keep those forums active.


(It's not compulsory for forum members to tolerate the O&ALive forums' irritating little ways, you know. There's always the brand spanking new (and free) "Practical Motorhome" forum that seems to be pretty quick and competently designed. And don't think you'll be missing Old Friends, 'cause there seems to be quite a few of them there already.)

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My problem with this forum at the moment is that it won't let me see some of the latest postings.

Maybe it's reluctant to show a new page ?


Example: (On Chatterbox ) I can see this mornings posting from CliveH ref Greenpeace ( 8:37am) but not the latest posting on Bin Laden thread at 11:29 the night before -( which I assume has gone over to a new page - page 5 ? )


Must go and have a look at the 'new' forum.



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malc d - 2011-05-10 9:07 AMMy problem with this forum at the moment is that it won't let me see some of the latest postings.Maybe it's reluctant to show a new page ?Example: (On Chatterbox ) I can see this mornings posting from CliveH ref Greenpeace ( 8:37am) but not the latest posting on Bin Laden thread at 11:29 the night before -( which I assume has gone over to a new page - page 5 ? )Must go and have a look at the 'new' forum. ;-)

Apologies if this is posted twice. I posted that viewing threads in 'Nested' mode instead of the default 'Flat' mode resulted in me seeing the entire thread. That worked with the Bin Laden thread but it isn't working with this one as I can't see the previous post I made a few minutes ago.

I give up! 
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