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Gaslow refillables


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has anyone had any problems refilling their Gaslow fitted cylinders, my local Calor dealer ( Where I have filled before) refused to fill me using the old chestnut E n Safety saying that as the cylinders were not checked by Calor he was not allowed to fill them, He said that I could probably fill them at a big service station as they would not see the cylinders being filled from the check out . I did see another article in Motor home Facts that some Service Stations in the South of France will not let you fill cylinders for cooking. :-(
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I think this is just plain greed on Calors part. To say that they can't check the cylinder is utter hogwash, do they check the tanks on cars that fill LPG?. No , so what is the difference apart from size. Calor would prefer you to pay £20 + to fill a six kilo bottle than sell you the equivalent in draft at £7.80 and don't believe the story about them checking the bottles on refill again utter hogwash
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