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autocruise oakmont query


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Hi,anyone got an autocruise oakmont.I would like to know the weight registration.Mine is private light goods.I think it should be private heavy goods which would make the road tax cheaper.Replies appreciated.Geoff. (?) (?
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Hi Geoff and welcome to the forum,


Have a look at your VIN plate and see what Gross Vehicle Weight (or MAM) has been entered. If it is 3,500 kg or below then you are registered correctly as PLG, if over 3,500 kg then you should be PHG.




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Geoff, we have just purchased an Autocruise Augusta, registration document arrived today showing Private HGV weight 4250KG gross. Road fund licence cost £165 commencing 1st May.


Hope this helps, have you got to grips with the Alde heating system yet?



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Hi,thanks for your reply,(Very helpful).Reguards alde heating,we switch it on and off manually.The only way we can get hot water alone on electric hook up is to turn temperature setting down low and put central heating on.put it on very low setting and just the water will heat up.Spoke to some one with alde heating and this was how they did it also.If you find another way I would appreciate your advice.Hope you like the Oakmont,.We have just spent six months in Spain in ours and loved it .Reguards Geoff.
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Geoff, thanks for your response have only had a few days away so far in our Augusta and yes from reading the handbook it does seem that you must have heating on low in order to get hot water, with the boost facility available by usung the tap symbol. Our vehicle is fitted with the Sargent PSU which has in addition to others, 2 switches one for space heater and the other for hoidioter, both light up but I take it they do not function in view of the Aldi system. Motorhome is at dealers at moment having a new radio fitted, at my cost, as could not live with the 20 minute cut off. Also when engine running, can listen to FM but far too much interference on AM. Being radio 5 live listeners this caused us concern. have you experienced these problems?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi,Never had a good reception from radios in motorhomes.They quite often jay the aerial under the dash board which doesnt give a good reception.I am thinking of having a scooter rack fitted to the alco chassis but keep wondering if this would be a good idea.back to the hot water we also have the other switches but they dont seem to work.My van is in for repair at present.Lost all 12volt power while in Spain during the winter.A new energy management sysem has got to be fitted.Fingers crossed Geoff
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