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autotrail mohawk


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hi, would like to trade my m/h in for one with the high fixed bed and big garage so as i can take a scooter when we go away.have seen the " mohawk" and quite like that,but not really sure.can anyone recomend any model in particular, there are so many to choose from. also, what are the pro's and con's with this layout if any.we can't afford to make a mistake with our final choice,especcially as we have been more than happy with the one we've got now,a cheyenne 630LB
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Also try getting on and off the high bed, it's not as easy as it looks and the steps can be very small when trying to find them in reverse. Imagine doing it at night without waking up the other half...


If I were planning on carrying a scooter I'd rather have it on a rack on the back than in the MH, my personal opinion only, others may vary.


If you're happy with the MH you've got will it not carry a scooter on the back and save the cost of changing?



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