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Peugeot Boxer build date


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Does anyone know how to find out when a Peugeot Boxer panel van was built by Peugeot rather than when Autocruise 'built' the conversion part?


Can you do it from the VIN Number and if so how?





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I too would be interested in this.


My Starlet II was two years old when I bought it s/h in late 2008 but I looked at the tyre date (as I always do) and discoverd that the tyres were over a year older than the van registration date so I had a fair idea of it's build date before I parted with my cash.


It was not a deal breaker because, as far as I was/am aware, there were no significant changes or updates to the Boxer in the intervening period - but there might have been and nobody was going to tell me. Caveat emptor - again!


I eventually found out via a Peugeot dealer who looked it up on his computer and advised me that whilst the first registration was November 2006 the actual build date was in September 2005!


This will become very much more relevant as more and more X250s come to the s/h market and it becomes harder to discover which might be less worse than others for juddering?


It also gives you one less year of tyre life - and probably batteries too - although that too is hardly a deal breaker!


I wonder if it explains why leisure battery life on many vans is so poor whilst others seem to last for many years?

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From my recent research on the internet I believe the 10th digit of the VIN number is year of manufacture.


The date codes on the tyres will give you a 'not before' date too. Another thing to look for are labels attached to wiring harnesses & plastic mouldings, as most vehicles are built using 'just-in-time' manufacturing techniques these days, where parts are delivered direct to the manufacturing line rather than stockpiled in a warehouse.

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broc - 2011-05-26 6:46 PM

The date codes on the tyres will give you a 'not before' date too. Another thing to look for are labels attached to wiring harnesses & plastic mouldings, as most vehicles are built using 'just-in-time' manufacturing techniques these days, where parts are delivered direct to the manufacturing line rather than stockpiled in a warehouse.


And seat belts have to have a 'date of manufacture' label on them by law so another quick way of checking (and probably far more visible than the date code on most plastic trim).



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Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year

A = 1980 L = 1990 Y = 2000 A = 2010

B = 1981 M = 1991 1 = 2001 B = 2011

C = 1982 N = 1992 2 = 2002 C = 2012

D = 1983 P = 1993 3 = 2003 D = 2013

E = 1984 R = 1994 4 = 2004 E = 2014

F = 1985 S = 1995 5 = 2005 F = 2015

G = 1986 T = 1996 6 = 2006 G = 2016

H = 1987 V = 1997 7 = 2007 H = 2017

J = 1988 W = 1998 8 = 2008 J = 2018

K = 1989 X = 1999 9 = 2009 K = 2019


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I don't know if this helps anyone benchmark their van but the last eight digits of my VIn are .....11771383.


According to Pug UK came off line in Italy on 22 March 2010 (I asked when speaking about another issue)





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Slightly off topic, but it made me look at my 2005 Benima on Fiat 2.8 JTD. Registered 01/04/2005

A search ontinternet gave me the following site:


I put my VIN number in the box and it c ame up with the build date of September 2003!


So a 19 month difference between build date and first regisration.


It is in having a new cambelt today, because I thought I was a few months overdue - Looks as though I was 2 years overdue!!



Jeremy the L'AimeDuck

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