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Steca 1010 Solar Charge Controller


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Has anyone out there been experiencing problems with the Steca 1010 solar charge controller?

My regulator's State of Charge window (SOC) does not show a drop even if I have been hammering the juice.

For instance:- Yesterday, after plenty of sunshine, the SOC reads 100%, last night after using plenty of electricity the SOC still shows 100%. I thought this is impossible, so I disconnected the regulator by removing the fuse, when I replaced it the SOC read 71%. which is probably the true reading.

Any of you technical chaps out there got any suggestions?, I believe this subject was discussed on MHF recently but my subscription has lapsed.

Kind regards, Mike.

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This may be the discussion on MHF you refer to:




It would appear from other posts that the device can sometimes get "confused".


You may wish to note the advice about connecting the battery first (before the solar panel), which might be relevant given the disconnection you've just done, and might also have contributed to the original problem if it had already been disconnected in the past.


BTW, you can still read MHF (and/or search it using Google) even if your subscription has lapsed. ;-)

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Try  again, making sure you connect the solar panel last allowing a few minutes before doing so.This has never failed in the past with this unit. Then see what is coming up on your panel and we will take it from there.
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Hi Brendan,

I did exactly as you instructed and the SOC reads 72% but the charge level indicator on one of the leisure batteries and the control panel both show fully charged.

I know that if I removed the fuse to disconnect the batteries & then replaced it, the SOC would then read 100%.

Crazy, Huh!


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Hi, Yes by just removing the fuse you have re cal' the unit all over again. You need to check all connections are tight and correct. Check the manual. Are you using gel Bat, or have you replaced the org' ones?

Your unit also contains a self test function,

Disconnect the module any load from the controller.
Connect a small load, eg a small 11W light bulb.
Hold down the Ok/on off buttons for 3 sec'.
Menu, will come up.
Select, Self test.
Select, OK.
When finished ,,,,,000 is ok
Reconnect bat, first. ensure fuse is also connected at this point.
Reconnect solar panel.

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