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Gas Leak!


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Hi All, While away the weekend we noticed a smell of gas coming form the locker whenever the bottle was turned on. On getting home i checked around with some washing up liquid diluted in water and found a leak from the what i think is the regulator. It's the silver unit bolted on to the back of the locker. On the left hand side of this is a small piece yellow plastic that looks like a screw head. The leak is coming form there. Before i dive in, is this repairable or do i need a new unit? . I've checked my hand books but can't find anything relevant.

Any suggestions before i get the spanners out?

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Dave Newell - 2011-07-24 7:56 PM


Speaking honestly if you can't even identify the regulator for what it is then you REALLY shouldn't be considering a diy fixx at all. Take the motorhome to a reputable wormshop and let them fix it.




Hmmm, wormshop inspires me with confidence :-D . Dave perhaps i could have worded my OP better, but just so you sleep easy at night wihout worrying about me, i served a craft appreticeship some years ago now which incuded learning skills in mechanical fitting and although i didin't end up as a fitter and carried on to my trade, that side of the job was part and parcel of my everyday work. I have condfidence in my ability and even if this proves beyond me, my nephew is a gas fitter and plumber. Thanks for your concern though. ;-)

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