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So..these "new" Fiats then...


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Nick what a fund of good sense you are!

Derek too, puutting the matter so succinctly and without bias or exaggeration -- both sadly present on some other wearisome posts that come up on this subject with annoying regularity!


A while ago Nick, I remember you making a plea for the moderators of this Forum to turn your concise summation of the 'state of play' concerning this issue, into a permanent feature, a 'sticky' at the head of 'Motorhome Matters' -- a very sensible suggestion - which was not taken up - unfortunately.


Amanda & moderators -- can I plead with you again -- please instal Nick's last post at the head of this section of the Forum, so that there can be the answer that so many new and prospective buyers and owners seek so often -- but get confusing and (often) biased and partisan replies.It might help to prevent the huge many-page slanging mathches that have often developed on this subject!


With thanks in anticipation,





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I have been thinking of changing /upgrading my current van.


I am interested in a van on a 58 plate with a fiat multijet 130 engine. It has the 'maxi' chassis with a MTPLM of 4,005 kg. The mileage is recorded at just under 6000.


In view of all the reported problems on this forum and others with reversing etc. can I assume that any fixes that may have been done on this van would be recorded on the service history???

If there is no record of a 'fix' on the history I take it that it was either not done, or it was not a problem on this van??


Was it a general recall by Fiat with this problem, or did the owner have to report it whilst under warranty in order to get a 'fix' done???


Obviously I will make sure I have a good test drive and reverse the van to check for myself before I part with any cash!

The van will have a 6 month warranty and I have been assured that it will cover any reversing probs if they exist! ( I will get that in writing if I decide to go ahead! )


I know this is slightly off the original question and I apologise if I am repeating others !

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Hi Bob...

No it wasn't a recall,the owners had to pester inorder to get anything done(..seemingly some more than others)..

As for any mod' being documented,well I would *assume* that it would all be down on their(Fiat)database..?!?


But I know that when I had my previous X250 Pug called in for the engine remap,I wasn't given(..nor could they supply when asked !)any confirmation of what work had been carried out.... :-S


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pepe63 - 2011-08-03 12:37 PM


Hi Bob...

No it wasn't a recall,the owners had to pester inorder to get anything done(..seemingly some more than others)..

As for any mod' being documented,well I would *assume* that it would all be down on their(Fiat)database..?!?


But I know that when I had my previous X250 Pug called in for the engine remap,I wasn't given(..nor could they supply when asked !)any confirmation of what work had been carried out.... :-S


Thanks for that info pepe63!


Looks like the message is, ' proceed with caution' or leave well alone and keep what I have now!

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Bob Elswood - 2011-08-03 12:46 PM


Looks like the message is, ' proceed with caution' or leave well alone and keep what I have now!


You may well find that the vehicle that you're looking at has never experienced the problem..it seems that plenty out there didn't..or indeed that it has had all of the mods' carried out and is performing just fine...


However,it does fall into the "risk" category...age/weight etc (...bl**dy 'ell!..I could be talking about me!? (lol) ), so it would, as you say,be prudent to proceed with caution.. ;-)

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You misunderstand me euroserve. The original post on this thread was about new Fiats not fixed ones so I assumed, stupid of me, that you understood this. You agreed with the changes made, quoted in Andy's, post but Brendan then goes on about no changes have been made. You get exasperated about this and I just agreed with you. My last sentence had nothing to do with you. However promise never to quote or agree with you again, this may have been the first time I have anyway as you changed your mind about the older X250 every couple of weeks.

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The lovely thing about experience is that you gain more of it all the time. My sample of vehicles upon which I can draw conclusions and observe patterns is of course considerably larger than yours. I tell it as I see it; praise where it is appropriate and lend my support to those in difficulties.


You don't accept that anyone has a right to complain about their problems because you don't (currently) have any. Why is that? Because the irritating loud mouths on here fought a long and wearing battle for you!


To re-itterate; some vans have had fixes because there were fixes available, others have not because either the fault was not apparent. Some (more worryingly) had the fix and were not improved. Worse still is that the 3.0 van has had no fix offered at all!


This still applies to the new 2012 Euro5 vehicles because no further progress has been made.


What part of this is not clear?



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Could not be clearer than that, great for all those owners of same to get a heads up on that. Customers  who have encountered problems are appreciative, I am sure , of the efforts of those who contributed to help to try and resolve the issue with what seems to be a non co-operative manufacturer.
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Mike88 - 2011-08-02 8:03 PM



material, others may not post as there are sufficient replies on the subject on many forums."



DJP If you have evidence of the new 3 litre vehicles entering the market with clutch judder then you should provide the source of your information as this could be important to others. It seems that your problem still exists but it is the first reported one that I have come across.

which you refer as I and other 3 litre owners will be interested in the sources of your information.


A quote from a post of mine from the 24th May following a report in the May issue of MMM magazine on a back to back test of 2 NEW Fiat 3.0 ltr manual motorhomes is below:-


Anyone read the latest magazine with the road test report on the Auto Trail Commanche v the A class?

The tester reported that the A class "suffered from the dreaded reverse gear judder" BUT went on to say that if owners had this problem to contact Fiat and arrange for the vehicle to be modified!

As far as I am aware there is definitely NO FIX for the 3.0 ltr models. He also said that the A class may have been an "early" chassis cab. Again, as far as I am aware the gearbox, whether it be on a May 2007 or May 2011 they are identical in construction and ratios, only the clutch is different (softer material). My judder is so bad, even after a new later, softer clutch has been fitted, I did consider buying a new gearbox. The dealer said not to waste my money as they are no different.

What does he/you know that I don't? Or is it outside forces again

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OK euroserve, I said I would not quote you so will not but most parts of your post are not that clear. First you have not the slightest idea what my experience of the X250 is and indeed I have no idea what yours is, just what you tell us. I fully accept anyone can complain, make a point, etc if I disagree I will say so, this is a forum, it is what people do. No one fought a battle for me because no one had to and in fact the only one that did anything much was Andy, the rest just talked about it and those were mainly people who did not own an X250. As for the bit about no progress has been made with the new euro 5 vans this beggers belief. I drove one last week and it is the best van of any that I have ever driven and will certainly be buying one next year. This is getting really boring though so all those who want to go over all this ancient ground one more time good luck.

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Here I am posting about judder on Fiat Vans and committing the sin of commenting without knowledge !

But only on one point !

I also don't know much about "Euroserve" but long experience in the commercial world has taught me that people who make their living successfully in ANY field usually do so because they have acquired a deep understanding of what they are doing and an ability to apply and communicate that knowledge.

I suspect that we are very lucky to have Euroserve on the forum so lets accord him some respect and credit for his knowledge and clarity.

We wouldn't want to p**s him off and lose him would we ?

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Our new Auto-trail with the 2.3 engine seems to have no judder problems and indeed reverses up our drive better than our old Rapido. However that does not mean I don't appreciate the efforts of all those who warned me off and prevented me changing before the problem was solved. I originally intended to go for the 3l engine but as it turned out it would have made too big a dent in the already small payload available to me. Even if this had not been he case I would still have given it a miss on the basis of information published on this and other threads.


I must say that the performance of the new 2.3 is so good that I don't think I have missed out much.

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rupert123 - 2011-08-03 10:31 PM




OK euroserve, I said I would not quote you so will not but most parts of your post are not that clear. First you have not the slightest idea what my experience of the X250 is and indeed I have no idea what yours is, just what you tell us. I fully accept anyone can complain, make a point, etc if I disagree I will say so, this is a forum, it is what people do. No one fought a battle for me because no one had to and in fact the only one that did anything much was Andy, the rest just talked about it and those were mainly people who did not own an X250. As for the bit about no progress has been made with the new euro 5 vans this beggers belief. I drove one last week and it is the best van of any that I have ever driven and will certainly be buying one next year. This is getting really boring though so all those who want to go over all this ancient ground one more time good luck.



First; Thanks Hymervan; I am not going anywhere. It does get my goat when people don't read the thread before commenting; more so when they want to drone on about nothing in particular, but even that serves a purpose.....


As far as I can remember, rupert123 bought an X250 and had a judder problem. He made the call to Fiat and had the fix done. If I am incorrect about his van, and in fact it had no problems at all I apologise. However several hundred people have had the 'fixes' done; mostly with some success and that could only have been because of the campaign on here led by Andy. He very wisely used the forum to make as much noise as possible while gathering data from other owners and operators that formed a very substantial argument that Fiat could not ignore. Even those members that did not own a van formed a part of the many thousands of people who read or contributed and formed a 'mass' of concerned individuals. I am certain it was costing Fiat sales and eventually they acted. This is now history; but thanks for the opportunity to spread the word to new forum users.


On the subject of what 'beggars belief' for you in relation to the new Euro5 vans I can only offer the facts..... again...... while the engines, cab insulation, dashboard and a number of other small changes will have moved the driving experience along even further that it already was; the gearboxes remain unchanged from the most recent (2009) upgrades and as there have been some reports of these later vans still juddering it is perfectly reasonable to assume that the Euro 5 vans may do too. As usual, you allow your own experience to cloud your belief that all vans will be perfect and that everyone else was just making it up! Whether it 'beggars belief' or not the facts would suggest that NO FURTHER PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE. Do you get it? These are facts. Not beliefs, instincts or superstitions; FACTS!


I am sure that everyone here is delighted for you that you have a perfect van. I wonder what you hope to gain by winding people up that did, do, or may in the future have issues with their vehicles? What truly beggars belief' for me is why you keep doing this and keeping threads alive which would probably be on page 2 by now and attracting less interest?


Most surprising is why you participate in a forum like this at all? You have such an 'I'm alright, Jack!' attitude, are very confrontational and have a lust for antagonising everyone, but mostly those less fortunate than you. You also do not understand the concept of a campaign started by one person and supported by many that can even cause a major manufacturer to take note and eventually act. Why are you here? It must be for kicks.


Keep on kicking rupert123; see you on page 3 of this thread!




PS, If you want to know what my credentials are; you could always ask me, or read some threads, or someone else will fill you in. (^)

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