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Boat and Caravan Show Cancelled


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Press release from Ocean Media:




It is with great disappointment that a decision has been taken to cancel the 2012 Boat & Caravan Show, the UK's largest event for individuals and families wanting to get the most out of the Great British Outdoors with a history spanning more than 50 years.


The decision to cancel the show has been taken because of a lack of support from the caravan manufacturers and their dealers, despite having strong support from all other parts of the show (marine, holiday homes & lodges, tourism, accessories and outdoor leisure). Caravans have always been an integral part of the show which attracted over 87,000 paying visitors at a highly successful show last February.


Earlier this year, following a failure to secure the Boat & Caravan tenancy at the NEC, the National Caravan Council, with the support of the caravan manufacturers announced plans to launch its own event at London Excel to compete with the 2012 Boat and Caravan Show.


Having consulted the market and in particular caravan dealers, Ocean Media Group, the owner of the Boat & Caravan Show, was convinced that a national show was needed to support the leisure sector. The show concept was fully endorsed by the Camping and Caravanning Club and leading exhibitors from all parts of the leisure sector – including a number of caravan dealers. Despite their enthusiasm, these dealers latterly felt unable to participate in the show; this undermined one of the main pillars of the show and renders it no longer viable.


The Outdoor Leisure Show was an investment made by OMG to deliver a new audience of outdoor enthusiasts to the caravan market. Although the show achieved it's objective in delivering new unique visitors it was reliant on cross over visitors from Boat and Caravan to survive and so it too is unfortunately no longer viable.


Trevor Barratt, CEO – Ocean Media said that "loyal exhibitors, including a number of caravan dealers, and the shows many visitors will feel sorry that due to a lack of support from one element of the industry, the 2012 show has cancelled after more than 50 years".






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2 shows over consecutive weeks never could work!


It's just a great shame that the long running show lost out to the newcomer.


OR was this the new show organisers intention in picking the earlier week?


We certainly won't be going to London for the new show so will have to wait until October for our fix of new M/H's. Or we could always attend more of OAL's outdoor shows, now thst's an option :-D



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That is really annoying. I took some winter leave and although I am doing other things as well, intended to go to the show and stay at the Nec. The one at Excel the week before did seem rather odd though.

If one did go to the show the week before, how does one stand with the LEZ and having to pay to go there with a van? B-)

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So what they're basically saying is the Caravan/Motorhome dealers couldn't justify the (probably) extortionate prices they were charging for the exhibition stands and told them to 'work it'

Consequently they haven't sold the stands and are pulling the plug.

Sign of the times I suppose


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Hawcara - 2011-11-02 4:52 PM

If one did go to the show the week before, how does one stand with the LEZ and having to pay to go there with a van? B-)


You'd have to pay for every day you where 'on the road'.

And for us that would be £200 per day, so NO WAY!


Oh yes, and parking is also extortionate at £10 for up to 6 hours whereas the B&C show was always free!


Edit, Just as an example. If we drove into London, stayed on a site for, lets say 3 nights with 2 days at the show and drove to and from the show each day it would cost us 4 days at £200 for LEZ plus 2 days parking at minimum £10 each plus campsite fees, plus entrance fee. Add it all up and it's a definite no no!

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Hawcara - 2011-11-02 4:52 PM


That is really annoying. I took some winter leave and although I am doing other things as well, intended to go to the show and stay at the Nec. The one at Excel the week before did seem rather odd though.

If one did go to the show the week before, how does one stand with the LEZ and having to pay to go there with a van? B-)



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We were told by one of the Salesmen at the NEC show in February this year that they would not be back next year as Ocean Media had put their prices up so much that the dealers were on the lookout for another venue for 2012. It looks like they have found one, the Exxcel. Personally I prefer the NEC but if they are going to hike up their prices at a time when people are not spending, they bring it on themselves.


I shall not be going to the Exxcel either, I just don't like going to London. :-S

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When I visited the NEC last month I noticed that they were advertising the Excel show next February. I'm aware that, in past years, the autumn Excel show has been advertised but later withdrawn so I wondered if this was likely to happen again.


On a couple of the stands the subject of the Feb show came up and the exhibitors said that Excel would go ahead in Feb 2012 because they had already paid their deposits.


Looks like Excel got in first this time.


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I went to the show this year at the NEC but there is no way on gods earth that I would go to the one in London too much hassel and toooooo many miles as I live in the potteries (Stoke-on-trent).


Sorry to hijack this post but one thing that I do wish is that we had a decent Motorhome dealer in our area.

I went to the spinny motorhome dealers and all the used motorhomes were dirty and smelly and unprepared how do they expect to sell them in that state and just out of interest I asked them what they would give me for my newish motorhome against another one! my reply was unprintable.



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We have gone to NEC every year for last 7, with a 400 mile round trip, and a night or two out.

The reason given for the move to London was that Southerners would not travel as far as Birmingham for the show, so a new show was to be held at Excel.

I will not be going to London, and would suggest that all previous vistors to NEC from Wales, Scotland, and all England North of Birmingham should boycott the London show, and let the poor Southerners have it all to themselves. I think the attendance figures would be considerably down on previous NEC shows. :-(

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lizken - 2011-11-03 7:36 PM


We have gone to NEC every year for last 7, with a 400 mile round trip, and a night or two out.

The reason given for the move to London was that Southerners would not travel as far as Birmingham for the show, so a new show was to be held at Excel.

I will not be going to London, and would suggest that all previous vistors to NEC from Wales, Scotland, and all England North of Birmingham should boycott the London show, and let the poor Southerners have it all to themselves. I think the attendance figures would be considerably down on previous NEC shows. :-(



When I spoke to a manufacturer/ converter about a year ago he said that the Excel show was aimed at a difference market.

In Birmingham visitors make a day of it as it is well 'out of town'

They thought the Excel show would attract a lot more city people who might drop in during their lunch hours.

(I suppose it will be near enough to the city for the bankers to pop in and buy a new van with the days bonus).


It's only fair that there should be show down there as I doubt if many of them know where Birmingham is.



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If you go back a few years, thre was always an annual show at Earls Court - a pain for some I'm sure as there was almost no parking at all, and most people would arrive there on the train.. To balance things, though, the idea of a show at Excel Arena is great for those of us in South East/Southern England, and for many it will not involve driving at all, as there are good rail links across that area.


To have two shows on consecutive weeks was never going to work, and from conversation many years ago with the dealers, the cost to them of going to Birmingham even then was very high, and of course a drain on the sales staff in the dealer showrooms.


I'm not so sure about a different 'market', but certainly a different catchment area - Birmingham was never a 'day out' if you live south of London!!!...although we did do it one year for the day when we were living in West Cornwall - never again!


Shall be interested to see if Excel 2012 succeeds though in the present market conditions.....perosnally we like the outdoor shows as they have more relevent stalls on the whole - after all who is interested in some of the stallholders at the Birmingham show!

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Whilst is is true that the parking may well be more expensive this is more than offset by the lower entry fees. As regards the £200 fee this would only be applicable for those wishing to bring an older motorhome into London and I can't think there would be many of those. The fact is that having a show in London will be very convenient for us southerners not to mention the saving in traveling cost involved in going to the NEC show.


It is true that it would be more expensive for those living north of Watford but given that they have access to an excellent show at the NEC in October why on earth would they what attend one in London?

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Colin Leake - 2011-11-04 10:32 PM

As regards the £200 fee this would only be applicable for those wishing to bring an older motorhome into London and I can't think there would be many of those.




In this case an 'older motorhome' includes any Euro III engined MH over 3.5T.


This means any MH over 3.5T and registered until sometime around 2006/2007 (from memory) is liable for the £200 per day LEZ charge.


And that is an awful lot of MH's from the reaction to earlier posts.



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Colin, not everyone owns a Gin Palace on wheels, there are an enormous amount of older models on the road and I might add far better built than a lot of the latest ones on offer. The cost to attend an exhibition is a major decision for a lot of people and Birmingham has always offered free parking unless you want to stop overnight. It is also situated off a major trunk road which London isn't. Most people attending would have to use the dreaded M25 which has numerous roadworks taking place and is the biggest car park in the world on a normal day. I for one will not be attending, I prefer my sanity. If you are fortunate to own a model that doesn't come under the London restrictions then all well and good.
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Guest Peter James

I don't know why people bother with these shows. I've only ever been to one - a motor show at Earls Court about 40 years ago and it put me off for life, mainly because of the overcrowding, and the hassle of getting into London.

I can go to the local motorhome dealer and look inside hundreds of motorhomes whenever I feel like it, no crowds, no hassle, and no charge for entry or parking.

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When you get to the sort of personal costs that have been mentioned earlier on this thread to attend the Southern show,to me it is a no brainer, I would use that money to go towards another holiday in the motorhome. After all, if you attend one good show a year [North or South]I think that is enough unless the second was a low cost ,non inconvenience affair.



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Dave Newell - 2011-11-05 9:12 AM


Is Excel actually inside the LEZ? I only ask because I was told it is outside. I also understand there will be camping pitches available at Excel. I'm unlikely to attend though.





It's well inside the LEZ


( But pretty sure it's outside the Congestion Charge Zone - which maybe what someone was referring to)



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Dave Newell - 2011-11-05 9:12 AM


Is Excel actually inside the LEZ? I only ask because I was told it is outside. I also understand there will be camping pitches available at Excel. I'm unlikely to attend though.






Excel is Here. Postcode is EX16 1XL if the link doesn't work.

I thought basically everywhere within the M25 was the LEZ so Excel is definitely within :'(




Edit. I've just double checked on the TfL website and Excel is definitely within the LEZ.

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Been going to the NEC show since around 1975 and Bingley hall (Birmingham city centre before that and lately the October show, I do live local though.


Personally, I would sooner have the Feb show as it sort of kicks of the season, but won't be going to London.


Perhaps if the excel show is a week earlier, the traders can't move and prepare their stock in time? plus doing two weeks of shows on the trot, would be a pain for the staff.



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It seems that not everything inside the M25 is LEZ, so be a bit carefull. However the National Caravan Council of the UK took over the October show at the NEC and the show was OK but the show guide was full of errors. The NCC decided that a presence was required in the South so aparently got a bargain at Excel. Like many I have no inclination to go anyway near "the smoke" nor am I prepared to pay the rip off camping and travel fees applied or suffer the traffic close to London and the requirement to take a bus, coach or train which will be linking the camp sites to Excel.


Lets hope that the February show returns to the NEC in 2013. Having made their point about excessive fees from Ocean Media perhaps the NCC will do that one as well?.


It will all come out in the wash.




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What proportion of people take their motorhomes to an exhibition? I would suggest it is a very small percentage. We live in Kent and will be attending the Excel show. For us as many other southerners it will mean a short drive to the M25 which although it can be bad is more often than not fine. We have been on it at least 15 times this year with only a few relatively short holdups. Then it's a left hand turn and a short easy drive to the Excel centre.


I must admit that we would not dream of taking our motorhome to the show and if we lived in the midlands or north would not attend the Excel show.


My point is though that attending the NEC show is for us southerners an expensive business with travel costs being what they are. To me it seems perfectly fair and sensible to have one show in the midlands and one in the south. If we have one in the south then the Excel centre is the best place to have it.


It's about choice attend which show you like but don't try and make a case for having both shows at the NEC. Seems the trade agree and have made their choice.

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One major show in the south and one further north. Sounds balanced to me. As above, many people will use other transport to the Excel show so the LEZ argument doesn't stack up. You can't please all the people all the time.. Personally I think that it's a good idea, but we'll see if it is a success
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rolandrat - 2011-11-05 8:42 AM


Colin, not everyone owns a Gin Palace on wheels, there are an enormous amount of older models on the road and I might add far better built than a lot of the latest ones on offer. The cost to attend an exhibition is a major decision for a lot of people and Birmingham has always offered free parking unless you want to stop overnight. It is also situated off a major trunk road which London isn't. Most people attending would have to use the dreaded M25 which has numerous roadworks taking place and is the biggest car park in the world on a normal day. I for one will not be attending, I prefer my sanity. If you are fortunate to own a model that doesn't come under the London restrictions then all well and good.


How dear you call our motorhome a gin palace. May I point out that we took the fittings in the so called cocktail cabinet out to provide storage space for more useful tall objects like serial packets. For that mater we also took the fitted crock racks out and fitted a more useful extra shelf in the cabinet where they were. True it is new but only because as it happens we have replaced our previous 7 year old Rapido.


I do take the point someone made about the LEZ. It seems they have changed the goal posts from Euro ll to Euro lll which I was not aware of.


Just another point if anyone is looking for a new motorhome, as opposed to a two year old new one from Brownhills stock, then you need to go to the October show no matter what the location if you want to take delivery in time for the next season. We ordered our AutoTrail at the NEC last October, when to the Feb show tom chase it up and still only took delivery at the end of March.

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