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Good evening,


I have just registered this evening and would like to say hi.


I am a co-owner of Mandale Motorhomes. So I guess that makes me a trade member, if trade members are allowed on this forum. Anyway, I promises not to try and sell you anything and will try to give helpful posts.


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mandale - 2011-12-09 8:45 PM


Good evening,


I have just registered this evening and would like to say hi.


I am a co-owner of Mandale Motorhomes. So I guess that makes me a trade member, if trade members are allowed on this forum. Anyway, I promises not to try and sell you anything and will try to give helpful posts.

Hi welcome to the forums, my advice. Be strong, stick to your principles, don’t back down and don’t take to heart any verbal attacks you might subjected too.


Would be interested to hear your take on a previous posting; “Are motor home dealers as bad as second hand car salesmen”. (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Good evening Postnote,


I am not sure you can generalise dealers, however you have to understand that vehicle dealers sometimes have to deal with faults that should not be there in the first place. When having to repair faults they will be at the mercy of the manufacturer and probably only get limited technical details from the manufacturer. From my point of view the manufacturer should deal directly with the customer when it comes to faults. The only job I would expect a dealer to do is to promote my product and offer a friendly and informative service to what it would class as my customers. I think there are good and bad dealers but certainly in the car market, most manufacturers have a common disinterest in product faults or customer complaints. This leaves the dealer in the firing line in most cases. I am not sure if this is the case with motorhomes, but is probably the same. I guess it all depends on the dealer’s willingness to make the customer happy.



Also lets not forget the trade in vehicle that the customer says is in A1 condition and without fault. This is why most dealers usually offer less than your car is actually worth when you trade it in.


Good and bad in all, but it must be remembered that unhappy customers usually tell lots more people about their experience than happy ones.


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mandale - 2011-12-10 1:28 AM


Good evening Postnote,


I am not sure you can generalise dealers, however you have to understand that vehicle dealers sometimes have to deal with faults that should not be there in the first place. When having to repair faults they will be at the mercy of the manufacturer and probably only get limited technical details from the manufacturer. From my point of view the manufacturer should deal directly with the customer when it comes to faults. The only job I would expect a dealer to do is to promote my product and offer a friendly and informative service to what it would class as my customers. I think there are good and bad dealers but certainly in the car market, most manufacturers have a common disinterest in product faults or customer complaints. This leaves the dealer in the firing line in most cases. I am not sure if this is the case with motorhomes, but is probably the same. I guess it all depends on the dealer’s willingness to make the customer happy.



Also lets not forget the trade in vehicle that the customer says is in A1 condition and without fault. This is why most dealers usually offer less than your car is actually worth when you trade it in.


Good and bad in all, but it must be remembered that unhappy customers usually tell lots more people about their experience than happy ones.



Thanks for you well balanced view and wish you had been in at the start of the Thread earlier this year. Yes on reflection you dealers do get the brunt of us buyers when something goes wrong. But you are the only face we get to see, most manufacturers are faceless managers.


I can give you a prime example of this. A relation of mine has just bought a brand new Swift, on the face of it should have been ready to prep and go. No, that was not the case; there were faults and broken parts that it had been delivered to the dealers with. The dealer had his hands tied as Swift for what ever reason could not supply the faulty/broken parts.


How can we improve build quality and it’s not just Swift. I was looking at one stage to replace my 696g with Autotrail’s new Mohawk. Alas wood trim was hanging off the cupboards, internal doors would not close. Not a very good advert for Autotrail’s Quality Assurance.


Maybe if the manufacturers were the contact point for faults, they would make an effort to improve build quality. But hey why should they, they have you the dealer as a buffer and there the problem lays. The dealers are the ones that take all the flak so why should they care..


I thought all trade in’s where A1 condition..(lol) (lol)


I look forward to your future posts Daniel.


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Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the forum.

I am relatively new myself and not as confident or sure as some of the people who post on here,they are a wealth of knowledge and in the main extremely helpful, which is why I find it very informative and yes it seems to get lively at times, but never boring.

good luck


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Hello Daniel/Mandale

I've been a member for a few months and generally find the content helpful and informative.

I do cringe when some contributers hijack threads with their own "tiffs" (to put it politely).


Slightly OT I know but continuing the current trend over the past 10 years or so I have purchased from converters who sell the vehicles themselves and have no "middle man" to blame when faults arise. I have always found their service second to none and pre-delivery inspections very thorough as the last thing they want is the vehicle back in their workshops disrupting their production schedules.


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Brian Kirby - 2011-12-10 3:43 PM


malc d - 2011-12-10 3:21 PM


Just don't be influenced by the fact that the forum awards people the title " Expert "


It's awarded for the number of postings you make - not for what you know.


Damn! :-D



Double Damn ! :D :D Me I know nothing :$

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Hi and welcome to the mad house! :D


Nice looking van conversions, very interesting design, especially of the compact - I'm sure it will interest those who want a small van with the traditional type of VW layout, but it having a proper toilet compartment will surely make it very desirable.



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