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A quick poll

Dr Dave

A quick poll  

42 members have voted

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Dr Dave - 2011-12-10 8:17 PM


Just to see if members of the Caravan and Camping club would use Club sites if the prices were more affordable.


I'm not quite sure what you're trying to elicit, but you may wish to think whether your question will give you an answer which has decipherable results.


Let us assume that I am a member of (The Camping and Caravanning Club, or the Caravan Club?) and I currently use the sites (presumably already finding them affordable). Would I use them if they were "more affordable" (do you mean lower-priced?) - well, yes, of course I would, but voting for that wouldn't give much meaningful data.


I'm really not trying to be pedantic; quite honest answers to this question won't provide much insight into what you are trying to find out. :-S

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Being a member of either the CC or C&CC does not mean that one is motivated purely by the ability to use sites. Many of these are open to non members at a higher rate certainly. I for one join the Clubs for many things, not just the site access, and hope that my membership is going someway to providing the facilities for all to enjoy, if they wish.Many commercial sites are excellent, others less so, but having all options is one I hope will remain.
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We are members of the C&CC and are quite happy paying the current prices for use of their sites if the location and availability suits us.

I don't see what you're trying to gain from this poll as if the price was lower then the sites would be full of riff raff or the facilities poorer to compensate.

We are quite happy with things the way they are hence I haven't voted on your poll.



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I dropped out of the C&CC NOT because of site prices, but because We like to choose an Empty Pitch ourselves, NOT be allocated one by the (un) Friendly 'Site Manager'. And we thought some of their sites were 'tatty' for the money charged. so, I won't vote, I wouldn't go to them anyway, whatever the price. :D Ray



'Riff Raff' ? you have been watching too much 'Basil Fawlty'.

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The purpose of this question was to satisfy my curiosity really, We are members of the C&CC and go on lots of meets temporary holiday sites and CL’s I am aware this is not everybody’s cup of tea but each to their own. When we look at a club site and find you pay a pitch price and then a cost per person and extra for children we just don’t see the value in it. It is an attempt to prompt discussion on club sites and if members are pleased with the pricing structure
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Why do some sites charge extra for dogs ? I am not a dog owner , so it doe's not apply to me ,but if I was and had paid to have my dog with me would it be acceptable for me to take my dog into the showers for a wash down as I am paying for the facilities when paying for the dog .

Slightly off topic , but just curious..

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I no longer use CCC sites as I do not want to book for two nights when one will do. If I had a caravan I would be happy to leave it on site all day but with the MH I want the option of staying at a new location each night and not waste diesel returning where I have already stayed. That's why I traded in the caravan for a MH and that's why, with regret and after a working life as a member, I left the CCC.
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Like earlier postings,I'm not sure actually what the original quesiton was....but price for us is not the only consideration. We have been memebr of the CC for more years than I care to remember, and form time to time have been in the CC,but always ended up not renewing because of teh 'Managers' and other similar burocracy..like the £5 fee for the privege of arriving at 1 min to mid-day...even it we leave at 8am the next day! We have also found that very often the facilities are less good than CC, so have stayed with that and will continue to do so.
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A tenner is just about the max I will pay if I have to for parking our van. I still wouldnt stay on a Club site though. I just dont see the point in paying a fortune for a self sufficient motorhome to then go and pay loads more money to park it in a concrete jungle surrounded by loads of other vans and tuggers.


I have never seen one that appeals and to be honest even if they were free I wouldnt use them



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I too don't like formal sites and all that faffing about booking in and being asked in that accusing tone 'have you booked, sir?' and the general perception that because we have one of they awful dormobile thingies and only want to stay one night that we are inferior beings!


Whilst that may be a caricature of 'modern' club site life and certainly does not apply at them all we still prefer the more off beat and laid back approach of CSs, THSs and weekend meets - usually although some of them are getting a bit 'jobsworthy' at times!


Not that it matters much any more as most of our camping is done South of Calais these days!

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Keithl - 2011-12-10 9:54 PM




We are members of the C&CC and are quite happy paying the current prices for use of their sites if the location and availability suits us.

I don't see what you're trying to gain from this poll as if the price was lower then the sites would be full of riff raff or the facilities poorer to compensate.

We are quite happy with things the way they are hence I haven't voted on your poll.




"the sites would be full of riff raff" 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


Sell your motorhome and buy a Yacht. You will fit in much better and there will be less chance of bumping into the lower classes. *-) *-)

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I'm sure we'd all be grateful for price reductions right now! The curious pricing with the clubs is the relatively high price of CS/CLs these days. It wasn't that long ago we were paying £5-6/night excluding electricity but now anything from £8-£12 excl seems to be the norm often with obligatory leccy at more cost with some asking £5/night for it. In contrast the CCC offer mid and low season concessions to the over 55s that are very attractive by comparison. They do seem to be creeping up just over the £10/night/couple but are still often much better value than CSs in the same area. Serviced pitches aren't always obligatory though the 'welcome' and 'booking' procedures do tend to draw you in that direction and you have to be quite pro-active to opt out. This is more difficult in winter because hardstanding is often only on these 'serviced pitches at £3.50ish/night extra. We use a very mixed portfolio of overnighting that includes pubs, official stopovers, wilding, CS/CLs and CCC sites. We were members of both CC & CCC until a few years ago but gave up the rather over-formal CC in favour of the slightly more relaxed CCC some years ago. All of this does vary slightly from area to area and site to site of course. All in all we do look for sub-£10 nights as long as the location etc is suitable. We'd generally prefer not to be on a regimented site and used to use CLs for that but rarely now due to the cost which we see as unacceptable trather than unaffordable. We still like true wild camping in wild places best of all. In contrast my daughter & family prefer commercial sites with pool etc and pay eye-watering fees for that. Each to their own I guess!

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747 - 2011-12-11 1:33 PM


Keithl - 2011-12-10 9:54 PM




We are members of the C&CC and are quite happy paying the current prices for use of their sites if the location and availability suits us.

I don't see what you're trying to gain from this poll as if the price was lower then the sites would be full of riff raff or the facilities poorer to compensate.

We are quite happy with things the way they are hence I haven't voted on your poll.




"the sites would be full of riff raff" 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


Sell your motorhome and buy a Yacht. You will fit in much better and there will be less chance of bumping into the lower classes. *-) *-)



Or better still advertise a 'Gourmet Night' at your next site with the caveat 'NO Riff Raff' you know who you are ! (lol) (lol)

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Barryd999 - 2011-12-11 10:56 AM


" then go and pay loads more money to park it in a concrete jungle "


I have never seen one that appeals and to be honest even if they were free I wouldnt use them





Are you sure it was a campsite that you were looking at ?






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747 - 2011-12-11 1:33 PM..........................Sell your motorhome and buy a Yacht. You will fit in much better and there will be less chance of bumping into the lower classes. *-) *-)

You reckon, eh? Then you haven't visited the exclusive marina at Newhaven, Sussex, in a location known as Sleeper's Hole! Perception, perceptions! ;-)

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malc d - 2011-12-11 3:20 PM


Barryd999 - 2011-12-11 10:56 AM


" then go and pay loads more money to park it in a concrete jungle "


I have never seen one that appeals and to be honest even if they were free I wouldnt use them



Are you sure it was a campsite that you were looking at ? :-D

No, it was an urban aire, but that is off topic, so I apologise! :-)

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