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Gender of Motorhomes

Mr  Mrs Batty

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Hi everyone - firstly just to explain (gave up appologising years ago) I have Dyslexia so my typing and spelling is a little eratic sometimes !

First thread I have done feel free to have a go, slag it off or add - its all fun lol.




Our beloved M.H. is without doubt a 'girl' and is affectionatley known as 'The Sexy Slut' . Sorry to the female forum users but its our name for her !!

Are everyones M.H.s female ???? We have tried to work out why ? Is it that 'she' is good looking, promises years of fun and enjoyment, that she is VERY high maintainance and you sleep 'with her' so OBVIOUSLY female ? Is it that Mr Batty has been known to get physically aroused while cleaning and lovingly polishing her smooth lines ? Or is it that we are just sad old farts ?

We suspect the later but who cares !!

Also the female forum people are your M.H.s male ???? Come on girls - just opened the door to endless oppertunities to slate the male of the species !


Please discuss , skip on to something more interesting, slag us to death, add a humerous comment, add a serious comment.


Thanks - The Batty Crew :-D

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We call ours 'Webster' because he/she/it's first trip with us was to Morocco.


The previous van was known as the 'Kowshed' due to it's registration ####KOW!


The van before that was the 'Sandpit' on account of it's sand coloured upholstery!


Before that it was 'Norman' the Nuevo!

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Guest pelmetman

If it was cheap and doesn't make to many demands on your wallet and just happily plods along.......then its male.............Like Horace ;-)


If it cost a fortune, is expensive to run and requires lots of bling, with a tendency to be temperamental then it must be female :D


Running to the air raid shelter now 8-)

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pelmetman - 2011-12-18 12:15 PM


If it was cheap and doesn't make to many demands on your wallet and just happily plods along.......then its male.............Like Horace ;-)


If it cost a fortune, is expensive to run and requires lots of bling, with a tendency to be temperamental then it must be female :D


Running to the air raid shelter now 8-)


Thanks for your very brave reply which must be from Dave - cold few nights in the awning for you we think ! xxxxx

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Symbol Owner - 2011-12-18 12:07 PM


Ours is called 'Long-distance Clara' ( or just 'Clara'), after the female lorry-driving character in the 1980's BBC children's programme 'Pigeon street'. My wife is the sole driver due to my sight problem.









Thanks for your reply Colin. Thats brill that Mrs Colin drives. Mrs. Batty drives ours on some occasions but we always wonder why more wives / girlfriends / partners dont seem to ? When we wave like lunatics at other Homies when out on the road it is invariably the guy driving. Guess its mainly us kids never grown up boys toys thing.




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Tracker - 2011-12-18 12:10 PM


We call ours 'Webster' because he/she/it's first trip with us was to Morocco.


The previous van was known as the 'Kowshed' due to it's registration ####KOW!


The van before that was the 'Sandpit' on account of it's sand coloured upholstery!


Before that it was 'Norman' the Nuevo!



Hi ! Thanks for your reply as this is our first (and many may hope last thread) we are trying to be nice and reply to fellow Homies.

We cant help wondering if you have however made a huge mistake ???? Surley a transgender M.H. may cause mental problems. At Christmas by you buy it a dress or trousers ? Do you swear in front of 'it' or not ?Do you get it a pint or a bicardi at the bar ? It raises all sorts of issues !


Although this is maybe just a hopefully humerous thread colins reply is interesting and maybe though provoking regarding actual driving ?



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Hopesy - 2011-12-18 11:57 AM


Ours is male called Victor, our sister in law named him don't know why, but it suits him :-)



Victor is a great 'male' name ! Sounds slow, but sure king of the road type. Brave allowing your sister in law to name him though. My last sister in law ( many years ago) came up with some not very useable / nice names for me. We were in the divorce courts at the time with her sister which may explain it to a degree .


Mr B :D

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Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-18 3:38 PM

We cant help wondering if you have however made a huge mistake ???? Surley a transgender M.H. may cause mental problems:-D



Do vans have mental issues?


I know they can be moody and temperamental and even downright grumpy at times - but it would take a braver man than I to outright accuse my van of having mental issues as that is surely just asking for trouble!!


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Thanks for your reply Colin. Thats brill that Mrs Colin drives. Mrs. Batty drives ours on some occasions but we always wonder why more wives / girlfriends / partners dont seem to ? When we wave like lunatics at other Homies when out on the road it is invariably the guy driving. Guess its mainly us kids never grown up boys toys thing.


Sorry to hi-jack the thread a little Mr. & Mrs. Batty -- but -- as you appear to be interested:-


As several other posters on here know already, I have been without the sight of my right eye snce boyhood, but have lived a very full 'one-eyed' existence until 2 years ago -- including an ( almost) accident-free driving record (small cars only) since passing my 'test' (after several attempts!) in 1975.

However, when, in 2009,we set off for a 5-week campervan/motorhome tour of New Zealand, my, until then, perfectly good sighted eye developed trouble -- a posterior vitreous detachment meant that my eye was full of 'tadpoles'/floaters -- not good! Anyway we had a superb holiday and my lovely Liz (wife) driving a 'van only for the second time in her life, drove the whole 4000 Km. (2500 miles) around both islands.She passed her test at 17 and is a superb driver who likes challenges -- it's other road users who give me grief!

When in N.Z., at Trongariro, we encountered a misogynist Aussie male, who, on seeing me about to climb up into the passemger seat of the 'van, said:- "Never trust a 'Sheila' driver" -- he got the rough end of my tongue, I can tell you!

When we got back home, we decided that we just had to have a 'van -- and 'the rest is history', as they say! Shortly after returning from N.Z., I saw my local eye consultant -- my 'good' eye is now stable and I am back to driving a car (sometimes!) -- I really must pluck up courage to drive the 'van ( it feels awfully big/wide!) at least so that I can be 'back-up driver in emergencies/fatiguing stuations.


So, to return to 'van-naming, to name it after the fictitious lady lorry-driver in the kids cartoon that our two had watched in the '80's, seemed highly appropriate!


Sorry to go on so long about myself folks!










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Hi Colin no problem jacking the thread !


Your post is miles more interesting and informative than our drivel anyway. So pleased that the good eye has settled down and become stable.

Liz sounds a 'top Sheila' and a very accomplised driver. The male 'because Ive got a willy' makes me a better driver thought process was fine when we lived in caves or indeed are Aussies !

Mrs B is far and away a better driver with regard to concentration then I am although I drive around 50k a year for work purposes. Also the onboard trip ALWAYS returns better miles per gal. when she drives. This fact is obviously totally milked by my beloved.

With regard to driving again maybe ease back in ? Lesleys first go behind the wheel was on a Sunday morning and a fairly empty dual carriageway. Got used to the size and changing lanes etc with little traffic about. Went up and down a 3 mile stretch with roundabouts either end which was great practise.

BET after a few goes you will be fighting over who is driving or at the least be confident to step in if needed.


Very best of luck any way


Mr & Mrs B.

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Guest pelmetman
I'm the best driver in our house :D..................but there again I'm the only driver *-)....................Ooooop's better go back to the shelter 8-)
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Just to be serious for a minute Dave -- I got a 'wake-up call' about couples touring together in a 'van, with only one of the pair licenced and able to drive it, when we were just about to buy our 'van, 2 years ago.A fellow motorhomer had brought his 'van into the dealers, and recounted the tale of having had a heart attack (fortunately not too serious-but requiring hospitalisation)whilst touring around Scotland.The fact that his wife could not/would not drive the 'van bcame a real issue. I have nghtmares of that happening to us in reverse -- which is why I MUST get around to driving it next season!


Take care all, happy (and safe) motorhoming,






P.S. This is all rather a long way from gender of/names for motorhomes --anybody else got an interesting nickname for their 'van?



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Our Autotrail Cheyenne is 'Annie', sometimes 'Fat Annie' when things get a bit tight down country roads! then again we have a Ford Focus Elle known as Ellie, and a Hyundai 120 known as Hetty. So all our vehicles are female - nice to look at, adaptable, reliable . . . . need I go on? :-D



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Mines female when all is going well and something else when sally sat nav has me going down a footpath with branches scraping both sides and a vehicle coming the other way. Welcom to the loony bin John *-) p.s your spelling is better than mine can we start a spat.
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teflon2 - 2011-12-18 7:59 PM


Mines female when all is going well and something else when sally sat nav has me going down a footpath with branches scraping both sides and a vehicle coming the other way. Welcom to the loony bin John *-) p.s your spelling is better than mine can we start a spat.


Ooooooooops sorry :$

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Symbol Owner - 2011-12-18 6:43 PM


Just to be serious for a minute Dave -- I got a 'wake-up call' about couples touring together in a 'van, with only one of the pair licenced and able to drive it, when we were just about to buy our 'van, 2 years ago.A fellow motorhomer had brought his 'van into the dealers, and recounted the tale of having had a heart attack (fortunately not too serious-but requiring hospitalisation)whilst touring around Scotland.The fact that his wife could not/would not drive the 'van bcame a real issue. I have nghtmares of that happening to us in reverse -- which is why I MUST get around to driving it next season!


Take care all, happy (and safe) motorhoming,






P.S. This is all rather a long way from gender of/names for motorhomes --anybody else got an interesting nickname for their 'van?





Hi Colin - never mind my silly thread, have a go behind the wheel over Christmas. Roads should be quiet between 25th and the mad New Year. You will soon get confident I bet. Even if it outs your mind at rest that you can be 'the back up' driver. Heaven forbid but none of us know when / what will happen (part of the excitment but part of the worry) when we are out and about in our M.H.

We try and rid all the worries that we can prior to taking to the road which we find makes it more enjoyable.

Go for it matey !!!!!!! (not after a large glass of Christmas cheer obviously !)


Mr B .


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teflon2 - 2011-12-18 7:59 PM


Mines female when all is going well and something else when sally sat nav has me going down a footpath with branches scraping both sides and a vehicle coming the other way. Welcom to the loony bin John *-) p.s your spelling is better than mine can we start a spat.


Hi John - Sally sat nav ???? Surley you are not going to blame a female for bad map reading !!! lol


With regard to my dyslexia it does have some advantages. While shooping with Mrs B in the super market and being a bloke obviously driving the trolley, when instructed to turn Right into the hair and facial products section I can sometimes get away with turning LEFT into the wines and spirits !!!!

PS Happy to have a spat - thanks for the offer over who can spell to worst lol


Take care


Mr B

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marydot - 2011-12-18 7:02 PM


Our Autotrail Cheyenne is 'Annie', sometimes 'Fat Annie' when things get a bit tight down country roads! then again we have a Ford Focus Elle known as Ellie, and a Hyundai 120 known as Hetty. So all our vehicles are female - nice to look at, adaptable, reliable . . . . need I go on? :-D




Hi Mary - very female - I think most peoples are. Nice to look at, adaptable, reliable - WE COULD GO ON , expensive, high maintainance, demanding may be better not.lol

Love the Cheyenne by the way.


Mr & Mrs B. :-D

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knight of the road - 2011-12-18 8:43 PM


My M/H is the one and only knight of the Road, instantly recognised by the yellow number plate at the bottom of the windscreen showing KOTR, if you happen to see me on the road or on site, give me a wave but dont throw rocks please.


Hi Malc


come on then commit still got to clarify is it a male knight or a girlie knight ??

Seem few M.H.s with plates in the windscren - do you get any hassle from over keen police officers at all regarding displaying two plates all be it obviously one being your van nickname ?

We WILL wave as this is a main part of traveling - well is in our mad little world !!


Mr & Mrs B


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Mr Batty,

I would describe my motor home as male after all you never see a female knight do you? after I have spent about 4 hours giving it an intensive wash and brush up it looks like a gleaming knight in shining armour. Armed with a bucket of hot water and all my cleaning stuff and not forgetting a painters fitch brush to get into all the nooks and crannies to get rid of that green gunge it looks the bee's knee's.

Never had a problem with an over zealous cop pulling me over regarding my KOTR plate on the dash board, my way of thinking with a traffic cop or any other cop is a case of yes sir no sir, dont make waves.

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Please explain - what's a traffic cop?


I thought they were extinct - have not seen one for years?


If you do see a traffic police car you won't see the coppers get out of it as they are too busy playing with all the electronics that allow them to be mobile money makers!

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