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My Tom tom xl has no way to add a destination nor --


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8-) Ive had my tom tom for about two weeks and cant use it. 8-)


Ive tried EVERY way to enter Lat & Long from my list of stops it dosnt exist ;-) :'(


I can ONLY type an address such as Lyon, Paris,Rome etc which is quite useless when i want to stop in a field with three places for campingvans a tap,drain & waste bin,such as the one i stayed at last night,amazingly two other campers arrived about an hour after my arival


Whatever my old Garmin,which isnt so bad,got me near enough to sumble upon the aire.Today im in a large town and macdonalds has a working wi-öfi for the first time in many stops hear


How dose tom tom work???Where do i go to add lat long help 8-)


when i first got the tom tom it felt and looked nice had a thing to enter poi,s which i thought wonderful but if it can only find poi.s its no good at all


Amother point it has only internal memory which has only 400mgb fron 2GB left that will soon go and


Anyone have one?? how do i enter a lat and long please


Im rushing as i dont know how long this connection wil last

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Guest pelmetman

I have the XL and the man in Halfords said I can do lat & long.........unfortunately didn't try it until we went on holiday last year too Spain..................Needless to say the man from "Halfords"....He talks B*****k's *-)


So what I do now is look on google earth and then match it with the "Point on a Map" facility..........long winded but it gets me where I want to go ;-)

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I've got one and you can use latitude and longtitude. Unfortuneatly its broke and can't remember how.


But I think when you press "navigate to" .......................a number of options come up such as address postcode etc. Ignore this page and press the arrow in the bottom right hand corner and latitude and longtitude will be shown as an option on the next page.

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Hi, I have my TT XL in my hand at the moment and with mine all I do is on Menu 1 of 2, press Navigate to, next page comes up, press the arrow for next page and the next page reads:- My Location Point on Map Latitude Longitude City centre Position of last stop.

You see Latitude and Longitude is on my TT XL

So dont know why your one dosnt show what you need.


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Barney123 - 2012-01-22 7:27 PM


Hi, I have my TT XL in my hand at the moment and with mine all I do is on Menu 1 of 2, press Navigate to, next page comes up, press the arrow for next page and the next page reads:- My Location Point on Map Latitude Longitude City centre Position of last stop.

You see Latitude and Longitude is on my TT XL

So dont know why your one dosnt show what you need.


Is it an early one edition 1, as i think you could do long/lat on those,


But the later ones you definitely cannot as I have one, and when I couldn't find long an lat on it I contacted tom tom who confirmed you cannot use long/lat on this model.


the page as you described does not relate to my late 2010 model



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To quote TOM TOM's website...

"This feature is not supported on all devices." :-(


The quote is taken directly from Link


I have just tried on my 12 month old Tom Tom XL IQ Routes 2 and I cannot find any way to input co-ordinates either so as TT says it is not possible on all models.

It's something to do with "Easy menu". which does not have the option.


I did find a link by Googling that said if you change to an older version of the software you can re-instate the option but I don't particularly fancy trying.


So Alf, it's probably not you but the TT you have bought is 'not fit for purpose'.



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Guest pelmetman
Barney123 - 2012-01-22 7:27 PM


Hi, I have my TT XL in my hand at the moment and with mine all I do is on Menu 1 of 2, press Navigate to, next page comes up, press the arrow for next page and the next page reads:- My Location Point on Map Latitude Longitude City centre Position of last stop.

You see Latitude and Longitude is on my TT XL

So dont know why your one dosnt show what you need.

So have I 8-)...........and the only time I can get lat & long is if I press help and it tells me where I am :-S



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Keithl - 2012-01-22 8:08 PM


To quote TOM TOM's website...

"This feature is not supported on all devices." :-(


The quote is taken directly from Link





I can on both my Go720 and my XXL but don't know for XL. Interestingly on the link shown above the XL is listed as having the ability to use Lat Long if you select from the list at the bottom of the page.!!!




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Found it, and deliberately started a new post to make sure you find it.


If you look at a post half way down the page on this Link you will find the following and I quote...


"Here is a link that provides a way to go back to the pre-Easy Menu system (be sure to do a computer backup first). Don't know if coordinate use is enabled however, but most are happy with the results.: http://www.tomtomforums.com/tomtom-one-start-ease-xl-xxl/22302-how-get-more-menu-options-models-easy..."


I haven't tried it so can't guarantee if it works but may be an answer to your problem.




Edit And to answer previous posting, my XL has 'Easy Menu' and so does not have a page 2 of the menu :'(

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Because you took the advice from a member of halfords staff on the specific point of using Lat/Long and on that basis made the purchase, then as it does not perform the functions that you require " It is not fit for purpose" and the onus is on them to replace it. If you just went in and bought the Satnav then that is a different matter.


SO when you get home, go back to Halfords explain that you purchased on their staff's advice and assurances. Then request and (if being nice fails) then demand that they exchange your current device for one that will do what you initially purchased the Satnav to do. Perhaps adding that you will be willing to pay any difference in value from what you currently have to another SUITABLE Satnav.


It would probably be wise to get Halfords to demonstrate (before you leave the shop) that any second recommendation/Satnav performs the required functions - after all halfords make a great play in their TV adverts that they will set it up for you.


It does not matter how long before you return home, but obviously the sooner the better and highlighting the severe inconvenience that their miss selling has caused you will not go a miss, you may even get an upgrade free !!!.


The other alternative is to buy a Garmin.


Anyway, have a good journey and a safe return home



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8-) Second day macdo has wi-fi ON must be a new manager or owner :-S Privas in dept 07 might have changed as well,ill look as i pass :-S


Last night i compleated the download of the tom tom pfd for one/xl/xxl it says clearly the blue button is pressed to enter lat/long *-)


I read the pfd twice went through the steps result im missing not just lat long but several other functions listed.Im going to look for a Darty shop now then ask them what they can do.


I read so many good reports about tom tom i thought i had to have one,but they are rubbish how can anyone use one?Huge trucks,white vans,and reps all exchange lat/longs to find stops ive overheard them doing just that several times when vei stopped for coffee


Unfortunatly for me i put the packageing in a bin trusting that this tom tom had full functions,im more surprised having seen the same for sale at 258€ RRP in small shops & garages i paid half via darty which while not best vale for everything dose have super prices on certain items and first class service


I can only look at the link to install an old system *-)

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"Here is a link that provides a way to go back to the pre-Easy Menu system (be sure to do a computer backup first). Don't know if coordinate use is enabled however, but most are happy with the results.: http://www.tomtomforums.com/tomtom-one-start-ease-xl-xxl/22302-how-get-more-menu-options-models-easy..."


8-) 8-) Say "page cant be found"


Is there another link to re install?Ne tom toms are a disaster wont be long before they go out of business unless that is the EU have forbidden lat/long for security 8-)


The tom tom i have dose ask how i would like my lat long displayed is that just a setting they forgot to deleat?


Im going to look at the garmin site to look at updates as my old garmin has lost the update it came with no longer recognises dual carrageways that have been in use for years such as the one leading to Abanans.worse passing every village large or small it want me to drive through the center not use the road passing by


How much do tom tom save by leaving parts of the program out? :'(

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There are TomToms which do not have this function - a definite mistake on their part as this is very valuable. Even my old One V3 has it.

Take it back as 'not fit for purpose' and get a TomTom with this function. I would not have anything other than TomTom as I have got used to the interface and have seen the difficulty my pal has with his Snooper.

TomTom will not go out of business because of this oversight, I'm sure they have had much correspondence letting them know they got it wrong. In your case, it is Halfords who got it wrong as you specifically asked for this function to be available.

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tomtom forums as bad as tom tom :-S NO posts what so ever for anything very useful unless your tom tom wont start or wont update or you need to add traffic news


I registered re-registered logged on off on & off again my registration is hear:Registration Process

Thank you campingvan. Your registration has been submitted.


The board administrator has chosen to require validation for all email addresses. Within the next 10 minutes (usually instantly) you'll receive an email with instructions on the next step. Don't worry, it won't take long before you can post!


The email has been sent to fionaadams@hushmail.com


Clicked link logged on but always says i cant post error im not logged in????????????? 8-)



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I have real problems to find wi-fi


If anyone thats bought such a crippeled tom tom finds a soulution to use lat/long PLEASE share how


In the mean time i will try to return this tom tom to Darty ive just realised that i left the package in a packaging specific bin which wont be emptied until May 8-) I just have to zoom north again as im told it hasnt snowed there yet?


Anyone that can suggest a way to use new tom toms i will look in at each wi-fi connection *-) Rush rush today it seems just as id slowed down to a relaxed pace B-)

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Hi Fiona, just slow down a little, take a nice deep breath.

Where are you (physically) now - England?

If so, find a halfords and take it back - if you can get back for the packaging, all the better but THEY need to change it as you asked for it to perform a particular task which it wont do.

RE finding campsites and stop overs, many posters (me included) can help you find and load the Point Of Interest (POI) files onto your new (replaced TomTom) so that you can find these on the TomTom map and then tap them to navigate to - no typing of lat/long or postcodes etc.

However, with the new device you should be able to use lat/long if you require.

When I got my device and I was using it in the UK, I was just using postcodes and this was OK.

When we first went to france I realised that this was useless but didnt find the lat/long menu item (page 2 of the 'navigate to' menus) until later in the trip - MUCH better.

Good luck.

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:-S I have to rush a bit,im now in a train station cafe,where for 5€ i have coffee diet cake and a wi-fi code which im using now 8-) And have been for about an hour


Im just south of Lyon France heading for somwhere as yet undecided,depends on repairs later once i have my driving licence(i forgot) ill press on to Lisboa(Portugal) unless it takes so long to find somwhere to collect my licence it becomes to close to May in which case ill be home :-( :-(


Can i have a chance to find the illusive blue button (even spell check has left me)


It has indeed been a hard few days i cant tell you the mishaps i hope life returns to its normal slow pace,i will add a book to my sony 505 ereader (quite old) and read it in the French hills on the optherside of the Rhone--I might hit the next person that tells me my campingvan/e-reader-camers---- are to old

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Go to 'Navigate to: blue arrow to 2nd Frame. Latitude/Longtitude is top r/h icon. pressing it gives you a Numeric plus 0 ' N S keypad to enter data. Mine is only a Tom Tom one (new) version, but i do plug it into the Web once a month for updates. only ever bought 1 new map in 5 years,

never had any other type of Sat-Nav, But i find this one the dogs 'do-da's' and never leave home without it. Ray

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Where have you been for the last couple of days?


Tom Tom have deleted the option to input Lat and Long with the introduction of their 'Easy Menu' :-(


If you read the posts in both this thread and plumbersvan's other thread you will find all the details.


Basically DO NOT BUY a TT with the 'Two button' welcome screen.



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