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EURO 4 engine


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Hi John

The Euro 4 engine was introduced late 2006, but the vast majority of Motorhomes registered in 2006 (+some in 2007) will be on the preceeding model with the Euro 3 engine.

Very few 2006 registered Motorhomes will have the Euro 4 engine, even fewer imported models like the Rapido.

The easy way to identify is the cab (unless you have an "A" Class)

2006 Euro 3 model front example:-



2007 - 2011 Euro 4 model example:-



Either way (as Robin Hood states) the emmissions will not affect the Taxation Class'

Taxation Classes for Vehicles stating Vehicle type = Motorhomes, are:-

PLG (Private Light Goods) upto 3500kg MAM (MGVW in old money) £210

PHG (Private Heavy Goods above 3500kg to (I think) 7500kg MAM £160

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But it will affect the LEZ if over 3,500kg!


Euro III vehicles over 3,500kg will get charged £200 per day for entering the LEZ whereas Euro IV can go free!


See TfL LEZ for more details.


And I agree with Flicks and co above, I don't believe it will affect your road tax :-(



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Your 2.8 Ducato is definately a Euro 3. Perhaps in Germany they recognise that this engine was exceptionally clean and in fact met Euro4 standards in all but particulate emissions, and then only fell slightly short because it did not have a particulate trap or cat! Probably not though, so I would just keep quiet and enjoy the benefits!



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