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Wheel bearing cover on X250


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Hi can anybody tell me if they have the same problem.


Last week I took the wheel trim off my 2011 ducato X250 and when I looked at the centre of the wheel holder there was no cover on the wheel bearing where the large nut is,

I told the Fiat dealer when it went for its first service last week and they said that they noted it last year on the PDI but they did not say anything then.

I asked them to put two on the front that were missing (the back ones are there) and they said that they would sort it out.

When I picked the motorhome up they had still not done them and said that they did not have a part number for them and could not get them.

I rang Fiat UK and they said that they did not have a part number and could not get them and denied that they should be fitted as there was no part number.

I argued with them for over thirty minutes and said that this was an esential part to protect the bearings and should be fitted when the vehicle was new, they said no it is not an esential part and they would get back to me.


They rang me back and said that they were sorry but they were wrong and had found the part number and they would cost me £82.


Am I wrong is the bearing cover an esential part to protect the Bearings or is it an extra.

If you have had a new Ducato recentley are the covers fitted to your van or motorhome.



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As the Ducato is front wheel drive the bearing is much deeper into the hub behind the drive flange than on an undriven hub and will be protected by oil seals both front and back and therefore a dust cap is not necessary.

Think back to Mini front hub nuts and the nuts where always exposed, exactly the same as a Ducato.


Perhaps someone with a Ducato workshop manual could look for a sectional view of the front hub to confirm this please.



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Hi Dave and keith


Some time ago there was a post on wheel bearing falure on the front of a Ducato I cannot find it in the search engine.

Yes I may be mistaken but Do you think that the reason for this problem could be that there was no cover on them and would it be advisable to fit them.

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Mickydripin - 2012-03-09 4:39 PM


Hi Dave and Keith


Some time ago there was a post on wheel bearing falure on the front of a Ducato I cannot find it in the search engine.

Yes I may be mistaken but Do you think that the reason for this problem could be that there was no cover on them and would it be advisable to fit them.




There is physically no way that dirt can get past the hub nut and into the bearings.

I will try and attach a sectional view to prove my point.


The bearing (2) has an oil seal at each end, the rear seal runs on the drive shaft and the front seal runs on the drive flange (3).

The hub nut (4) locks the drive flange onto the drive shaft through the bearing.

There is therefore no direct path from around the hub nut into the bearing.


If you where to compare this with the rear hub then the bearing would be clearly visible behind the hub nut once the dust cover was removed.




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