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Hi. We had a similar problem on our previous Burstner M/H. The top lights had a 12 volt + supply via a fuse, but the negative connection was to the aluminium skin, and then to the chassis. The problem was a high resistance connection between the aluminium skin and the chassis.

Brian B.

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Hi Bob and welcome to the forum.


First things first, are you sure that there is a fault and that quite simply the 3 bulbs have not all failed?


Then, if not, do you have a multimeter or 12v test lamp?


If so can you first test that the meter or lamp ACTUALLY works between say the brake light feed and it's earth, then test for power at the feed to the non-working side light and the SAME earth point.

I will hazard a guess that there will be no power at the side light feed and follow on accordingly.

So next test for power at BOTH sides of the fuse with it in place, most fuses have small openings in the top to allow for connecting a test probe. If you have power here then you need to start following the wiring from the fuse rearwards or light forwards.

Our 2004 AT has a junction box mounted on the LH chassis rear extension just behind the rear wheel, does yours have anything similar?


Try the above and let us know how you get on.


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Found the fault on the light problem the wire to the upper and lower lights had broken, so sorted that out and now works .Heres another one for you,when the main lights are on and you put your foot on the brake only the top strip brake lights work,if i turn off the main lights and press the brake all three brake lights work. Now i know why im a carpenter not a sparks does my head in, any idears thanks


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Simple, you've lost the earth to one or other (or maybe both) of the main light units and when sidelights are off the brake lights are earthing through the sidelight circuit. When you turn the sidelights on you have 12v at both sides of the brake lights so they do not work.

What happens to the sidelights if you press the brake pedal when the sidelights are on?



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Are your rear lights the same as ours, Hella CaralunaMk2 like this Link ?

If so all the bulbs are mounted in a metal strip across the back of the light unit and there will be one wire connected onto this metal strip. This will be the earth so try following it back and see where it goes or test it is actually earthed by using your multimeter or test lamp between this earth and a known live.


Edit, make sure you disconnect the earth wire before testing it to prevent false readings through the bulbs and other circuits.



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That the earth really is an earth and that lights are not feeding back through each other.


Another way to prove the point would be to run a temporary wire from a known earth point somewhere else to the metal plate and see if the lights work correctly.



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Thanks for your help so far but its not over yet!!!. So lights are as decribed brake lights not working when lights are on,i put a cable on the earth on the light and on to the chassis still lights where the same, so hit a bit of a wall. Help
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Hi again Bob,


I'm struggling to get my head around your problem at the moment as the problem points to a classic earth fault.


Do you have a Voltmeter? If not can you beg, steal or borrow one? You only need a cheap one, max £10 will do fine, say something like this one from Maplin... Link.


1. With all the wires connected to the light unit and the sidelights on what is the voltage between the sidelight feed wire and the earth?

2. Now press the brake pedal and does the reading change?


3. Next, turn the sideleights off and get someone to press the brake pedal, measure the voltage between the brake light feed wire and earth?

4. Now turn the sidelights on still with the brake pedal pressed?


If any of these readings alter from 1 to 2, or 3 to 4, repeat and substitute your chassis earth for the light unit earth.


Report back and I'll analyses the results.


PS What area of the country are you from?



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To all veiwers of this problem simplicity is the answer,after swopping the bulbs over to check that they worked i must have put them in the wrong way round.There are two elements in these bulbs one for lights one for brakes get them round the wrong way and the brake lights dont work with the lights on.Thanks to keith for your help and patience with this matter,i hope this will help others in the future.

One happy motorhome owner.

Ps Dont let me change your bulbs for you.

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