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Public toilets


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Sorry replying to that" full of the milk of human kindness", FG.


What a gold plated nasty individual you obviously are, always looking to pick a fight. I have absolutely no interest in explaining anything to you mate, as you obviously cannot see anything, except a red mist. You really feel you want an explanation PM me, we''ll arrange a face to face meet I'd be curious to see if you have such a big self-opinionated gob then. If your not up for that just stick to annoying no doubt every single person that has the terrible misfortune to meet you in the flesh, rather than hiding behind a keyboard, where of course you know the consequences of your pig ignorant ramblings do not get the reaction they would in the real world, mind you who would listen, they no doubt see you coming and run a mile.

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1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 5:03 PM


Sorry replying to that" full of the milk of human kindness", FG.


What a gold plated nasty individual you obviously are, always looking to pick a fight. I have absolutely no interest in explaining anything to you mate, as you obviously cannot see anything, except a red mist. You really feel you want an explanation PM me, we''ll arrange a face to face meet I'd be curious to see if you have such a big self-opinionated gob then. If your not up for that just stick to annoying no doubt every single person that has the terrible misfortune to meet you in the flesh, rather than hiding behind a keyboard, where of course you know the consequences of your pig ignorant ramblings do not get the reaction they would in the real world, mind you who would listen, they no doubt see you coming and run a mile.


In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D

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What many fail to take into account is how the main parties "block vote" - so in Local elections you have a ruling party having control and in Westminster it is worse in that with the whip system an MP regardless of how his constituents feel, he has to vote as his party tells him.


Our electoral system resulted in a huge mandate in the House of Commons for Blair in 1997 where whilst he only gained 43% of the vote, Labour got 63% of the available seats. A majority of over 250 MP's. And we all know what that resulted in. Financial Meltdown, Bank Bailouts and a couple of Wars based on dodgy dossiers showing WMD's where no WMD's ever were - to name just a couple.


I have for some time been supportive of the idea of local independent candidates, subservient to no political party. This is what has happened in Denmark in particular with the Danish Peoples party evolving. Other EU countries are seeing much the same and I suggest it would "freshen up" UK politics if we went down this route. Those against this suggest that the DPP is a right wing party which it really does not seem to be. The accusation seems to be very much from those on the Left who have been wrong-footed by their success.


George Galloway had a fantastic result and whilst he is not my personal "cup of tea" - the order of magnitude of his success was thought provoking indeed.


I really do not think it would take very much for people to reject the same tired old lies and spin from the main parties and so give a number of independents as try. The Green Party benefited from this thought process in Brighton.


It may fizzle out. But I hope not. If we get much more collective stupidity from Dead Milliband and the Chuckle brothers Dave and Nick, then I think we will get a protest vote not just at Bi-elections - but in the main event as well.


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Local elections are for local councils and should be fought over local matters, Rubbish collection, schools, health care provision, Public Toilets etc.

I do think that the major parties are hugely mistaken in contesting on this basis, councillors who ( yes I find it hard to believe too) have worked hard to improve the lot of their wards may find themselves out on their ears because the electorate dislike a specific national leader at the time of the vote by being labled a Labour, Tory or Lib Dem (Other parties are available, terms and conditions apply).

I would sooner vote for the person, funding should be limited to a small amount per elector paid by national funds match funded by the prospective candidate and raised by his/her supporters locally with a limit on individual 'donations' to try and outlaw the 'Dinner with Dave' problem. If a group of candidates group together to help with the organisation and fund raising then this grouping should be publicised,

Me? I used to vote Ratepayer or Independent, otherwise the Party machine will be putting a three line whip on every petty decision and we will continue with councils politiking rather than running our services.


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antony1969 - 2012-04-30 5:37 PM




In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D



Well it may be that Francis just doesn't realise that you are talking to him.




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malc d - 2012-04-30 7:30 PM


antony1969 - 2012-04-30 5:37 PM




In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D



Well it may be that Francis just doesn't realise that you are talking to him.





Can't see why , I have always called him by his name

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antony1969 - 2012-04-30 7:54 PM


malc d - 2012-04-30 7:30 PM


antony1969 - 2012-04-30 5:37 PM




In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D



Well it may be that Francis just doesn't realise that you are talking to him.





Can't see why , I have always called him by his name




You usually seem to call him Frances - although his name is Francis.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
antony1969 - 2012-04-30 7:54 PM


malc d - 2012-04-30 7:30 PM


antony1969 - 2012-04-30 5:37 PM




In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D



Well it may be that Francis just doesn't realise that you are talking to him.





Can't see why , I have always called him by his name


Ah but which one though...................................................... :D

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malc d - 2012-04-30 7:58 PM


antony1969 - 2012-04-30 7:54 PM


malc d - 2012-04-30 7:30 PM


antony1969 - 2012-04-30 5:37 PM




In my experience with Frances and after been snubbed asking him out for drinks I get the feeling he prefers the pleasures of the internet rather than actual human contact :-D



Well it may be that Francis just doesn't realise that you are talking to him.





Can't see why , I have always called him by his name




You usually seem to call him Frances - although his name is Francis.




Sorry Malk , I get a bit excited when replying at times and make the odd mistake

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Guest Peter James

My motorhome loo for number 1's consists of a plastic (fabric conditioner) bottle with a wide neck. Cleaner than an ordinary toilet as there is no splashing. Then water the grass with it. Or if at home pour it over the veg waste in the compost bin.

What could be more environmentally friendly recycling than that?

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1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 5:03 PMSorry replying to that" full of the milk of human kindness", FG.What a gold plated nasty individual you obviously are, always looking to pick a fight. I have absolutely no interest in explaining anything to you mate, as you obviously cannot see anything, except a red mist. You really feel you want an explanation PM me, we''ll arrange a face to face meet I'd be curious to see if you have such a big self-opinionated gob then. If your not up for that just stick to annoying no doubt every single person that has the terrible misfortune to meet you in the flesh, rather than hiding behind a keyboard, where of course you know the consequences of your pig ignorant ramblings do not get the reaction they would in the real world, mind you who would listen, they no doubt see you coming and run a mile.

You really do puzzle me. You suggested that we shouldn't have the main parties at elections and all I'm trying to do is to ascertain how you would conduct elections. I haven't insulted you, as you have just done to me, but simply and patiently tried to get you to explain the reasoning behind the statement that you made and which you have made in the past.

Now if you can't back up your theories, or simply explain what you would do, just say so.

All I see now is a man who has come up with what I consider a truly silly and clearly unworkable hypothesis but I'm still willing to be convinced that I'm wrong.

I have put forward very clear questions and arguments as to why we should still retain the existing system. All I'd like from you is some explanation of how you think things should be done.

If, instead of debating the subject, you simply make very nasty insults, you cannot blame people for assuming that you have no answer to my points and that your original proposal was a knee jerk reaction to your hatred of the 'political classes' and was made without any rational thought whatsoever.

The simplest way to stop this isn't by simply bullying me with threats, but with intelligent and reasoned debate, which I still hope will be forthcoming. I'd also like to know how my 'ramblings' are 'pig ignorant'. I think that I've made very simple and lucid points about why your proposition is totally unworkable and makes no sense whatsoever. You on the other hand haven't come back with one rational argument to support your view and now resort to bullying insults.

As for me being self opinionated, you are the one who is pushing his opinions at us all, as you do frequently. I'm just challenging them.

Apologies for the delay, but I have been out all evening with the friends that for some reason unknown to me, the odd person claims that I don't have, although how they can assume that from a few posts on a forum is a marvel to me.

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Ohhh for gawds sake, this was about public toilets and the lack of them, why does everything on chatterbox these days have to turn into a political debate that bores the pants of most and then we all move to FG as he needs a bit more attention *-) *-) *-)


What you need is a convene, it is like someone else described but you can get different sizes, in my job we recommend them all the time and they really do change peoples lives. Not seen the ladies but certainly the men cope well with this. Mainly used at night for obvious problems then but can easily be used as a temporary measure for trips out.





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Mandy&Andy - 2012-05-01 6:49 AMOhhh for gawds sake, this was about public toilets and the lack of them, why does everything on chatterbox these days have to turn into a political debate that bores the pants of most and then we all move to FG as he needs a bit more attention *-) *-) *-) What you need is a convene, it is like someone else described but you can get different sizes, in my job we recommend them all the time and they really do change peoples lives. Not seen the ladies but certainly the men cope well with this. Mainly used at night for obvious problems then but can easily be used as a temporary measure for trips out. http://www.coloplast.co.uk/products/samples/conveen/?gclid=COHGlf2x3q8CFUsMtAodOyv8_gMandy

It turned into a political debate because 1footinhismouth, as usual, decided that the lack of public toilets is because all politicians are brain dead idiots, unlike him, who has the answer to solving all Britain's problems. Although getting him to actually tell us what those answers are is proving very difficult.

As for your very silly comment about me wanting attention, perhaps you should start using your brains and take notice of how many threads I actually take part in. This is the first in ages as, unlike some, I only enter a tiny number of threads, where the subject actually has something of interest to me.

Haven't you noticed that there are a few people in this section who have an opinion on absolutely everything? I note that you're not complaining about them 'wanting attention'. Regrettably, there are quite a few who seem to want to give me some attention, but I'm not responsible for them I'm afraid.

Anyway, the answer to the public toilet problem is not to vote for the three main parties it would appear and to give the 'smaller parties' a chance. The problem is I can't persuade onefoot to tell us which smaller parties he means. I'd love to know!
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Guest pelmetman

It doesn't matter a jot who we vote for or who gets in as they all revert to type as soon as they have hold of the purse strings *-)..................Although I'm am surprised just how quick the Conservatives started lining the pockets of their wealthy mates 8-).............


At least they can tax the workers pasties to fund the 5p cut *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Executive pay in town halls across the UK has continued to be insulated from economic reality, despite the urgent need to find savings and many councils claiming that they are being forced to cut services because they are getting less money from central government.


A record 3,097 council staff earned over £100,000 in 2010-11 (up 13 per cent on 2009-10)


As I said earlier our local council spent £100,000 on just a consultation for a cycle path, a path that has no funding in any event,and yet are closing toilets left right and centre.


For the sake of FG I merely suggested maybe the thing to do is vote for independent councillors, or the smaller parties who might, just might, approach things with a fresh perspective,and anyone that takes an interest in these things know who the smaller parties are, that's all. If you want more of the same it seems the thing to do is keep voting the same way.


Tale a look here to see where the money goes, and why there are less and less loo's



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1footinthegrave - 2012-05-01 9:39 AM   For the sake of FG I merely suggested maybe the thing to do is vote for independent councillors, or the smaller parties who might, just might, approach things with a fresh perspective,and anyone that takes an interest in these things know who the smaller parties are, that's all. If you want more of the same it seems the thing to do is keep voting the same way.Tale a look here to see where the money goes, and why there are less and less loo'shttp://www.taxpayersalliance.com/

I can assure you that I do take an interest in these things and I'd still like to know which smaller parties you are talking about. I also note that you appear to have stepped back from your original stance and are now referring to 'independent local councillors' and you make no mention of national elections and MPs.

There have always been independent local councillors but standing as an independent MP is a totally different proposition and I refer you to my original post in which I ask you how you would manage this, who would fund their campaigns etc.

The question of pay for chief executives is irrelevant to this discussion. They are not elected and, if you want people of sufficient calibre, you have to pay the market price.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but your opinion of politicians simply seems to be based on what you want. So if they make a decision of which you do not approve, they are brain-dead morons or numpties.

An example of this is your reference to height barriers. Because your council has erected them, they are idiots. I can assure you that this decision will have been taken after careful consultation with planners and local councillors and what does it matter which party they belong to? Are they less intelligent than an independent would be just because they are members of a political party?

But what if your lovely seaside car parks were suddenly overrun with Irish tinkers and become another Dale Farm? I suspect that you'd be the first person blaming the brain-dead councillors for letting it happen.

You talk about me and a 'red mist' when in fact I've simply debated your points rationally, and I hope, intelligently. You are the one who claims to 'detest the political classes with every fibre of my being' and that really sums you up. Your whole life seems to be lived in a hateful red mist! 

Do you really hate Jack Ashley, who has just died, a leading member of the political classes? Do you really hate Dennis Skinner, an ex-miner who has spent his life fighting for his constituents, or even William Hague, a dedicated and intelligent man who loves politics and could make ten times more money if he remained as a top management consultant and author?

But let's forget all this and concentrate on which of the smaller parties we should all support if we are going to eschew the Tories, Lib-Dems and Labour. I really would like to know.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

" I really would like to know"


No that is exactly what you don't want to know, you think everything in the UK and the way we are governed is hunky dory, so just carry on in your beliefs, I really don't care, nor does anyone else I suspect on these forums.


If you wanted to address the OPs point perhaps you could give us all some answers, you seem to know everything, and maybe pass them on to your local council as well, we've tried here and failed, at least we did something positive though and not merely give up at the first hurdle.




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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-05-01 10:11 AM


There have always been independent local councillors but standing as an independent MP is a totally different proposition and I refer you to my original post in which I ask you how you would manage this, who would fund their campaigns etc.


Another hot potato ;-)...................Our lords and masters are desperately seeking how to get the taxpayer to fund their spin doctors *-).....................When the answer is simple.............every party gets an equal allocated spot on the BBC to tell us why we should vote for them...............No Spin.......just tell us in plain english what they plan to do............and all the broadcasts can be available on i player so those who are interested can view all the parties ;-)........


It'll never happen as the spin doctors would be out of a job :D

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-05-01 10:11 AM

But what if your lovely seaside car parks were suddenly overrun with Irish tinkers and become another Dale Farm? I suspect that you'd be the first person blaming the brain-dead councillors for letting it happen.


How about this for another simple answer ;-)................all car parks are turned into aires where your allowed to park for a maximum of 48 hrs...........If you stay longer then your towed away or on the spot fine........our travelling friends like to stay put for a lot longer ;-)........



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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-05-01 10:11 AM

The question of pay for chief executives is irrelevant to this discussion. They are not elected and, if you want people of sufficient calibre, you have to pay the market price.


Who decides the market price?.....................Oh yeah...... their fellow executives ;-).............

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-05-01 10:11 AMBut let's forget all this and concentrate on which of the smaller parties we should all support if we are going to eschew the Tories, Lib-Dems and Labour. I really would like to know.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2012-05-01 10:48 AM


francisgraham - 2012-05-01 10:11 AM

The question of pay for chief executives is irrelevant to this discussion. They are not elected and, if you want people of sufficient calibre, you have to pay the market price.


Who decides the market price?.....................Oh yeah...... their fellow executives ;-).............


Yes no doubt for the umpteenth time the ones of "sufficient calibre" that waved this through.................


As I said earlier our local council spent £100,000 on just a consultation for a cycle path, a path that has no funding in any event,and yet are closing toilets left right and centre.

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