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Public toilets


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1footinthegrave - 2012-05-01 10:29 AM" I really would like to know"No that is exactly what you don't want to know, you think everything in the UK and the way we are governed is hunky dory, so just carry on in your beliefs, I really don't care, nor does anyone else I suspect on these forums. If you wanted to address the OPs point perhaps you could give us all some answers, you seem to know everything, and maybe pass them on to your local council as well, we've tried here and failed, at least we did something positive though and not merely give up at the first hurdle.

No, I don't think that everything is perfect but neither do I wake up every morning thinking that the whole world is out to screw me, that every single politician and councillor is corrupt or a brain-dead moron. I actually think that those of us in the western democracies have a lifestyle that our grandparents and two-thirds of the rest of the world would think is paradise.

But I see that, once more, you refuse to actually answer any questions about the smaller political parties that we should vote for. Does anyone really think that, if you had the answers that would prove me wrong, you wouldn't be trotting them out? Nothing would give you more pleasure.

The truth is that, once again, you have rushed out a silly and unworkable proposition that you haven't given any thought to whatsoever and, when it is questioned, you prevaricate and insult and do anything but admit that perhaps you are wrong! 

Your first line of defence is to call others opinionated, but no one has stronger opinions than you on the 'political classes', opinions which you trot out on every occasion. The problem is that your opinions are very often based on nothing but your own paranoia and, when challenged and backed into a corner, as you are now, you revert to type and insult.

You could stop this now if you really want to. Just tell us which the smaller political parties are that you think we should choose instead of Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dems. But of course we then get back to my original point that, if we all vote in UKIP or the BNP, they then become one of the hated large parties! Bit of a dilemma eh?

I don't really expect an intelligent answer from you. Just go ahead and tell everyone that you really do have the answers but you don't want to reveal them! Insult me once more to divert attention from your total ignorance and your hate-filled rhetoric about anyone whose polices differ from yours.

And trying to divert attention from your plight by changing the subject to the pay scales of council employees is totally irrelevant to this. They aren't elected. You came up with a suggestion about electing MPs and councillors and about the political parties to which they belong. 

No matter what we pay our top people there are some on here who will still think it too much just because they earn more than they do! 
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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-05-01 11:17 AM

Just tell us which the smaller political parties are that you think we should choose instead of Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dems. But of course we then get back to my original point that, if we all vote in UKIP or the BNP, they then become one of the hated large parties! Bit of a dilemma eh?


I think you miss the point Francis ;-)......................If less people vote for the usual suspects then maybe they might think about why that is? *-.....................and perhaps do something about it 8-)...........



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-05-01 11:41 AM


pelmetman - 2012-05-01 11:30 AM




....................If less people vote for the usual suspects then maybe they might think about why that is?




In your dreams Dave.





I'm an eternal optimist Malc :D........................

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I'd just like to add another point to this debate. Onefoot has been banging on about how his local council is closing public lavatories but has spent £100,000 on researching the provision of a cycle path.

First of all, if it's the council I think it is, the money for the cycle path scheme is part of a separate £1.3 million grant from the Welsh Assembly to encourage the use of sustainable transport, which includes more cycle paths. Public lavatories are funded by local tax payers and, if they are underused and expensive to maintain, then perhaps the council thinks that it is acting in the local tax payers' best interests?

But to get back to the £100,000 on the cycle path. Personally, I think that cycle paths are a Very Good Thing and have made cycling a lot safer for millions of people, and there is no doubt that governments are encouraging their construction. Anyone who has cycled in The Netherlands as I have, will wish that we could one day become as cycle-friendly as that country.

But this is where onefoot and I differ. If I learned that my local council had spent £100K on this project I wouldn't have the faintest idea whether that was a reasonable cost or not. Onefoot does appear to know, but God knows how!

I'm trying to imagine the complexity of planning a new cycle path through built-up areas for example. What if one was planned for your street and it meant that you could no longer park your car on the road? What if it means reducing a two-lane road to one lane in order to have a safe cycle path?

In order to plan and thoroughly consult about a cycle path, I suspect that you'd need to employ town planners, highway engineers, lawyers and accountants (who would have to calculate the total cost should it go ahead) and possibly other professions as well.

Now I've really no idea what this would all eventually cost. Onefoot appears to know and has decided that £100K is too much. How does he know this?

Perhaps onefoot imagines that a consultation exercise to decide on the validity and the feasibility of a cycle path should just mean one bloke walking along the street with his clipboard and making a few sketches?

But the point is that this kind of behaviour typifies everything he appears to do. He reads about his council spending £100k on a cycle path consultation and, without really giving it any deep thought, flies off on one of his hate-filled rants about brain-dead and moronic councils!
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Guest 1footinthegrave
By God you really are the limit, I'm banging on about one tiny example of spending priorities that in our village are totally wrong. Residents and visitors want a public toilet, we even raised a petition, and is a very real concern to all in Gwynedd. There is NO mandate for a cycle path however desirable that may be to the small percentage of bicycle users. It does not matter where the funding comes from, it's all out of taxation one way or the other, EVERYONE needs a loo, not everyone needs a cycle path, it's about priorities, and getting the most benefit to most people, like the OP. If the council had perhaps used the democratic principle of asking the electorate one simple question, a public toilet, or a cycle path we have no doubt what the answer from the overwhelming public opinion on the matter would have been, as well as our battle to save local schools, but once again ignored by Gwynedd.
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1footinthegrave - 2012-05-01 12:46 PMBy God you really are the limit, I'm banging on about one tiny example of spending priorities that in our village are totally wrong. Residents and visitors want a public toilet, we even raised a petition, and is a very real concern to all in Gwynedd. There is NO mandate for a cycle path however desirable that may be to the small percentage of bicycle users. It does not matter where the funding comes from, it's all out of taxation one way or the other, EVERYONE needs a loo, not everyone needs a cycle path, it's about priorities, and getting the most benefit to most people, like the OP. If the council had perhaps used the democratic principle of asking the electorate one simple question, a public toilet, or a cycle path we have no doubt what the answer from the overwhelming public opinion on the matter would have been, as well as our battle to save local schools, but once again ignored by Gwynedd.

Don't worry about telling us which smaller political parties you'd have us vote for. I've given up on this and realise that they're just another figment of your imagination.

But this cycle path/public lavatories issue is typical of your warped views on our elected officials.

All along you've implied that your councillors are some kind of idiots because they are building cycle paths instead of public lavatories.

It turns out that it's simply not true and the two issues are totally unconnected! The money for the cycle paths scheme is from a grant from the Welsh Assembly to promote sustainable transport including more cycle paths.

The issue of public lavatories is about the spending of local rate-payers' money and how it can be saved. You may as well moan about the closure of public lavatories whilst we're spending millions on defence, or the health service, they're utterly separate!

But again, YOU have decided that no one needs cycle paths. How do you know what tourists want, have you petitioned them? Cycle paths are, in my opinion, far preferable to public lavatories, but that's just my view.

I can't remember when I last used a public lavatory but I use cycle paths all the time and, whilst lavatories are a service to the public, cycle paths save lives and encourage more cycle use. Cycle numbers have gone up considerably in the last few years, which is good for the nation as it means fewer car journeys and a healthier population.

And what is more important, that cycling is made safer and lives saved, or that people shouldn't have to cross their legs a bit longer or nip behind a bush?

But this is all a bit irrelevant because it is, as I said, about two totally different projects that have no bearing on each other whatsoever.

But you of course, in your usual manner, would have us all believe that your council is spending money on cycle paths, which they should be spending on public lavatories. And because of this totally untrue spin on things, they're branded as braid-dead morons or numpties.

I now know what a brain dead politician is. It's a politician who takes a decision that 1footinthegrave disagrees with! Good God! And you call me opinionated!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

So that's the answer then, everyone do their business behind a bush, sounds like some third world country your advocating, rather than providing a public service that many expect to find in a developed country. My politics are between me and the ballot box, so you'll forgive me for keeping that to myself, suffice to say it will not be any of the main three, and hope for change, perhaps then you'll get you cycle paths, and the rest of us including the elderly and folk with medical problems that you seem to have no sympathy with, can get their public toilets, who knows you may need them yourself at some point, mind you there's always a bush for you, mind you a bit of a challenge for the fairer sex.


Lets leave it at that shall we.

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Colin Leake - 2012-04-29 10:42 PM


Some time ago I had a had a infection that gave me an extreme case of the need to pee syndrome. My doctor gave me some pills which cleared it up a treat and asked me to let him know how they worked. Rather than take up his time with another appointment I sent him a poem. Being me I got a bit over enthusiastic as usual and it ran to several verses.


All I can remember now is that it started off


Dear Doctor XXXXX


You pills have done the trick for me,

I now no longer what to pee.

What heavenly bliss oh how devine,

I now control my own urine.


The bugger has a well developed sense of humour and he knows I have so he removed my name and

pinned it up in the waiting room. Some how it seems every one got to know who wrote it and I never heard the last of it for weeks where ever I went!


I suppose in these days of political correctness no doctor would risk doing anything like that moors the pity.




(lol) (lol) Well with a name like yours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:-)

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