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Help more problems on CI Carioca 694


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Hi All

Since my problems with the dump handle and the electrics on my van I have not been able to stop the lights on the information panel from flashing telling me that one of the wast tanks is full.


I thought it was the back tank but when I filled it with water another one came on meaning that I had been trying to sort the wrong one out.

SO I looked at the front wast tank and what did I find? the nuts holding the tank on were almost off and the tank was loose in fact just about holding on.

Two of the connections were off and it looks as thought someone was about to take it off and was proberley disturbed.

My van is on my drive with a six foot gate in front of it and my garden is surrounded a six foot fence with security lightes all over the place.

the only place that my van has been and left overnight is!!!!! You have guessed it the place that was in my last post.

My Question is where do I put the connections that are hanging off

On my rear tank there are four connections from the bottom they are Brown Yellow Green and white.


on my front tank.

from the botom first one missing then green then yellow and the top one missing

I have two left over a which are white and brown where do they go?

Can anyone help?can I blow a fuse or damage the sensors if I connect them wrong?

What sequance should they be in



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As one tank registers empty to full and the other full to empty it would be logical that the order of the wiring was reversed between the two tanks. This is borne out by the fact your green and yellow wires are the opposite way between the tanks.

So from the bottom White, Green, Yellow, Brown would seem logical.


I don't think you can blow anything, just if you get it wrong you will read full when empty or vice versa.



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from bottom to top, brown white green yellow.


Let me explain my logic. On rear tank brown is the bottom one which will be the common connection. the other colours being the levels. So brown bottom and then reverse the other colours as has already been mentioned.



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Hi sorry to show my ignorance but both tanks are grey water one from the bathroom sink and one from the kitchen sink so should they not both run empty to full.

If this is not the case thanks I will try your suggestions tomorrow and let you know how I get on.



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Keith - But are they correct or have they been moved and that we just do not know yet? So fair point and I do not know the answer.



Micky - just seen your reply. If they are both grey tanks I would expect the wiring to be exactly the same for both.



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There is an easy way to check this. Probably easiest to have a help to shout out what the panel is showing.


The connections should be safe to short out in any sequence, but just in the remote chance they are not I suggest you use a beaker of water or soaking wet cloth. Now place the brown or what you think is common in the water, next place the 2nd? in water and so on. eventually you will find the right combination which gives the correct display.

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Sorry Mike but I missed the bit about there being 2 grey tanks and assumed one grey and one fresh :$


In that case I would expect the wiring to be the same on both. But worth trying as Jon suggested.


Now a question, would the towbar fitters have had to remove the tank to fit the towbar, say possibly to fit bolts through mounting points on the chassis obstructed by the tank?



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Hi Brambles I do not know if No2 and 3 have been changed around as well as disconecting 1and 4 to confuse me as when I took it to the people that did my towbar the first thing that he said was O we will have to take the tank off to check the sensors inside the tank as they may have paper or something on them.

Were they making work? your guess is as good as mine.

As I said I will try your suggestions tomorrow.


Thanks: Mike.

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Now a question, would the towbar fitters have had to remove the tank to fit the towbar, say possibly to fit bolts through mounting points on the chassis obstructed by the tank?


Hi Keith,

No there was no need to remove the tank as it is too far forward but who did try to remove it I do not know I left it at there premises overnight if someone tried to get at it then I do not Know and can not prove anything.



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Hi all and thanks for your help.

I have tried every way to get a result but it has not worked,

I go on my travels on tuesday I get the 2.45 ferry from Portsmouth to Caen and I do not have time to take it to the dealers who are not much good anyway so it looks as though I will be looking at flashing lights all night now for the next four months.

It could be the sensor that has packed up but the part that niggles me is that two wires were disconnected when checked the white and the brown and I can not make out why or by who.

Is there a CI agent near portsmouth ferry that I can try that anyone know`s of.




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With the wires disconnected and mot shorting you shoudl not get any warnings of a full tank

but display empty.

Normally all the wires connect to are metal probes ( pins) in e tank or indeed just stainless stell screws in side of the tank. It detects the evel by the conduction between probes, pins or screws by conduction through the water. With waste tanks it is common to get a film of dirty or salty water on outside of tank and in damp weather the readings are false. Also inside the tank if dirt or fats build up then the probes do not work correctlty. Usualy fixed by a good wash out.


So, it sounds like your fault may be somewhere else in the wiring. For example if teh cable has been jpoimned at all and teh connections are damp...you have no chance of a working system as it will display full. The bnest step might be to access behind the control panel and pull the connector for waste level and see if it cancels the full warning. Then with a multimeter measure the resistance between all the wires and check there is no leakage of current between the condcuctors.


There is always the brick method normally used for computers, but works equally well when thrown at a control panel display.



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Mickydripin - 2012-05-27 10:27 PM


Hi all and thanks for your help.

I have tried every way to get a result but it has not worked,

I go on my travels on tuesday I get the 2.45 ferry from Portsmouth to Caen and I do not have time to take it to the dealers who are not much good anyway so it looks as though I will be looking at flashing lights all night now for the next four months.

It could be the sensor that has packed up but the part that niggles me is that two wires were disconnected when checked the white and the brown and I can not make out why or by who.

Is there a CI agent near portsmouth ferry that I can try that anyone know`s of.




It would seem from this listing




that your Carioca 694 may have twin fresh-water and waste-water tanks, with the latter having capacities of 105litres and 50 litres.


Looking at the layout suggests to me that the 105litres tank will be at the rear (to contain water from the wash-basin and shower) with the 50litres tank further forwards to take waste-water from the kitchen sink. If that's correct, then it will take quite a while to fill the front tank and the ability to tell how full it is won't be that critical.


As you haven't been able to cure the problem and are concerned about the panel lights endlessly flashing, I suggest you remove all the electrical connectors from the front tank, insulate them and (assuming that stops the lights flashing) then use basic arithmetic to gauge how full the tank is.


50 litres is roughly 11 gallons - say 5 x 2-gallon buckets-worth. Just drain the tank into a bucket after a couple of days' use; see how much water comes out and then multiply that amount to get an idea of how long the tank will take to fill. If you find that you are draining a gallon of water into the tank over a 2-day period, you'll know it will take roughly 20 days for the tank to fill up. So emptying every fortnight should be plenty adequate.


There does not appear to be a CI motorhome dealership near Portsmouth




but there are quite a few in France.


I don't know where you are going in France, but you can look for CI dealerships in that country using this facility




This suggests that there are no CI dealerdhips in Lower Normandy, but Dondal SAS (at Verson just west of Caen off Junction 48 of the A84) certainly used to be a CI agent.





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Hi Mick

Possibly slightly easier than Derek's suggestion above, is that the fresh water tanks appear to be in one case 5 litres smaller, and in the other case 5 litres larger, than the corresponding waste tank. So, if you were to start off with the fresh water tanks full, you will need to empty the waste when, or before, you need to re-fill the fresh. This should ensure you never over-fill the waste tanks. I tend to regard carrying waste water as a total, er waste, so habitually dump whenever possible. Doing that would ensure you never get even close to over-full waste tanks. Good luck with the infernal lights!

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Hi Mike. I have a CI Cipro presumably with the same tank set up as yours. Checked the wires today on mine and the correct setup on both Waste tanks are as follows;


Top - Brown


2nd down - Green


3rd down - Yellow


Bottom - White


Both Front and Rear tanks are the same. Hope this helps.



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