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Taking dog to France, anything else left to do?


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Hi fellow motorhomers/dog owners.


Our pooch (Beau)--have resisted from posting a pic.... is going with us to France for the first time.


She has had her rabies jab months ago and has been chipped and got her own passport which as been stamped to say that she has had her rabies jab.


I have flea treatment and tapeworm treatment in the van, ready to give to a french vet on the way back.


Is there anything else I need? have checked the DEFRA site and can't see anything that i might have missed but thought I would check with you lot as someone has bound to have been and done it :-)


Would hate to get turned back and face the other arf's wrath.


As always, thanks for the help.




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Some ideas -




Loads of Poo bags.


Extendable lead........most sites will (quite rightly) only allow dogs if they are kept on a lead at all times when outside of the MH.


Tins of it's food if it's choosy (although no dog has ever died from hunger whilst there has been any form of food about!)


Note of UK micro-chip number...that you could pass to French local Police if dog gets lost.

As I understand it the the UK and mainland European veterinary microchip databases DO NOT cross-reference, as the UK went for some different system to all the rest of Europe.....so any mainland European vet/police station that scans you dog if lost/handed in to them will read the chip, but won't be able to match that to your name address/phone in the UK system.


Also, put on its collar a name tag with your mobile phone numbers on it........... the numbers in "international format" with the "0044" prefix etc........so if dog is lost/found the local Police/finder can actually call you whilst you are over there.


Scallibor anti-leishmaniosis collar if going to Med coast region (Google for this if you've not read up on it before).




Enjoy the trip!

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Everything that Bruce has said although you find dispenser for poo bags all over Europe we took a new pack woith us and never opened them as we found what were provided.


Be careful if you are using Advantix check if it is compatible with the Scalliber Collar.


Good luck

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Either make a photocopy of the passport - ID pages, and vaccination pages etc - or alternatively do what we do which is to scan it and put it on an SD card along with all our other scanned docs (insurances, passport info etc).


Also, get some dog tummy medicine, it is difficult to get hold of in France and costs a lot too - this is the type we use and it works very well - you can get it from pet shops/garden centres etc in the UK:




Just thought of something else! :D Get some antihistamines for your dog too just in case she has a reaction to a bug bite or something daft like that (nothing major of course!), you don't have to get them from the vet as human ones are okay - if you do a search on the web you can decide which ones to get and/or ask your vet which they would recommend.

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HWO - 2012-07-19 8:24 PM


Hi all


If it ask the expert's time


Anyone got some vets that they use for the return journey thro the tunnel





I find using the train much better .....! (lol)


Ahem ... we use different vets depending on which direction we're coming back from - if you can give an indication of the route you'll be travelling back on we can probably give you some names etc.

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HWO - 2012-07-19 9:24 PM


Hi all


If it ask the expert's time


Anyone got some vets that they use for the return journey thro the tunnel





With the new 24-120 hour rule that came in this year, it makes it much easier to use vets away from the ports where they are generally cheaper.


My Spanish vet who used to post date the passport, can now be 'legal' and only charges 10€, or a little more if I've run out of worming tablets (the only medication now required).


Don't forget, if it's a domestic pet, the health check isn't required (never has been) but many vets do it and charge.

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hi all


Only an approx plan at moment


But am thinking about a look around Beaune on the way up from the south again after mant years.

Then up to the tunnel over 2 or 3 days


not even thought about if is north or south of Paris


So I guess it could be a vet anywhere in the top 2/3 of France



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One thing to watch out for when planning your return to the UK is the day on which you intend to go to the vet ... weekends are generally difficult, although some do open on Saturday mornings, and make sure you are not planning on going to the vet on a public holiday! :D


I must admit it is much easier to avoid the above problems now with the longer 'window', but we nearly fell foul of it a couple of times when planning on getting back to the UK on a Bank Holiday Monday!!! *-)

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Its a good idea if you can to download Vets in Europe onto your SATNAV if you have one *-) mind you that isn't infallible as we know to our cost (TT kaput in Germany)!! what we did is make for a largish town, we arrived at Muzon Bastille weekend we were departing wed 8.20 so didnt get the advantage of 5 day time limit.


First job, find a Vet, then you can move if you dont find one ;-) I looked for someone with a dog knocked on her door and asked where Veterinary was ( I did well considering she didnt speak English and my French is very bad) Chine Doctor worked well (lol) I was able to make an appointment for mon 2.30 it just meant we had to stay put for a few days but left for Calais straight after.


Also you might find as we did ! that in the out of the way Vets I had to tell her that only the worming was necessary but I did tell her she could do both as they were both due two weeks after arriving home 39Euro for two chihuahua,s she used Drontal tab 1/2 each and her Frontline.


Just make sure you leave plenty of time before your departure time to visit the PET PASSPORT check in office if it is busy you dont want to be rushed its just before you come to the check in at Tunnel not sure where if on Ferry.

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maggyd - 2012-07-21 6:39 PM

Just make sure you leave plenty of time before your departure time to visit the PET PASSPORT check in office if it is busy you dont want to be rushed its just before you come to the check in at Tunnel not sure where if on Ferry.


On the ferries there is no separate check in. You give the passport to the man/woman in the booth and they give you the chip detector and you do it for them in your motorhome.

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We have never used the ferries so I couldnt advise on that :-) I dont like the idea of leaving pooch all that time in a noisy environment thats why we always use the tunnel, more expensive, but what the H; its our hols.
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