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Health Insurance or no health insurance

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well it may be that my user ID may be a self fulfilling prophecy. This year I have been diagnosed with two conditions though not life threatening ( as yet ) means that health travel insurance is either going to be impossible, or prohibitively expensive, and then only for around 2/3 weeks durations from those that would quote.


So here's the dilemma, do we pack it in ( no desire to do the UK any more ) or do some of you folk just rely on the EHIC, when primarily touring in France, has anyone else found themselves with a similar dilemma, if so what's your advice and or experiences.

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Guest JudgeMental

I am not yet 60 and in a similar position with failing health, so will watch this thread carefully. I paid £360 this year and if you start adding up all the insurance over the years that you never claim on, for this that and the other...you wonder why you bother! My mate does not believe in it and has never insured himself.....so he is quids in :-D


Long termer.s in Spain take out repatriation insurance that gets your body back...Have told Mrs M to just park van on bit of waste ground, set light to it and get in the waiting cab to the airport! Then claim van stolen on return.... :D

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JudgeMental - 2012-09-26 7:11 PM


I am not yet 60 and in a similar position with failing health, so will watch this thread carefully. I paid £360 this year and if you start adding up all the insurance over the years that you never claim on, for this that and the other...you wonder why you bother! My mate does not believe in it and has never insured himself.....so he is quids in :-D

Surely its better to pay and NOT need it than to not pay and need it!!!!! 8-)


Long termer.s in Spain take out repatriation insurance that gets your body back...Have told Mrs M to just park van on bit of waste ground, set light to it and get in the waiting cab to the airport! Then claim van stolen on return.... :D

I assume you've specified WHEN she should do this Eddie, ie if you kick the bucket and not before!!! You could end up as a crispy critter otherwise!!! :D

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A group of us take part in an annual French cycling event, and have done so for several years. One of our group does it without insurance, just relying on the EHIC. Two years ago he had an accident that resulted in a damaged spine, the EHIC covered the medical treatment but not his transportation home, they wanted £5000 for that. He found a contact in England that did it for £2000. So it seem that you have to way up the pros & cons, depending on what premium , if any that you are being quoted.

Brian B.

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We just rely on the E111 or whatever it is called now, I needed Hospital treatment in Spain when I fell and dislocated my shoulder, Excellent treatment but  how it hurt, if one of us should die whilst travelling we have agreed that we will be Cremated in whatever Country we are in, don't see the point of shipping a body  home,If either of us needed to be shipped home live, well we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
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Eddie's point about all those other insurances is a good one.


If all of us refused any insurance for anything, the vast majority of us would be better off in total. If we each put all the premiums we'd not paid into a jamjar, and paid out of it for anything that we'd refused insurance for, we'd nearly all find that there was still money in the jar at the end of our lives. Main problem would be a cash-flow one, since an expensive uninsured event could happen BEFORE we'd got enough money in the jamjar.


No matter what product or srvice you buy, someone will ALWAYS try to sell you some kind of insurance to "go with it." Which again suggests to me that there's a lot of money in insurance!


So my policy (sorry for pun!) is only to have insurance where (a) I've legally got to (usually to protect others) or (b) the "insured event" would otherwise be a real disaster for me.


In Dave's case - well, the EHIC provides whatever level of cover would be available to nationals, and most of THEM manage, don't they? Of course, the big risk is the possible need for repatriation.

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JudgeMental - 2012-09-26 7:11 PM


I am not yet 60 and in a similar position with failing health, so will watch this thread carefully. I paid £360 this year and if you start adding up all the insurance over the years that you never claim on, for this that and the other...you wonder why you bother! My mate does not believe in it and has never insured himself.....so he is quids in :-D


Long termer.s in Spain take out repatriation insurance that gets your body back...Have told Mrs M to just park van on bit of waste ground, set light to it and get in the waiting cab to the airport! Then claim van stolen on return.... :D

Brother in law lived in Spain for 15 years before passing away last year . The funeral over there cost more than twice the going rate in UK

Regards David

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Risking going abroard without Health insurance is a nonsense IMHO,


We have a very close friend who had a major health problem whilst on holiday in Greece (with no pre-existing symptoms) Helicopter flight from Island to Mainland hospital covered, Her Health care was fully covered, Her husband's accomodation & travel costs for 4 weeks covered, her daughter flown out & 3 weeks accomodation covered, Special repatriation medical Aircraft with Doctor/nurse in attendance covered.


Costs estimated in excess of £30k - do you feel lucky or do you have access to this scale of funds in an emergency ?????????????????????????


May appear to be the extreme, but this cost estimate 3 years ago, add inflation, poorer Euro rate & costs will soon mount even higher.


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We toured France for the month of June this year and I faced the same dilema. OH has blood pressure problems and I don't have any serious medical conditions but insurance companies wanted over £100 to insure us. I did phaff around so much that we ended up going away with no insurance just our EHIC cards. I was concerned, but when I thought about it, if we needed repatriation, I could drive the motorhome as I have done lots of times, I am happy to tow the car, although not done that yet. We took a gamble. We are both in our early 60's and decided we would take the risk. It worked for us this once, but think I will take out insurance in the future.


Our biggest risk was whether we would have to cancel holiday due to my 90 year old Mother being ill and stopping us going. Thank heavens that didn't happen either. We were lucky!

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Guest JudgeMental
flicka - 2012-09-26 10:37 PM


Risking going abroard without Health insurance is a nonsense IMHO,


We have a very close friend who had a major health problem whilst on holiday in Greece (with no pre-existing symptoms) Helicopter flight from Island to Mainland hospital covered, Her Health care was fully covered, Her husband's accomodation & travel costs for 4 weeks covered, her daughter flown out & 3 weeks accomodation covered, Special repatriation medical Aircraft with Doctor/nurse in attendance covered.


Costs estimated in excess of £30k - do you feel lucky or do you have access to this scale of funds in an emergency ?????????????????????????


May appear to be the extreme, but this cost estimate 3 years ago, add inflation, poorer Euro rate & costs will soon mount even higher.


Even though we have always insured, dont reallly see the point of spending tens of thousands over the years (for all sorts of insurance) to late now of course!


But what would have happened in your example above if not insured. He would have probably recieved as good or better treatment then here, and have to wait until he improved enough to fly home. Talking about EU here, not africa/India etc...


meet people in Spain last winter who had had major heart surgery locally and said hospitals fantastic. most long termers just rely on card and I dont blame them. Its like BUPA here, when your young you dont really need it but as you age the cost soars and most stop paying it!...pointless in the first place, insurance is a racket.

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wifey had a problem in benidorm earlier this year, went to local public clinic, nice chappy on desk suggested she go straight to hospital, where`s the nearest we ask, have you insurance he asks, yes we have, then Clinica Benidorm is nearest. Off we go,in she goes many tests carried out kept in for 2 nights. I inform insurance co, which hospital is she in came reply.Clinica Benidorm I say, is it public or private they ask, I find out and tell them private. Then you need to get her out of there and into nearest public hospital. WHAAAAAAT says I calmly, oh yes in EU the hospitals are as good as ours so take her there with EHIC card. After a lot of hassling got it sorted, but learnt a lesson. Insurance is for repatriation not medical when in EU.
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We gave up insurance years ago after knowing several people whose insurers found some excuse not to pay. They were left with large bills for private treatment before transferring to a public hospital.


That was for Spain mind you, so if you are staying in Benidorm for instance you could have "Take me to Villajoyosa" tattoed on your forehead or other noticeable part of your anatomy in case you are not awake.


In France the European card will only cover about a third of the cost, so you need to consider that if you are there. You will have to pay first and claim the two thirds back from the CPAM locally.


As a French resident I now have a top-up insurance as the same applies to us, however it does cover costs in other countries. This is a much more expensive policy than travel insurance, which is probably good value if they actually pay up when you claim.

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Guest JudgeMental
Patricia - 2012-09-28 12:17 PM


Judge - can you just buy repatriation insurance then an, if so, do you know where from?


Yes I think so, there was chat about it when in Benidorm last year.....You might be better of sending a PM to Syd as he is a regular in Benidorm and there at the moment. wish I was :-S


cremation and hand lugage best option I think..Have stipulated that I still want to be taken on holidays! :D

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Judge its alright you making jokes about IF you pop your clogs on your hols ! are you considering for one moment the feelings of your long suffering wife who will not be laughing IF she were faced with this dilemma?


Its a man thing my O.H makes jokes about leaving by the bins in a black bag >:-( it aint funny it could well be a reality as we are all getting older and needing meds; my O.H has BP problems B12 injections and a slight narrowing of an artery all of which he is taking meds for! he reluctantly buys Insurance mainly because I kick up a stink about going away without it >:-) I myself have had a mini stroke sometime in the past which I have to declare ! even though I have never had any symptoms ! it was found when I had a brain scan for something else.


O.K if it cost us £300 + which up to now ours has been less than that !! I wouldnt have any qualms about an Insurance Company shelling out thousands of £s if we had the misfortune to be ill or worse scenario

one of us died at least the other wouldnt be having a nervous breakdown wondering how they were going to cope.


SHELL OUT tight wads you know you can afford it!! :D

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Thank you for the info Judge. May contact Syd but will not need any insurance until Dec / Jan. I have just had a quick look via Google and most annual policies only seem to cover trips up to maximum of 90 days, despite quoting up to 180 etc. Tried one or two for quotes and it looks as if I would be better to use my bank's policy. I have been in France for 4 months this trip and risked it without insurance and I have been ill which necessitated two visits to the doctors, home visit by a nurse and two laboratory tests for a total of 150€. I should get back about 71% with my EHIC so I have been better off without paying for separate insurance. Admittedly this could have been much worse as it was whooping-cough (despite being vaccinated as a child and having two previous bouts of the disease) very unpleasant and long-lasting but not life-threatening nor requiring hospitalisation. Still increased my French vocabulary again!

The problem with many of these policies they cover things that I do not need, e.g. worldwide, cancellation, luggage etc.etc.

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Guest JudgeMental

Well...Its going to happen, hopefully later rather then sooner so best to talk about it I believe. Went with my daughter yesterday to my parents grave and do a little maintenance and its upsetting..Then while walking around the new rose garden I said this will do me......as long as you come and get me and take me on holidays every year...it cheered her up.:-D


Yes I can afford it, but more worried about not getting paid out! ANY change in medication or hospital/doctor visit they have to be notified etc...Have you read the fine print *-) every time I call them with the slightest thing they review the policy and charge an extra £50 or so and if you dont tell them EVERYTHING your potentially not covered


will continue with insurance for long haul holidays but may reconsider for Europe. but getting more and more difficult to get cover...

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I take the same view as foxy that travel insurance is for repatriation and not medical in the EU.


We go on site for 3 months in Spain every winter and nearly every year someone has had to be repatriated home. My wife broke a wrist whilst there a couple of years ago and got execellent free treatment on production of EHIC.



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JamesFrance - 2012-09-27 4:18 PMWe gave up insurance years ago after knowing several people whose insurers found some excuse not to pay. They were left with large bills for private treatment before transferring to a public hospital.That was for Spain mind you, so if you are staying in Benidorm for instance you could have "Take me to Villajoyosa" tattoed on your forehead or other noticeable part of your anatomy in case you are not awake.In France the European card will only cover about a third of the cost, so you need to consider that if you are there. You will have to pay first and claim the two thirds back from the CPAM locally.As a French resident I now have a top-up insurance as the same applies to us, however it does cover costs in other countries. This is a much more expensive policy than travel insurance, which is probably good value if they actually pay up when you claim.


In France you normally pay up front for Doctors visits and Drugs unless you are registered with the Doctor (medicin traitante) or Pharmacie. in each case you would receive a brown form (feuille de soins) to send to CPAM for your reimbursement which for standard (generic) drugs and Doctors appointments is usually circa 70% you would then claim the balance from your travel insurance so remember to keep your receipts!!.


EU health and the EHIC card from the Daily Telegraph



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Repatriation costs can be enormous just Google the subject (Air Ambulance), on the other hand the budget airlines will carry a wheelchair passenger for no additional charge ie broken legs etc should there be a need for nursing care or oxygen en flight then special arrangements can be made. Being a permanent resident at Limoges Airport ( sometimes it feels like it anyway) I often see Disabled passengers with Oxygen bottles strapped to their wheel chairs travelling with their families .

I transported my Mum from Exeter to Bergerac after she had a massive stroke in the UK and it went very well, she particularly enjoyed being transferred from her wheel chair to the aircraft seat by two hunky firemen and that's at 90!


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Its not just about ill health, for me i am covering for an accident. There are so many what ifs eg car accident, fall off my bike and do serious damage etc etc. Yes the ehic may cover part or all of costs but if you need repatriation in a specialist plane then its big bucks.


For existing conditions there seems to be two options for my wife, we either pay for cover or the insurance will exclude her specific conditions. We use different options / policies depending on cost, where we are travelling to and how remote we will be, and what risks we are taking. I rarely use the same company on consecutive years.


where the insurance company insists my wife talks to a medical screener, and the policy meets our current needs, we have taken option of excluding those conditions without screening (my wife hates talking about it cos it brings up all the trauma of original diagnosis, operations and treatment) albeit not all companies will do this.



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We took out annual travel insurance as it was cheaper to do this than take out single trip insurance when we went to France for 5 weeks! As I have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) I had to call the screening people and ended up paying an extra £11 for it to cover me (if I had been diagnosed with ME instead which is extremely similar it wouldn't have cost me a penny more! *-) ). I could have had my CFS excluded but as the 'problems' which it causes are progressing, I didn't want to give them an excuse for not paying out if I need to claim (hopefully not ... but better safe ...).


We keep the cost down by excluding baggage and other stuff that we don't need at it's already covered on our camper insurance.

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