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Horace and the "Golden Orb"

Guest pelmetman

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Thanks Dave.


Sadly - we will not be doing anything this year as commitments will keep me busy till the summer it seems.


So we are planning for years to come. The idea of retiring to an English Winter is just not at all attractive.


Seeing how you have done it is a real boost to our commitment to grab some of that winter "Golden Orb".




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Guest pelmetman
jonsea - 2013-01-09 7:31 PM


HI Dave you are probably about 15 yard from me then its a nice site there is agood chinese down the road by supermarket john


Small world init :D................Not sure where the chinese is?........is it in the block with the restaurant :-S

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There is (or used to be) a very good Chinese on the right hand side just past the Carrefour (I think) as you enter Pilar de la Horadada from the main road roundabout. Can't remember the name but very reasonable prices with great service.


We hope to be down in that area in a month or so for our dose of sunshine - so still time to escape!

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Congratulations Dave on finding the sun. I could say that here in Edinburgh yesterday the sun shone and it was 12 degrees and today it also shone, but the temp was only 6 degrees. The one thing we have noted from the various stories we have heard from winter campers is that is always a ‘hit or miss’ scenario. Some years they boast about warm days every day and others they moan the wind blew and the storms raged. A bit like home I suppose.


I fully admit we do not venture out until after Easter, and the days get longer and even then we have had May months in the south of Spain where it has been ‘bloody cold’ although the thermometer said 23 degrees. Then again in August we stifle in 38 degrees and pray for air conditioning. Ok, we are never satisfied.


One thing I do note from your pics is the lack of leaves on the trees, not surprising as it is January but something we are not used to. We have always been encouraging the trees to leaf and grow to give shade, but different strokes as they say. At least you can sleep at night, not sweltering in a puddle. But, hang on, the air conditioning is getting fitted this Spring so hopefully that will no longer be an issue.


The main reason we go in summer is the SEA IS WARM. 28 degrees of salt water suits me just fine. Yes, i know the site we use has a heated swimming pool, but it is not the same as splashing in the waves. Probably a childhood thing where it took until I was 15 years of age before I learned that seawater was not always at freezing point.


I take your point regarding the sites being busy and that again is one reason why we avoid the winter months. Too many people arriving and wanting to know all your business, crowded facilities etc and fighting over the washing machines. For Heavens sake there are 18 machines on the site we use, and they are still fighting over them. Now late August and you have them to yourself and no television blaring out everywhere after 5 pm. I exagerate of course, but even one 3 vans down can drive you mad if you are quietly sitting in the awning.


Anyway, do enjoy your sojourn and look forward to coming back to a wet wet summer in the UK. Now why would you be disappointed? Or have you bitten the bullet and are not returning???????? Who would blame you. And of course you are missing the SALES. Well, that is what the shop windows say, but little to be bought unless you like cheap Chinese junk.


Just make sure you leave the place clean and tidy for us in April.


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Guest pelmetman

As you say Dave.................its horses for courses ;-)................as for the sea I'd rather be on it than in it...........and the thought of being down here in the summer would be hell for us as we prefer below 30 temperatures :D


Considering the site is virtually full, we have not had to queue for the showers, the reason being I suspect is the place is packed with big campers never seen so many Concords in one place, and with fully serviced pitches I suspect a lot of people are using their own facilities..................as for washing machines there's only one *-)..............but we find on Sundays the Germans don't do washing.............must be a religious thing :D

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2013-01-09 7:47 PM


We hope to be down in that area in a month or so for our dose of sunshine - so still time to escape!


Listening to the weather reports sounds like you better leave soon Rich, before you get snowed in ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pelmetman

Forgot to update my mate Fred :D...........


Weather wise.................If there is a god.......then he's over done the sprouts at Christmas 8-)..........Coz we might not of had the rain or the snow, but by eck we've ad a lot of wind *-).........and at times its been a very cool wind.............once I even zipped my trouser legs back on 8-).....................But I estimate we've had less than an hours rain in total since leaving Biarritz on the 2nd January B-).....


Campsites down here seem to be doing a roaring trade ;-)........with the good ones being booked up in advance, something for those tempted to flee next years ice and snow to think about ;-).............


Now at Calpemar which is tight on pitch space compared to Lo Monte................but you are in the middle of a busy town with the beach a few minutes walk away..........and it is a much prettier area as we have hired a car and been to up the coast today, had an expensive 11 euro each meal today, that some how came to 45 euro's 8-)............


Oh...... and Troy was sick in the back of the hire car on the way back*-).................I'm glad I paid for the extra insurance 8-)



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pelmetman - 2013-01-10 4:09 PM


As you say Dave.................its horses for courses ;-)................as for the sea I'd rather be on it than in it...........and the thought of being down here in the summer would be hell for us as we prefer below 30 temperatures :D


Considering the site is virtually full, we have not had to queue for the showers, the reason being I suspect is the place is packed with big campers never seen so many Concords in one place, and with fully serviced pitches I suspect a lot of people are using their own facilities..................as for washing machines there's only one *-)..............but we find on Sundays the Germans don't do washing.............must be a religious thing :D


Agree about the Germans, actually on the site we stay on there is a sign stating no washing machines to be used on Sundays, so must be a Spanish thing. Mind you when we are there no one seems to abide by it. Fortunately, our very high temperatures are only for a couple of weeks in late August, but we 'suffer' as we leave the car and van parked down there for the high season and try to keep it as short as possible. Plus usually a wet August here has me reaching for the air booking pages pretty quick. Once into September and things are back to a balmy 30-32 degrees. I also agree about sites being full, again the one we use is fully booked over the winter period and advance booking is essential. It is the only time a deposit is required. We roll up in April and take our pick. Also, and I do not mean any bad comments towards anyone but the winter campers tend to be of an elderly age group and we as mere 60's were far too young. It is amusing to see the bike park being used as a parking area for mobility scooters. Maybe as we get over the age of 70 we will be more inclined to join in, but not as yet.

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Guest pelmetman

You must visit the Jalon valley (pronounced Halon) said the expat couple we got talking to in the restaurant...................Its lovely at this time of year with the Almond blossom and the vines, pretty towns/villages etc B-)


So today we set off in the hire car, sat witch said 20 minutes........................hour and a half later I'm up a frigging mountain *-).......after a nightmare journey for Sue...........Sue don't like mountains :D..........and then we run out of road 8-)..........going up was on the good side for Sue as we were away from the edge ;-).............


Resisted throwing the sat witch off the mountain >:-(............managed to turn around although I don't think there's much paint left on the bottom of the car :-S..............went back down the windy narrow mountain road with no safety barriers on the wrong side for Sue 8-)..........she clung on manfully to the door handle and said she felt sick...............Troy was sick *-)................I'm starting to appreciate the aroma of baked dog vomit :D......


Found the valley and it was very pretty and had a nice meal, bought some cheap wine at the bodega ;-)......


I'm so glad I paid for the extra insurance on the hire car B-)


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Go to the vally on a Saturday morning, the market there is really odd with really old Spanish stuff available.

When you leave the market cross the road and try the fish and chip shop, some of the best fish and chips I have ever had

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Guest pelmetman
Syd - 2013-02-16 12:01 AM



Go to the vally on a Saturday morning, the market there is really odd with really old Spanish stuff available.

When you leave the market cross the road and try the fish and chip shop, some of the best fish and chips I have ever had


Thanks for the heads up Syd ;-)..............went back the next day and went round the market...... fascinating...... and found the chippy :D......



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Did you try the fish and chips, the slim Dutch girl who serves there speaks PERFECT English.


A German lady who was sitting about where Sue is sitting was clicking her fingers at her to gain her attention, she turned round and said "Dont click your fingers at me madam it is most annoying"

We were amused to say the least.


Just remembered, you will have been to Quadalest eh

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May I be a killjoy, and I have to be looking at the snow outside her today, and state that I note all in pics are wearing fleeces and anoraks. Where are the bikinis and swimsuits???? Yeh!! Yeh!


Have ordered my air conditIoner unit because I know I will need it in the real summer.


Daughter just came back from a week in Lanzarotte and was p....d off because it was cloudy and cool most of her week. Not what she wanted after a week of snow in Leeds.


Never mind it is getting warmer....I think and off in 55 days time.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2013-02-24 7:34 PM


May I be a killjoy, and I have to be looking at the snow outside her today, and state that I note all in pics are wearing fleeces and anoraks. Where are the bikinis and swimsuits???? Yeh!! Yeh!


You don't want to see me in a bikini Dave ;-)..............but it has been warm enough most days for shorts & T shirts B-)


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