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Horace and the "Golden Orb"

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

This is a story about everyday motorhoming folk and their canine companion Troy the Wonder dog, who attempt to head for the land of the winter sun god to seek a blessing of vitamin D from his "Golden Orb" B-)


They endevour to seek him with as little STRESS and as few COCK UPS as possible but they fail miserably :-S...............this year sadly has been no different *-)


Yet it all started so well..........We set off on the 22nd although the TV advised essential travel only 8-)......................but apart from atrocious weather conditions and floods, we arrived at 5 mins to the appointed hour at the petrol station outside Wimborne, to meet Sparkles Dad for the start of my new career as an international wool smuggler :D.......my old sea dad would of been proud of me, "5 mins before a muster and not a second later" he would say to me with a kindly cuff with a ropes end 8-).......


I did have misgivings before we set out about the MIL's drive, as its quite steep and with the new fully loaded trailer, which had to be manhandled on the slope so as to be able to turn the van around and get out again 8-).............but old Horace sailed up the drive without a blink, and with the aid of the BIL we were able to maneuver the trailer easily ;-)...........settled down for crimbo festivities *-)......


Christmas Eve was sunny so decided to wash the van, finished leathering when I noticed one of the luton windows had damp in *-).............so out with ladders and my Creeping Crack Cure.............only to find the bottom section had come unstuck 8-)...........they're only stuck on with Sikaflex.........not a problem as I have some in the trailer :-D..................wrong!..............I have a Sikaflex tube shaped rubber ball.........it's gone orf :'( ............


Boxing day I'm hot footing it down the quay at Weymouth as there is a chandlers.............closed til the New year *-)....................so legs it round to Halfords in vain hope..............but find their equivalent to Sikflex B-).............by now I'm conscious of the weather window, as they forecast rain for the afternoon.......so managed to get a taxi that would take a dog and Sue :D........arrived home just as the first spits and spots arrived, straight up the ladder 2 minute job, back in doors for Boxing days bubbles B-)


Next day........everything loaded, trailer hooked up, said our goodbyes to the MIL.............set off...........bottom of the drive a crunching grinding noise 8-).............I assumed it was the towbar catching as I'd had it lowered............carried onto Dorchester Tesco for the last of our victuals.......went round to check the trailer......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........That's lower deck lingo for.............oh bother I've wrecked my effing jockey wheel >:-(.............by now I could tell my 5 mg of Ramipril was struggling........but fortunately there is another Halfords at Dorchester next to Tesco, so nipped smartly round there hoping they'd have a bracket........and they did :-D....................but I had to buy the whole jockey wheel gubbins :-( ............never mind thinks I lucky to find one at all, how much to fit I ask?...............699 replied the young lad 8-).................7 undred squid!!!! I spluttered to change two bolts!!!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)..................I could tell from the throbbing in my temples that Mr Ramipril had packed his bags and gone home *-).........................................No sir...... 6 pounds 99 pence he replied :$.........

Oh........can you do it now?.............Yes sir.................So in the time it took Sue to do the shopping I had the jockey wheel sorted B-)....................


What could go wrong now?...............


Having done the trip from MIL's to the chunnel before, and only allowing an hour extra, and ending up without being able to stop for lunch and having a 50 min white knuckle drive to arrive just in time *-)....................I'd allowed 2 hours this time ;-)....................made bugger all difference *-).......nose to tail up the M3 around the M25...........No lunch and a white knuckle drive with a trailer attached arriving 6 minutes after check in closed >:-(..................needn't of bleedin bothered though as they were running an hour late *-)..................arrived shattered at our usual spot by the sewage works..........THEN.......the fridge that I'd spent £110 being repaired, and worked when I checked it on the drive before we left is now not working on gas AGAIN >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( .................sod it..... went to bed to knackered to eat or care *-).......


Now on a open all year site at Bordeaux plugged into leccy ;-)..................found it in the 2013 ACIS book ;-).................unfortunately its 2012 and they don't accept ACIS YET........23 frigging euro's a night 8-)..........plus 3 for the wifi *-)


Where's my bloomin Ramipril >:-(

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Never mind Dave, worse things happen at sea. (lol)

Have a good trip. We will be joining you on the 24 Jan' on our way down to portugal and spain.

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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2012-12-29 8:20 PM


peter - 2012-12-29 7:44 PM


Never mind Dave, worse things happen at sea. (lol)

Have a good trip. We will be joining you on the 24 Jan' on our way down to portugal and spain.


Looks like your bad luck will still be with you Dave. :D :D


Sorry Peter..!!! :-> :D




Thanks Dave *-)....................you'll be telling me Tracker (Rich) is on his way too? 8-)............


So should I set up a table for fine dining or a boxing booth?............. :-S

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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2012-12-29 9:30 PM


Weren't going to mention that knowing your timidness. Oh..!!! better make that a big table, I think Eddie is down there also 8-)


2nd thoughts (^) make it an alter 8-) :D :D




Oh dear...............Sue wont be happy :-S.................as we bought a new decorative table cloth that I cut to size...........and I'm not convinced she'd be happy with a blood bath on the said table cloth? :-S.........

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pepe63 - 2012-12-30 10:28 AM


Blimey! 8-) Peter,Eddie AND Rich in the same place?...at the same time...?! (lol)



:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Hopefully things will be smoother for you now......MANY MANY thanks for the wool smuggling..... I think Dad would have liked to have chatted for hours but I did explain this was a quick smash and grab (or should that be splash thru the floods and grab!!).


Looking forward to hearing about it all when we see you at Calpe in Feb.

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Guest pelmetman

Update...... now at Zaragoza :D.............cold wind..8-)......


Dented Horace :'(.......


What's it mean when your'e laptop crackles and smokes occasionally? :-S


PS they've even started charging at Biarritz *-)....................10 euro's a night 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
pelmetman - 2013-01-02 6:34 PM

What's it mean when your'e laptop crackles and smokes occasionally? :-S


It seems to have behaved it's self tonight 8-)...........maybe its just dust shaken out from the road :-S.........................................mind you it has cured itself before 8-)................Maybe ITS POSSESSED 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
Keithl - 2013-01-02 10:06 PM




Have you been reading your old Rupert annuals again? :D


You mean I've been possessed by the Bear? :-S..............coz ........I'm ......afraid .......of getting out a bed 8-) ................................I didn't mention all the other stuff :-S :-S.....................little stuff........like my bulb going 8-) ............on my new trailer................and then me fixing it 8-).................and then the laptop started smoking 8-)

.....................then I fixed it...........and now the light in the bog has gone AGAIN 8-) 8-) 8-)..........Horace has become possessed >:-( ....................I need to seek out the dark spirits >:-)..................I hope the the bugger ain't reached the wine locker 8-)

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pelmetman - 2013-01-02 6:34 PM


Update...... now at Zaragoza :D.............cold wind..8-)......


Dented Horace :'(.......


What's it mean when your'e laptop crackles and smokes occasionally? :-S


PS they've even started charging at Biarritz *-)....................10 euro's a night 8-)


Don't give a hoot about the rest .... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HORACE!!!!!! 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2013-01-02 10:47 PM


pelmetman - 2013-01-02 6:34 PM


Update...... now at Zaragoza :D.............cold wind..8-)......


Dented Horace :'(.......


What's it mean when your'e laptop crackles and smokes occasionally? :-S


PS they've even started charging at Biarritz *-)....................10 euro's a night 8-)


Don't give a hoot about the rest .... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HORACE!!!!!! 8-)


It's only a very small dent Mel :-(...................but ........its not like after 22 years he hasn't got any *-).............Its just the first that I've inflicted :$.............and I did it with trailer :-S...........but with a couple of well positioned reflective stick on triangles I'll cover the dent ;-).............................


and protect the other side :D

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Just got back from a dog walk - dogs and me wet, cold and muddy - ground water never been so high - and what do I find when i log on to chat about the proverbial UK weather??!!


You Dave!


Sitting in the sun with a cuppa showing off your M(.)(.)B's with the temp at 25deg C when any normal UK resident knows that 25 deg F is what we should be "appreciating" this time of year!


It is just not cricket you know.


Disgusted of Hampshire!




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Mel B - 2013-01-08 9:12 PM


CliveH - 2013-01-08 10:08 AM


You Dave!


Sitting in the sun with a cuppa showing off your M(.)(.)B's


That's DAVE ????? I thought it was a lounge lizard .... (lol)


Don't say things like that Mel...he'll take it as a bl**dy compliment. :D


Jealous from Lancashire

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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2013-01-08 10:55 PM


Mel B - 2013-01-08 9:12 PM


CliveH - 2013-01-08 10:08 AM


You Dave!


Sitting in the sun with a cuppa showing off your M(.)(.)B's


That's DAVE ????? I thought it was a lounge lizard .... (lol)


Don't say things like that Mel...he'll take it as a bl**dy compliment. :D


Jealous from Lancashire


Your'e right Mel 8-).............It's the sun B-)...........I think I need a bit of moisturizer ? :-S.............


Cool wind today though *-)...............so sat in the drive away with a nice white Rioja :D.........We've set up "Pelmetville" differently this time to make the most of the sun ;-)...........and I've rear ended the drive away with the trailer which is giving us useful extra storage in the awning :D



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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2013-01-09 3:40 PM




The ones so far are doing a great job convincing SWMBO we need to do the same as you guys :-D


You can help me by piling on the pressure a bit!!


:-D :-D :-D





Well if you insist Clive :D..............................a bit of info on "Camping Lo Monte" as it appears not to be well known to UK visitors as of the nearly 150 pitches there's barely a dozen Brits :-S..........


Its at Pilar De La Horadada..........we can't pronounce it so have nicknamed the place "Yabbadabbadodar" (lol)


Its a fairly new site which opened in 2011 with 127 pitches, extended this year to 148 with work carrying on to extend it to I suspect 200ish 8-).....


Facilities are excellent, huge showers, spa complex and bar restaurant, had one meal there so far, menu of the day 3 courses, Sue & I had the roast chicken, but it was more boiled in oil chicken, tasty but oily (lol)........My Dad had the sword fish which looked nicer.......but 3 courses for 3 people including a drink and coffee's 30 euro's...........£25 quid ish B-)...


Pitches are a good size with water, drainage, electric as standard, we are on a medium pitch 435.20 euro's + electric for a month..........so we expect to pay roughly a 110 quid ish a week ;-)


Wifi (1 mps) is free around by the pool, and my new antenna picks it up fine from our pitch :-D..............although it seems to get turned of on a regular basis *-).............so have gone for the 25 euro a month option of individual pitch wifi at 3 mps which will be installed on Friday, then hopefully we'll be able to use skype ;-)


Dogs....there is an urbanization opposite the campsite gates with a nice area for taking the pooch for his ablutions, most of the beaches ban dogs, but we have actually found a small cove with no dog banned signs, where he can have a paddle walking distance from the site..............directions out of the gate keep the undeveloped land to your left and head towards the sea...


Supermarket....there is a well stocked supermarket about a 15 min walk away....


Restaurants......so far we have only tried the site and one overlooking the marina where we had a very nice meal ............there are several others within walking distance ;-)


Some tips.......you need a bathing cap to use the spa pool.......and the elsan point is a hike so bring a trolley.....and if you want the sun then try to avoid the pitches behind the spa.........and it might be advisable to book as the place is virtually full ;-)



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