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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2013-02-24 2:40 PM


When are you home Dave - we will be on our way down Sarf next Saturday to Tuesday, tunnel at 1.00 pm possibly around Tours by nightfall depending?


We should be back in Blighty by Friday :'( .................You heading for Spain Rich? ;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yep - Same here around York although not as bad as at has been in other places in the country - trouble is, when we go off in the van it's the 'other places' we want to visit. I really thought we could have been away sometime around this week - we were planning a short break at the coast for this week .... whew- glad I'm not there at the moment. Not looking too good for Easter is it...hope it's cleared up by September when we plan to go North Lol....
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