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MMM April issue on-sale now!

Lucie Cranfield

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Dear All,


The April issue of MMM is on-sale now! It includes a FREE guide to 153 essential sites, plus 3 nights for the price of 2 at 48 Best of British Parks and a discounted day visitor offer for the National Motorhome Show at the East of England Show ground, Peterborough.


Plus wonderful travel features including Dorset, Derbyshire, East Sussex, Hereford, Worcester, France and Germany. And 42 fantastic sites for seafood, food festivals and regional delicacies.


Motorhome tests this month include Lunar's all-new Vacanza camper, budget French bed Escape, Chausson Flash island bed low-profile and two reader reviews.


Plus a new series starting this month - campervan cooking with TV star Martin Dorey


And much more! Get your copy now - http://tinyurl.com/chopv68


Or why not try a digital copy - http://tinyurl.com/c3mhm2v





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It can't be an April fool's joke as it is still only March.

This aspect of motorhoming is an area that definitely needs further discussion. It can be very stressful when one is waved at and one was not ready with an appropriate response. On the other hand, is it appropriate to initiate a wave, and when? If one waves and the wavee doesn't respond doesn't one feel such a fool? Egg on face or what.

I've done some background reading on this fascinating topic and it isn't always so clear cut. So it seems to me the author has made a lively and interesting contribution to this ongoing and necessary debate.

Some thoughts to ponder.


'It's very dangerous to wave to people you don't know because what if they don't have hands? They'll think you're cocky.'

Mitch Hedberg


"I remember when the wave of Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek and these beautiful Hispanic women came into light, and I looked up to them and I loved them, but I was like, 'Where are Middle Eastern women?'"

Kim Kardashian


'When people in stadiums do the Wave, it's the group-mind collective organism spontaneously organizing itself to express an emotion, pass time, and reflect the joy of seeing the rhythms of many as one, a visual rhyming or music in which everyone senses where the motion is going.'

Jerry Saltz


Makes you think, doesn't it?


Keep up the good work.

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Looks to me this is what the MMM is coming down to ,do we care if people wave or not .Please come back Andy ,give us some decent stories.If I want know about food I would buy a food magazine.

Must say also Practical Motor home is going down hill fast as well.

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