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PVC or Coachbuilt ????


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Guest JudgeMental
JamesFrance - 2013-04-04 1:38 PM


Crazy prices, in France you can buy a new 50cc scooter for 628€.


You can also buy crap Chinese e bike for £500. Just have a look in a proper bike shop and see what road bikes cost..Many 2-5 K and you see 10K+ models on the road. Some take their hobby's more seriously.....Simples :-D


I'm no going to get the real expensive bike anyway just wishful thinking...you could not leave it anywhere, as components will get nicked even if bike locked up well...and these days you cant lock anything up well enough as they just cut the frame to sell on the expensive components. On thee news today bike theft gone up 30% *-)

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Asking such a question on this forum indicates either that you are a newcomer and don't realise what you've done, or you do know what you've done and should be ashamed of yourself for winding .

this lot up in this way.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and try to help you. Motorhomes are , more or less, all lovely in their own way. Find one that you really like and buy that. It will have lots of features that you love, and some that you don't. There is no such thing as a perfect one, so love it anyway.

The usual suspects on this site will tell you that it needs to be shorter or longer, wider or thinner, higher or lower, heavier or lighter, fixed bed or no fixed bed, on a different chassis and on, and on, and on. For the most part they will be right, but that won't stop them kicking off and insulting anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's great!


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I love a good debate about PVC - CB there allways great fun.

I love the looks of PVC but to date have been unable to find one that will work for us in reality.

Apart from the afforsaid sliding door mallarkey the thing that I have not been able to convince myself is the benefit of a couple of inches less width with a PVC. In other words if the length is the same (for instance my one is 6m) then is the 6" or so less width really noticable, ? if not then seems to me that the lack of space and storage is not really worth it. Dont really accept the damp arguments as I have never had damp issues with any caravans I have had or with current MH which is coming up to 4 yrs old now however it is stored under a carport so wouldnt expect it.

If I could find one that was at least .5 m shorter and .3m narrower and that had a usable shower and that had a comfy bed with the option of leaving it made up and that had a sliding door that could be opened just a bit so you could just get out without getting everything wet through when it rains and that had at least enough storage to fit my genny and wellies and some other stuff and that was proven to be at least 5mpg better than mine and that was less than £35k then I might consider it.

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Poppy - 2013-04-12 8:20 AM


If my husband says just one more time that an A class I really like looks like a bus I am going to use it as grounds for divorce!


Perhaps you don't have to drive it. They are wide - very wide - and I wouldn't want to drive one even though they are very nice when on site. The problem is that you have to get it there first.

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Poppy - 2013-04-12 8:20 AM


If my husband says just one more time that an A class I really like looks like a bus I am going to use it as grounds for divorce!


...maybe it would help if you stopped liking vehicles that looked like buses..? (lol)


Our CB isn't particularly large(7mtrs,low profile)but for some of the CL/ "farm" type sites we use,with their single lane approaches, usually with high,uncut hedges, it sometimes feels like a bus.. (lol)


Although our van is great for 95% of the time(with it's fixed bed, roomy front dinette/lounge etc),it's that 5% where there's a real risk of damaging it(..getting on/off/in/out of somewhere),that sometimes make us wish we still had our '03 Duetto....

(..and although it may only be 5%..strangely it seems to punch above it's weight and cause more mither(moither?) than it really should.. :-D )




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Guest JudgeMental
goldi - 2013-04-14 4:14 PM

Afternoon all, You could always get a sliding /slam door from reisemobilbau knobloch.



Here is the link......saw a few vans with this arrangement at Dusseldorf show. not for me as prefer the sliding door....



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Guest pelmetman
goldi - 2013-04-14 4:14 PM


Afternoon all,


You could always get a sliding /slam door from reisemobilbau knobloch.





It would be worth it........just to be able to tell people I have a Knobloch :D

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Guest JudgeMental
ips - 2013-04-15 9:57 AM


Now that is a much better idea and a big improvement on the sliding door arrangement at least for english weather.


really dont get this....we used to get drenched exiting euramobil, every time we opened the door one foot on the step and van would tilt and you get drenched. I bought a plastic strip and fitted above door which helped a bit but still got wet *-)


If it was really lashing we would exit through cab doors and we do exactly the same with the PVC, but being on a firmer chassis its really no problem :-S

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Guest JudgeMental
ips - 2013-04-15 11:16 AM


Must depend greatly on the van then cos ours doesnt tilt or leak inside the van. :-S


It does have VERY firm suspension though.


Ford have pretty soft suspension compared to Fiat..Again apart from H all the knockers of panel vans tend to have CB's.?lol Our friends joined us at the weekend camping on the Gower in their new to them Hymer (he changes vans like most of us buy shirts) and it was nice siting in then comfortable lounge having a few drinks after our meal out....We are happy to live without the space, some aren't, and that's about it really :-D

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Cant comment on fiat but I can assure you that our suspension is very very firm there is no body roll at all and you feel every pebble on the road.

For the record as I have said before I love the looks of PVC and I like the concept / idea its just that so far we havent been able to find one that suits us totally. We thought we had with the ADRIA as you may remeber but then we realised a few issues with it for us so back to drawing board for now. I think if you could buy a decenmt PVC for less than 30k then you could live with the issues (if indeed like us you consider that there are some) but for 40k + even for an entry level one then one has to think very carefully before parting with ones cash. We looked at some VW ones last year for 50k + and all they had was a bench seat that presumably turned into a bed and some cupboards oh and a tent thing for a roof........ 50k you are avin a jolly big laugh Mr dealer and mr manufacturer.

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