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Can I walk on motorhome roof?


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I know that my van has got a ladder and it must be there for a reason, (it's an autotrail arapaho) but I wondered if its so I can actually walk on the roof , or more for climbing up halfway and having a scan around ? . It's pretty new to me and I've noticed the previous owner has had some sort of equipment removed and its left what looks like a scouring on the surface so I thought I'd get up and check he hasn't removed it with hammer and chisel thanks all advise gratefully received: p.s I must add I'm no flyweight lol
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The presence of a rear ladder on your motorhome does not automatically mean its roof is designed to be walked on. A motorhome owner might choose to fit a top-box for extra storage and, for easy access, it would be logical to locate the box near to the rear ladder. A ladder would then be needed to reach the box, but there would be no requirement to climb on to the roof itself.


Some motorhome roofs are deliberately designed to be strong enough to walk on. There will inevitably be a weight maximum (a ballet dancer will place a lot less stress on a roof than a sumo wrestler) and roof-walking may be restricted to a defined area of roof that has been suitably reinforced. If there is no roof-walking-related advice in Auto-Trail's brochure or handbook for your Arapaho, you'd be wise to think that Auto-Trail do not sanction this practice, rather than assume that no advice means it's OK.


It's quite likely that Auto-Trail owners walk on their motorhomes' roofs and will tell you that they do, but that doesn't mean you should also do it (particularly as you admit to being "no flyweight").


The sensible course of action would be to seek advice from Auto-Trail themselves but, if you feel an overpowering urge to clamber on the roof immediately, I suggest that you put something on the roof to protect it (like a piece of carpet) and spread the load by placing, say, a large piece of plywood on top of the carpet. I also suggest you keep as far as possible to the rear of the roof, where there's the possibility it will have been strengthened.


As you are (quite understandably) wary of walking on the roof, if you want to check what the previous owner has done, you can probably do this from a ladder - suitably padded so that it won't cause damage - placed against the side of your motorhome.


You might wish to read this MotorHomeFacts thread




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Thanks for prompt reply ,I think I'll give it a miss Re. Crawling on roof on Sunday morning I'm booking it in in near future to dealers (brownhills ) for small problem with drop down tv lovely picture but no sound so I will ask their technicians to inspect it : it's more the previous. Owners method of removal of appliance I'm concerned about , funnily enough I never thought of damage till I was looking at solar panel from above and noticed scoured roof I think it's been glue removal it's a wonder if the rough looking surface is old glue , or in removing appliance has lifted a layer off grp or gpr whatever it's called thanks again : pampam
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For what it's worth, I had Dethleffs with a roof construction that was supposed to be OK to walk on. I carried a Kayak on top on the factory roofbars. Trouble was, the outer skin was flimsy aluminium which dented incredibly readily; that to me indicated stress on the bonding to the insulative layer. A real delamination time-bomb.


I sikaflexed some 'stepping stones' made of 1.5mm chequer plate all neatly cut and symmetrically assembled to the roof to distribute weight and allow unfettered access to all parts of the roof. I always clean the roof anyway when washing 'vans so wouldn't want to not be able to get up there and have a wander about.


Anyway, it worked a treat and even looked good.

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Much like Kelly we asked the question of the guides on a factory tour a couple of years ago and where told that any AT built after 2003/2004 is safe to walk on the CENTRE section of the roof, ie not too near the edges.

Apparently the way to check for circa 2003/2004 built AT's is whether there are joining strips on the ceiling inside the MH running from front to rear approx 4 foot apart.

Our's is the later style and so far I've never ventured onto the roof but have sat on the back edge of the main rooflight opening to clean the dome.



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I note that this issue is mentioned here:




"Walk on roof?


It is possible to walk on the central area of the roof of your vehicle. Do not walk near the edge or near the front section which is not supported. Never walk on the roof in wet or windy conditions. It is advisable that all heavy items are stored low down on the vehicle rather than on the roof, as this will adversely affect the handling of your vehicle."


There's no indication that this advice applies only to post-2003/2004 vehicles but, as Auto-Trail's FAQs will target current models, no reason to doubt the information Keith was given during his Auto-Trail factory tour.


At one stage (pre-2003?) Auto-Trail apparently marked the roof with a red tape line beyond which walking was forbidden.

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Hi, I have an Autotrail Mohican which has a factory fitted rear ladder. When I purchased the van the dealer told me I could walk on the roof but DON"T walk beyond the RED LINE which runs from side ti side. I walk on the roof regularly and it has had no effect on it.
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Ninian - 2013-05-06 1:02 PM


Hi, I have an Autotrail Mohican which has a factory fitted rear ladder. When I purchased the van the dealer told me I could walk on the roof but DON"T walk beyond the RED LINE which runs from side ti side. I walk on the roof regularly and it has had no effect on it.


How old is your Mohican please? (I've looked through your previous postings, but I don't think you've ever said.)


There are a couple of on-line forum references to the red line on Auto-Trail roofs, In one case the motorhome was a 1998 model; in the other no build-year was given, but the inference was that the motorhome with the red line was not that new.


There's nothing in the Auto-Trail FAQs about the red line, nor (as far as I can see) any reference to this in recentish Auto-Trail handbooks. As Keithl's Auto-Trail Cheyenne is 2004 vintage, I'm guessing that your Mohican is earlier. If Keithl's motorhome had a red line on its roof I'd have expected him to have noticed.





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