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Caravan Club-Awning restrictions


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I'm unaware if anyone else has brought this subject up, so apologies if it has already been discussed.

In February I booked a few days online at a Club site in the Southwest for June. (next week in fact). A few weeks ago I received a letter to say that the Club has imposed restrictions on awnings on certain pitches on various sites and I would be unable to use an awning when we are on site. They cited health and safety reasons because of the 6 metre rule to prevent spread of fire. They say that this is due to the increase in caravan size and caravan awnings.


This may seem fair enough but on reading the leaflet they enclosed I saw a paragraph that stated that this restriction would mean that no awning of any type could be used on the restricted pitches. This would include wind-out awnings (as per motorhome awnings) and even a small door canopy!


On telephoning their office I was told that this was to make it fair for everyone. I don't think so. Why should anyone who has a small canopy or a wind out awning (without using safari room type sides) be penalised for others who have huge awnings and spread themselves out.


I was told I had not been allocated a non-awning pitch because I have a motorhome but because I was amongst the last 12 to book and as I said I booked in February for June. (Apparantly there are now 12 pitches on this site where awnings cannot be used).


This raises certain questions.


1- It has always been the policy of selecting a pitch upon arrival on site. They are now saying that in future, when booking the non-awning pitches will be allocated according to when pitches are booked.


2- As motorhomers generally do not book months in advance, especially if touring, it would seem logical that on any sites that have non-awning pitches the motorhomer is going to be allocated these, so if it is nice and sunny and you want a bit of shade or just want to keep the rain off your dog,say, then tough - it will have to stay inside or get wet or crawl under the 'van. We don't have a dog incidentally.


3- In out ten years of Caravan Club membership we have always had to select our own pitch when arriving on site, except for Crystal Palace in London, which is understandable. So taking this rule to its logical conclusion it looks like the Club will be allocating non-awning pitches for us motorhomers.


4-Is this the thin end of the wedge, making way for charging for awnings in future?


I have also written to the Club, to the Head of Site Services and received a letter back to say he was away but will get back to me. This was followed up by a message left on my voicemail to say that he will reply to me. To date this has not happened!


Methinks I will have to give it some thought when membership renewal time comes up, especially in view of their ever increasing pitch prices.



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Well it sounds very much like even more profiteering to me!


Make the pitches smaller to fit more on the site then place restrictions on awnings and unit sizes to comply with their 6 metre rule and still charge the same for them!


Can anyone confirm or deny that their are now more pitches on the sites with these restrictions?



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Guest JudgeMental
I think they should rethink this and not treat wind out awnings the same as full caravan awnings.....it's a nonsense......but chances of this zilch I guess. Personally would want to get every bit on sun on offer, and not as if it ever gets strong enough here to be a problem...maybe hey will ban parasols and BBQs next!
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Guest JudgeMental
Colin Leake - 2013-06-06 10:46 PM


One of our favourite sites Old Hartly near Whitley Bay is now an all none awning site. Bookings are now well down on a site that last year was nearly always fully booked.


Well that is an improvement is it not.........a caravan club site you actually have a chance of getting on! :-D

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Guest pelmetman

Caravan Club?............... restrictive?................ (lol) (lol)..........


Join the hordes of EXCC members ;-)...............and go abroad B-)

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Another good reason to cross the water and get a proper relaxed holiday . It would be nice to see a complete boycott of all club sites and then see how the numpties come up with new regulations to maintain their hallowed income !!!
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I totally agree with all the comments re going abroad, however for many, us included, family commitments can often be a time constraint. I think the CC is going to lose out with these restrictions as I said in my letter to them - Old Hartley as an example .

Incidentally, I contacted the site and the poor wardens had not been told any more information and they will end up getting the stick from us users/customers.


Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut!





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My brother was chatting to me about this earlier in the week, as they'd just returned from the Minehead site...

He made a bit of a point of fetching the warden whilst pitching(his caravan) because if he aligned with "the peg",there would've been no way he could've put his porch awning up...so the warden just moved the peg! (lol)


Judging by what he was told,the "club" only seem to be implementing the "6m fire reg'/rule" that should've been in place anyway.....

As for "profiteering".. Well I suppose it's possible that some sites may be reconfigured to slip a few more in...but I would've thought that initially restricting awnings would cut income(..especially if awning pitches cost more?..I had always assumed that they were?.:$..it'd makes sense if they were.)


Maybe if folk weren't hell bent on buying bigger and bigger units and then lashing awnings the size of barns to 'em (..and all dragged along by huge 4x4s)then there'd be plenty of room on sites for everyone... ;-)

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Methinks this might be a ruse to start charging a preium for awning pitches.......yes more money out of its memebers pockets.


there always was on some sites awning and non-awning pitches, and by and large it seemed you could book on line (and presumably by phoone) whichever you wanted, providing it was available, but there was a mention in the recent CC magazine about alterations to some pitches on some sites.


Personally,on the basis that most motrohomes take up far less room - even with the odd wind-out awning than the majority of caravans,plus awning,plus 4x4s plus everything else, then surely we should have a lower pitch fee anyway!


Yes, if poss -and for us it is, at present- then take the trip across the channel,, espciallyif you use ACSI. So far the most we have paid per night inc electrics and full facilities,plus awning if required..and even though this was through 'peak (UK!) periods, has been €16 per night...and you only pay when you decide to leave and move on!!

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A motorhome and awning already takes up far less space than a towed caravan plus awning plus car.


Both outfits pay the same pitch charges in spite of the area of occupation being much smaller for a motorhome, so it seems pedantic in the extreme to not even allow a wind out sun shade type awning without the use of a groundsheet to ruin the hard standing surface!.


However this high handed attitude is typical of the Caravan Club - whatever next - just like insisting that everyone pays for EHU whether they want it or not!


I am no longer a member as after 25 or so years continuous membership we left when the EHU debacle happened and I have not missed it at all so life without the CC is great and the cash saved gives me a warm glow!


However if CC and sites is your thing - long may you continue to enjoy that form of camping!

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I've said this on previous threads but after many years membership we gave up our CC membership. Annual sub of £40 plus?

The CC is a poorly run business.

I asked a number of questions of HO three of which were


1. "What are you doing to contain/reduce energy costs since you state in Annual Report and site leaflets that you spend £4m each year on electric/gas?"

(Can't remember if it was £4m now but it was mega bucks)

No sensible answer. The nearest I got was "we put up signs in toilet blocks etc about wasting hot water..."


2. "What is your policy on solar/wind energy"

No answer. I may not expect to see CC put wind turbines on sites but to have no policy (at time of asking about 2 yrs ago) is weak management.


3. "Why do you remain headquartered in the most expensive region in the UK?"

No answer. Now I m not expecting the CC to move all HO functions to St Kilda, but call centres as one example, can be located anywhere. With Conference Calls functions can meet/communicate easily. (No I'm not suggesting call centre should be located in India!)


All in all my frustration at trying to get through to them at HO level tipped us over the edge and we left.


Their argument is that site fees are competitive with commercial sites. Not if I take our sub into account. Anyway, it's a CLUB but that still requires managers at the top to manage as if it were any other type of business.







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The caravan club may call itself a club but has since 1959 been a limited company.


It might be a limited company to protect the members and staff from any liabilities or it might be a limited company to make a profit, which may or may not be used to benefit the paying customers aka 'members'?





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The ban on wind out awnings on none awning pitches makes no sense since a motorhome with an awning wound out will still be narrower than a caravan and car parked side by side.


The new pitching instructions re how to pitch with relation to the peg work for UK caravans and motorhomes but for those unpatriotic or foolish enough to by one of those continental motorhomes with the door on the wrong side they do not. Fortunately most wardens have the common sense to deal with this.


As far as I know the numbers of pitches are not being increased on sites. Indeed on some of the sites we have stayed on the wardens tell us that they are actually loosing some pitches altogether to comply with the requirements.

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Guest pelmetman
We pitched on a CC site in Rutland to get the evening sun........ and the warden made us turn around so that our door wouldn't face the unoccupied pitch *-).................his reason was ;-)...............so we wouldn't face our neighbours door when they arrived later in the day................they had a continental van *-)
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Tin Man - 2013-06-07 7:13 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-06-07 6:58 PM


...for those unpatriotic or foolish enough to by one of those continental motorhomes with the door on the wrong side ....


What a stupid and high handed comment.


For those who have had their sense of humour removed - or replaced with extra pomposity - it was a joke for crying out loud!!!


At least I assumed that it was anyway and laughed accordingly!!


But then again I don't have a foreign van with the door on the wrong side so I would see it as funny!!

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Tracker - 2013-06-07 7:30 PM


Tin Man - 2013-06-07 7:13 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-06-07 6:58 PM


...for those unpatriotic or foolish enough to by one of those continental motorhomes with the door on the wrong side ....


What a stupid and high handed comment.


For those who have had their sense of humour removed - or replaced with extra pomposity - it was a joke for crying out loud!!!


At least I assumed that it was anyway and laughed accordingly!!


But then again I don't have a foreign van with the door on the wrong side so I would see it as funny!!


A joke eh! Strikes me that you should leave the jokes to Doddy and his ilk.

By your own admission, a sad sod that laughs at his own jokes.

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Tin Man - 2013-06-07 7:49 PM


By your own admission, a sad sod that laughs at his own jokes.


What admission?


Now I really do have to wonder about your logic in arriving at that conclusion!


By the way - just as a matter of interest - what van do you have!


Court jester eh? I have to wonder about that too - watch that the trades mis-description people don't catch you for that one!!

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pelmetman - 2013-06-07 7:26 PM


We pitched on a CC site in Rutland to get the evening sun........ and the warden made us turn around so that our door wouldn't face the unoccupied pitch *-).................his reason was ;-)...............so we wouldn't face our neighbours door when they arrived later in the day................they had a continental van *-)


Now this is the one that really would irritate me. I always park either to take advantage of a view ( out of the front, when "dining" ) or ( out of the slider, when relaxing inside, or outside under the roll-out awning ).

The problem is usually that I don't want to stare at a privet hedge, so often reverse onto our chosen pitch. I believe that I have the right to choose my orientation on a pitch. I should also be permitted to roll out my awning, on either side, as I only occupy one vehicle width, and usually roll my awning back in at night, thus maintaining maximum separation overnight. I can't see why changes are necessary. It's definately getting less and less likely that we'll renew our "membership",

How do they make these decisions?



alan b

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Guest pelmetman
snowie - 2013-06-07 8:27 PM


pelmetman - 2013-06-07 7:26 PM


We pitched on a CC site in Rutland to get the evening sun........ and the warden made us turn around so that our door wouldn't face the unoccupied pitch *-).................his reason was ;-)...............so we wouldn't face our neighbours door when they arrived later in the day................they had a continental van *-)


Now this is the one that really would irritate me. I always park either to take advantage of a view ( out of the front, when "dining" ) or ( out of the slider, when relaxing inside, or outside under the roll-out awning ).

The problem is usually that I don't want to stare at a privet hedge, so often reverse onto our chosen pitch. I believe that I have the right to choose my orientation on a pitch. I should also be permitted to roll out my awning, on either side, as I only occupy one vehicle width, and usually roll my awning back in at night, thus maintaining maximum separation overnight. I can't see why changes are necessary. It's definately getting less and less likely that we'll renew our "membership",

How do they make these decisions?



alan b


Now you know why after 20 years we left ;-).................it was not the only incident............but frankly I can not be bothered to be a member of such a pettifogging institution *-).................

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Tracker - 2013-06-07 7:30 PM




. . .At least I assumed that it was anyway and laughed accordingly!!


But then again I don't have a foreign van with the door on the wrong side so I would see it as funny!!


The admission is up above. Easy if you have a brain.

Oh, I never give petrsonal detail to a 'joker'./

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2013-06-07 7:30 PM


Tin Man - 2013-06-07 7:13 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-06-07 6:58 PM


...for those unpatriotic or foolish enough to by one of those continental motorhomes with the door on the wrong side ....


What a stupid and high handed comment.


For those who have had their sense of humour removed - or replaced with extra pomposity - it was a joke mfor crying out loud!!!


At least I assumed that it was anyway and laughed accordingly!!


But then again I don't have a foreign van with the door on the wrong side so I would see it as funny!!



How conveniently thick of you..........And our prize stirring moron chips in.....FYI Internet etiquette requires a smiley/emotion to distinguish intent.......lack of smiley equals a serious statement hence the replies dumbo.


furthermore, if we spend no time holidaying here, how is the door or steering wheel considered as being on the wrong side you imbecile.





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