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A leisure battery on our motorhome is an elecsol with a five year warranty. Charge date stamped as may 09 therefore still under warranty. I have tried to contact the company by phone and email to no avail. Does anyone know if they are still trading or have a better phone number than the number on the website?
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Probably best not wasting any time or effort. Write it off and move on. I've used Elecsols, still do. They are fine when they are working alright but if they fail once outwith the suppliers limited warranty you are pretty much stuffed. The 5 year claim is, in essence, clown shoes.


I recently bought am Elecsol through Tayna who were at pains to explain that once their own 12 month (dealers') warranty expired I was effectively on my own.


I won't buy them again as a matter of principle and only did so this time for ease of installation.

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crinklystarfish - 2013-07-04 2:11 PM


Probably best not wasting any time or effort. Write it off and move on. I've used Elecsols, still do. They are fine when they are working alright but if they fail once outwith the suppliers limited warranty you are pretty much stuffed. The 5 year claim is, in essence, clown shoes.


I recently bought am Elecsol through Tayna who were at pains to explain that once their own 12 month (dealers') warranty expired I was effectively on my own.


I won't buy them again as a matter of principle and only did so this time for ease of installation.


I agree. I have one which is working fine, and has done for the last 3 years...touch wood. But I accept that if it bites the dust within the next 18 months I will write it off and get a new battery. Life is a bit like that. However, I am not so sure they are any worse than other makes as there are plenty of 'scare stories' out there and batteries can fail at any time for no apparent reason. The main reason I chose Elecsol was the weight saving over a normal 110 amp battery. I need to watch every kilo.

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And another question, do you have the original paperwork for the battery?


I may be wrong but I believe that Elecsol will not honour any claims without the original paperwork and even then I think they will only contribute the remaining portion of the cost to a new battery. So if yours is over 4 years old the best you will get is 20% off a new one.


I would agree with others, bin it and buy something decent to replace it. There has been plenty of discussion on here recently about batteries so use the search button above and see what others have advised.



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crinklystarfish - 2013-07-04 2:11 PM


Probably best not wasting any time or effort. Write it off and move on. I've used Elecsols, still do. They are fine when they are working alright but if they fail once outwith the suppliers limited warranty you are pretty much stuffed. The 5 year claim is, in essence, clown shoes.


I recently bought am Elecsol through Tayna who were at pains to explain that once their own 12 month (dealers') warranty expired I was effectively on my own.


I won't buy them again as a matter of principle and only did so this time for ease of installation.


This is the difference between a "box shifter" and a trader who cares about their customers. I have been a seller of Elecsol batteries for over eight years, in that time I have had four failed batteries within the five year warranty period and every single one of them has been honoured. The customers in all four cases came back to me, I tested the batteries and confirmed they had failed and phoned Steve at Elecsol. E mailed a scan of warranty document (customer copy) to him and return phone call saying "go ahead and replace the battery and I'll send you a new one". Yes we do charge slightly more than Tayna and a few others but we support the manufacturers warranty and have not had a problem...............As long as the end customer has followed the instructions and filled out the warranty card, sent itt off to Elecsol and retained their copy so they cn produce it if needed. This is not rocket science.



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Dave Newell - 2013-07-04 8:49 PM


crinklystarfish - 2013-07-04 2:11 PM


Probably best not wasting any time or effort. Write it off and move on. I've used Elecsols, still do. They are fine when they are working alright but if they fail once outwith the suppliers limited warranty you are pretty much stuffed. The 5 year claim is, in essence, clown shoes.


I recently bought am Elecsol through Tayna who were at pains to explain that once their own 12 month (dealers') warranty expired I was effectively on my own.


I won't buy them again as a matter of principle and only did so this time for ease of installation.


This is the difference between a "box shifter" and a trader who cares about their customers. I have been a seller of Elecsol batteries for over eight years, in that time I have had four failed batteries within the five year warranty period and every single one of them has been honoured. The customers in all four cases came back to me, I tested the batteries and confirmed they had failed and phoned Steve at Elecsol. E mailed a scan of warranty document (customer copy) to him and return phone call saying "go ahead and replace the battery and I'll send you a new one". Yes we do charge slightly more than Tayna and a few others but we support the manufacturers warranty and have not had a problem...............As long as the end customer has followed the instructions and filled out the warranty card, sent itt off to Elecsol and retained their copy so they cn produce it if needed. This is not rocket science.




That's good service on your part Dave.


The simple truth is though that the elusive 'Steve', as evidenced by hundreds of posts all over the web, does not share your morality and has little concern over customer care.


I am of the view that he should be repaid in kind which is why I'll personally be changing brands when I next have to change a full bank.


Steve himself is arguably the biggest 'box shifter' known to mankind. Shame on him.

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After two very protracted warranty claimes against Elecsol with all the correct paperwork including an independent engineers report (I purchased direct from Elecsol) I totaly reject any claim that Steve will honour a claim wihout trying evey trick in the book to worm his way out

I on my last claim had to threaten to involve the police as the total fabrication dreamed up by Steve in as much as "we delivered they must have been stolen" suddenly changed when I advised Steve that the Marina had 24 hour CCTV and all vehicles were logged in and out


Steve then chaged his storey to "we delivered to the wrong marina" there are no other marinas in Wigan!!!!! and Steves driver had delivered the failed set only months before

Make what you will of this


However Elecsol is a box shifter operating from a small industrial unit (check it on Google street view) the web site is a total fabrication, Steve and his mum are" the company", he will not accept any recorded delivery letters, he has no means of testing batteries so will not let you visit his unit to persue your claim


Major battery amnufacture ? I think not


There are better batteries at the same or lower cost but you pays yer money etc


Good Luck Ray



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No Dave you know the battery you sell, but you dont know Steve.

Not rocket science see a thread I put in last year I followed your instruction.

Does not reply to emails or snail mail puts the phone down if you ring.

Yes I had all the paperwork and report on the battery.

Look at the other forums we can't all be wrong.

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I'm surprised that Elecsol batteries continue to be bought given the warranty-related criticisms that have been made over the years. These Amazon reviews really say it all:




Elecsol batteries aren't cheap and don't seem to have any genuine technical advantages over similarly-priced alternatives (and unusually low weight tends to be a negative as a rule-of-thumb battery-performance indicator). What they do have is a warranty with a duration that's long enough to make it certain that a percentage of Elecsol batteries will fail 'under warranty' and a warranty handling procedure that's far from customer-friendly.


I note that Elecsol advertising for their Carbon Agm Deep Cycle range of batteries says "We are offering an incredible unlimited 7 year warranty. Guaranteed." Potential purchasers may wish to consider whether "Guaranteed" applies to the "unlimited 7 year" period or to the word "incredible".

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My 2012 Autotrail has an Elecsol 110 (?) battery fitted from new, I have no separate 'battery warranty' or registration card to send back, and no receipt (except for my receipt from the dealer for the motorhome itself). What do I do if the battery fails ? (it doesn't seem to be holding charge too well as it is). Is it the 'Dealers problem' to deal with Elecsol ? i do hope so. Ray
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Extended warranties don't come under the sale of goods act the dealer is only reasonable for the first year. Under European law you have redress on the manufacturer for 6 years for manufactured goods but I would expect batteries would be excluded, even if they weren't it would be up to you to prove it was a manufacturing fault that caused the problem.
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I am in the market for an additional battery and naturally am researching what is available before placing an order.


I have written to ELECSOL using their web based enquiry service, asking them to comment on this thread (I included this thread's web address in my query).


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spospe - 2013-07-11 4:44 PM


I am in the market for an additional battery and naturally am researching what is available before placing an order.


I have written to ELECSOL using their web based enquiry service, asking them to comment on this thread (I included this thread's web address in my query).


I'll eat my hat if your hear a pipsqueak.

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Rayjsj - 2013-07-11 4:13 PM


My 2012 Autotrail has an Elecsol 110 (?) battery fitted from new, I have no separate 'battery warranty' or registration card to send back, and no receipt (except for my receipt from the dealer for the motorhome itself). What do I do if the battery fails ? (it doesn't seem to be holding charge too well as it is). Is it the 'Dealers problem' to deal with Elecsol ? i do hope so. Ray


Go back to the dealer, they should sort it no quibble, mine has several times!

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mel64 - 2013-07-09 8:36 PM


No Dave you know the battery you sell, but you dont know Steve.

Not rocket science see a thread I put in last year I followed your instruction.

Does not reply to emails or snail mail puts the phone down if you ring.

Yes I had all the paperwork and report on the battery.

Look at the other forums we can't all be wrong.


You amaze me with this comment, you really do!


I've been selling Elecsol batteries for over 8 years, who do you suppose I buy them off? Yes Steve! So I've been dealing with a bloke for 8 years plus but I don't know him as well as you? Really?



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Rayjsj - 2013-07-11 4:13 PM


My 2012 Autotrail has an Elecsol 110 (?) battery fitted from new, I have no separate 'battery warranty' or registration card to send back, and no receipt (except for my receipt from the dealer for the motorhome itself). What do I do if the battery fails ? (it doesn't seem to be holding charge too well as it is). Is it the 'Dealers problem' to deal with Elecsol ? i do hope so. Ray


As I suggested when you raised this in another recent thread (see final posting on the following link)




the logical thing would be to confirm with the dealership that sold you your motorhome what under-warranty battery replacement would involve. If the dealership confirms that replacing your battery would present no problems for them, it won't matter who has to deal with Elecsol.


The MotorHomeFun thread I gave a link to suggests that the Auto-Trail company won't deal with Elecsol on a motorhome owner's behalf regarding under-warranty battery replacement, but the vending dealership should be your first port of call.



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Question for Dave N.

If you have been dealing with "Steve" for many years can you comment on the website and advertising bumf that states that Elecsol are a major battery manufacturer - where do they have a factory?

And where are the bank of telephone operators shown on the website? Why do none of the worldwide partners know who Elecsol are? etc etc

Not a trick set of questions just genuine interest

Regards Ray

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Airstream - 2013-07-12 2:37 PM


Question for Dave N.

If you have been dealing with "Steve" for many years can you comment on the website and advertising bumf that states that Elecsol are a major battery manufacturer - where do they have a factory?

And where are the bank of telephone operators shown on the website? Why do none of the worldwide partners know who Elecsol are? etc etc

Not a trick set of questions just genuine interest

Regards Ray


No I don't know the answers to any of your "not trick" questions, we deal directly with Steve via telephone, he always answers us unless he's already on the line in which case he usually phones us back when he's done. Who says the "worldwide partners don't know who Elecsol are"?


What I do know is I've been dealing with Steve for eight years plus and selling Elecsol batteries for that length of time. We've had a small number of failures reported to us by customers who bought from us, they returned to us, we tsted the batteries and confirmed they were faulty, customers produced warranty docs, we scanned and e-mailed to steve after a brief phone conversation, Steve e-mailed back with go ahead to replace battery and he sent us replacement on his next van.


I know plenty of people claim to have had difficulty with warranty claims but we never have had, that is a simple and true fact! I can't comment on anyone elses dealings with Steve, Elecsol or any worldwide partners as I have not been involved in their dealings.



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spospe - 2013-07-11 4:44 PM


I am in the market for an additional battery and naturally am researching what is available before placing an order.


I have written to ELECSOL using their web based enquiry service, asking them to comment on this thread (I included this thread's web address in my query).


No reply to date.

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