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My Motorhome has GONE!


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Hi All,

Thanks for all your kind words but I am a little sore at the moment.


What I would like to say is the motorhome when I sold it was in first class condition with all the problems sorted out with no expence spared I did not want anyone else to go through what I went through and come running back to me with problems so I hope that they enjoy it and have a better time than I did.

Pelmetman was right in one way to buy an older motorhome then if you have to pay out the hit may not have been as bad but I did that at the start I purchased an old motorhome and refurbished it to a good standard and liked it so much we decided to buy a new one.

That is when the problems started.


I decided to take part of the cost as a loan as I had paid cash for something else in the past and had a problem and was told you should have had it on finance as they help you if you have a problem with the goods (NO THEY DONT) I went to my bank and asked them and allthough I have a very good credit refferance they refused so I used the finance company at the dealers.


I told the dealer that I did not want an agreement that interest would be paid up front meaning that you pay all the interest first before you start to pay a penny off the loan and they agreed (MAKE SURE that you do not have this type of loan) but what did they do YES they put me on that type of loan and I did not find out until after I had received the van the paperwork came after dont trust them like I did I was blinded by that lovely white elephant on the forcourt


Also they changed the finance company from the one that they told me it would be so when I got the paperwork I was shocked that it was the finance company that I had previous problems with.


IF I had continuied to pay the finance to the end they would have charged me almost £22.000 for the loan as it was it cost me almost £10,000 in finance charges for six years when I sold it. T.B.C






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What does one say?Your peace of mind is paramount and you seem to have taken the actions to ensure that - well done!


When your head has settled perhaps your experience can be aired on this means and a discussion generated which might result in some specific legislation being introduced to "manage this form of trading"- as is currently being done re the motor trade!


It certainly is overdue !!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

A lot of people buy new in the hope that they will get something that is going to give them a head start on appliances failing, things falling to bits, and the comfort zone of a warranty, that may or may not come up with the goods should something go wrong.


As for finance I agree with you, my old Dad always said if you can't afford it cash, you can't afford it.


he was correct I think. ;-) I've never had anything on drip, although I've been tempted more than once. :D

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Similar to 1foot I don't think we have ever had to borrow money and the only insurance ever bought has been on a vehicle because its the law, and the house because the rebuild can be high, as to why it should fall down I have no answer. Nothing else is insured and perhaps this is how we are able to buy a new van outright each time by trusting or believing no one.


Its easy to comment on Micky's ill fortune but its certainly a learner for everyone to read the rules and reject if not as said at the outset. The seller offering a friendly lender would make me highly suspicious.





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Hi all,

To all you people that are buying a second hand Motorhome or a new one please read this.


What do I say I chose to have part of the cost on finance for a short time for more protection and then pay it off, I did have the money to pay cash so it was my fault thinking that I had done the right thing.

If all had gone right it would have been paid off in the first three years but I did not take in to account the five years of problems and hell that I had with the dealer so I could not pay it off because it was in the hands of the solicitor I was more or less locked in.


I am glad I stuck to my guns and followed it through to the end so I advise anybody to stick with it iff you are in the right with everything that went on I doubted myself and my sanity at times.


They accused me of lying of making things up they said that they did tell me things they ignored my telephone calls my Emails and when I went down to see them they made me wait and then said that they had not received my calls or my emails and blamed everybody but themselves.


Save everything every letter every email get names of people that you are talking to make sure that everything is dated and try to tape every thing that is said by everybody take someone as a witness take a tape recorder with you when you buy your motorhome ask lots of questions and let him know you are taping everything because if you dont it may not be allowed as evidence." If he complaines WALK AWAY"!!.




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Guest 1footinthegrave
With all due respect, if we all had to go to these lengths I doubt any of us would buy one to begin with, I too had a nightmare with a large dealer, my solution was NEVER to deal with a dealer again. I'm sure many can feel your pain, but methinks it better to put it behind you and just get on with your life, you'll never get those five years of worry back sadly, but just say feck it and leave it at that. ;-)
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Guest pelmetman

A salutary tale indeed :-S................The motorhome industry has a lot to live up to..... now that they have turned campers into aspirational vehicles *-)............


Especially when you can buy a motorhome for well under 10k that will do exactly the same job ;-)............

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:04 PM


A salutary tale indeed :-S................The motorhome industry has a lot to live up to..... now that they have turned campers into aspirational vehicles *-)............


Especially when you can buy a motorhome for well under 10k that will do exactly the same job ;-)............


I think we all get your message now, isn't it time to give it a rest, your like a Jehovah witness, and you're becoming a clone of Judgemental with his always harping on about buying foreign vans in Germany, I think we've got his message as well. :-S

By the way a Morris Minor used to do the job, but just like 25 year old vans they were noisy, slow, smelly, and bloody uncomfortable as well.

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-03 5:13 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:04 PM


A salutary tale indeed :-S................The motorhome industry has a lot to live up to..... now that they have turned campers into aspirational vehicles *-)............


Especially when you can buy a motorhome for well under 10k that will do exactly the same job ;-)............


I think we all get your message now, isn't it time to give it a rest, you're becoming a clone of Judgemental with his always harping on about buying foreign vans in Germany, I think we've got his message as well. :-S


:D.......................a worthy message though ;-)..................and can save you a lot more than banging on about dog poo (lol) (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-03 5:13 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:04 PM


A salutary tale indeed :-S................The motorhome industry has a lot to live up to..... now that they have turned campers into aspirational vehicles *-)............


Especially when you can buy a motorhome for well under 10k that will do exactly the same job ;-)............


I think we all get your message now, isn't it time to give it a rest, you're becoming a clone of Judgemental with his always harping on about buying foreign vans in Germany, I think we've got his message as well. :-S


:D.......................a worthy message though ;-)..................and can save you a lot more than banging on about dog poo (lol) (lol)


Not too sure how worthy a message is that advocates buying a pile of crap well past it's sell by date, as you constantly do, you can still end up in the s*it, and some pile of old junk you've paid hard earned cash for is a lot harder to get rid of than some dog s*it of your shoe.

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-11-03 5:31 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-03 5:13 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-03 5:04 PM


A salutary tale indeed :-S................The motorhome industry has a lot to live up to..... now that they have turned campers into aspirational vehicles *-)............


Especially when you can buy a motorhome for well under 10k that will do exactly the same job ;-)............


I think we all get your message now, isn't it time to give it a rest, you're becoming a clone of Judgemental with his always harping on about buying foreign vans in Germany, I think we've got his message as well. :-S


:D.......................a worthy message though ;-)..................and can save you a lot more than banging on about dog poo (lol) (lol)


Not too sure how worthy a message is that advocates buying a pile of crap well past it's sell by date, as you constantly do, you can still end up in the s*it, and some pile of old junk you've paid hard earned cash for is a lot harder to get rid of than some dog s*it of your shoe.


You forget Mike...........I've only ever bought one camper ;-) ................a Fiat Amigo that I PX'd my Frogeye Sprite for :D............but if I'd kept the Frogeye I'd of been quids in :-S

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