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My Motorhome has GONE!


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HI All,

Just to let you know that I have sold my Motorhome will I have another one? "well" Maybe

Since my first motorhome in 2007 that turned out to be a disaster I have been wondering has it all been worth it I have had some enjoyable times in it but overall the good times have just not changed things.

I have tried and tried to enjoy it and forget all the things that have happend but it has been hard.


Since I purchased it I have gone through five years of leagal problems and then the dealer refusing to do any warranty work a ripoff finance company that has taken almost ten thousand pounds for a six year loan,

What with dodgy dealers tax, insurance, depreciation, rip off servicings and the price of fuel I have decided to call it a day.

I look at the gap on my drive and yes I do feel something but it is not enough.


Best regards to you all: Mike.


I would like to thank all of you for your most valuable help and advice as I do not think that I would have lasted this long without you you know who you are and I hope that all your motorhome miles turn into motorhome smiles

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Sorry to hear that Mike.


As one who has been very satisfied with my van I just bite the bullet as far as depreciation, servicing etc goes - but I can well understand your position if you weren't well served by your dealer / van and finance company. Sounds like a real nightmare.




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Guest pelmetman
Why spend a fortune on a vehicle that gets used occasionally? :-S................ a older low mileage vehicle will do the same job..........and sounds like it would more reliable than your last vehicle, plus depreciation would not be not an issue ;-)
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Sorry to hear about the need to 'retire'lyour motorhome if it is not to sensitive can you give us any info about dodgy dealers/ finance etc of course with a MH you have to take into account all the 'lextras'l if you want to fully appreciate and use a MH to its full potential kind regards
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Sorry to hear that Mike, your valued input will be missed and I admire your fortitude throughout the whole long sad and bloody saga.


Maybe a much cheaper older, better built motorhome - maybe Autosleeper or Autocruise (pre Swift era), would give you as much pleasure with more manageable costs?


Always happy to talk about it with you in open forum or by pm if you prefer.


Good luck in whatever you opt for and best wishes.



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Nice sentiment Brian but he sure has got a point. The purchase of a new motorhome - as referred to in this thread - requires a lot of research and in my case , sole searching!


I'm still "lighting fires" below a dealer and manufacturer after an Insurance comp to whom the latter passed its warranty responsibilities refused my legal and just claim!


You gave me good advice but after six weeks one wonders ,"is it worthwhile"? It's trivial compared to Mike's case but I sometimes wonder how many disgruntled motorhome owners there are out there?


I would like to see any figures , if they exist, which lists complaints against manufacturers and dealers; a comparison with ,eg, German and French manufacturers/dealers would be of interest as would be the pricing structure.


In conclusion I wish Mike good luck and commend him for his decision! :-S

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Don't know the full history here, but fully appreciate the sentiment. After much research, we bought our first (used) MH in August from a very reputable dealer. Quickly discovered a major problem which rendered the van effectively unusable. The dealer has agreed to fully rectify it, but it's taking time as they need to have a part specially made. So nothing like what the OP has gone through, but it has really taken the shine off what should have been an exciting purchase!
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Hi Mike

Just because you have decided to become motorhome - less does not mean we cannot benefit from your experience. I have noted your posts and I am sure I am not alone when I say you have made some valuable contributions to the forum. There are many like me I am sure who follow the forum on a day to day basis but do not commit to print so regularly but feed from the information submitted by people like you. Hope you find your way forward whether that be with or without motorhome, to a happy conclusion. Expect to see your comments in the future.



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Guest JudgeMental

That is tough Micky!...a catalogue of disasters and being cheated by shisters, should be a lesson to all.....


As you tend to go down to the Vendee and stay for months on end? I did wonder if a campervan appropriate for your needs... may I make a suggestion to mull over......there are loads of caravans for sale on sites down here in Spain, weather is more or less guaranteed, cost of sites/living very cheap. you can pick up a caravan for a few thousand. storage is 1€ a day..you call and they deliver to site - you call and they take it back into storage.


Can either drive down or fly. many buy good cheap little cars, 3 on this site that look more then respectable and cost 300€ each. They leave them at airport which operates a similar storage policy,thy meet you at airport and take the car..you fly in and they meet you with car........Simple low cost, low risk winter sun...just a thought! :-D


Not for us as we prefer touring so a van essential....

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Guest 1footinthegrave

In the OPs case perhaps he can extend what they say about the two best days of owning a boat, the day you buy it, and the day you sell it to motorhome ownership as well.

Every time I spend yet more cash on it, or find myself in Basque country with knackered brakes, despite asking for them to be checked before we left the UK ( last trip ) I have every sympathy with his viewpoint, just like to say what ever you choose to do to fill your leisure time I hope it does not give you the grief that Motor homing did for you, good luck. ;-)

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My conclusions exactly Judge.


In fact with property prices as they are - if Spain was more "reliable" re the legal side of property purchase I would rather spend circa £50K on a house rather than the same amount on a M/H. But then - I am sure part of the reason why Spanish property is so cheap is because of all the "problems".


The tales of woe we read about on here re M/H's and new caravans are pretty damning for the industry.


With the price of fuel being what it is - we have costed renting a gite or villa for a couple of months and driving or flying down in the winter compared to towing or driving a M/H with site fees etc and frankly - doing the latter juts does not make sense at all.


So an Older "better built" as Dave and Richard suggest seems to be the best option if you want that "Freedom".


Or indeed - we have seen some superb Mobile Homes for circa £10,000 if you want a "base".


But for us - what we would spend on a Motorhome or even a c'van more suitable for towing, would buy a heck of a lot of weeks in a gite or a villa for many many years.







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Hi Michael,
I am sorry to hear that , maybe an older one may be a good bet, take your time though as you need some time out. If you do decide to buy an older model ,don't forget you have a lot of experience now under your belt.
Again thank you for your input here and I hope this will remain,
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Guest JudgeMental
My take: if you never step out of UK a caravan probably a better idea. If you tend to just drive and stay in a particular area and are unlikely to get further then France, again a caravan probably a better bet. if you like touring and moving on frequently a camper then comes into its own and justify's the expense...
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Not sure what kind of MH the OP had but agree with others on here re. older van, better build quality plus way way less depreciation.


One of the best MH's i've ever seen was owned by a German couple on a site in Poland. The MH was a thirty year old Mercedes commercial van which the owner had fitted out himself. It would knock any 'silly money' MH into a cocked hat and you could forget depreciation too!

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Sorry to hear of your disappointment. There has to be others in similar positions when one sees all the low mileage, nearly new MH's sitting on forecourts. They cannot all be due to 'lost job' etc. Mind you selling it without using it as a P/E has possibly increased your financial loss, even going private may mean taking a big hit.


However, as others have said not having a MH does not mean you cannot participate in the Forum. I do not have one and am very happy to keep the MH owners on the straight and narrow whenever I see them going astray.


I also share Clive's comments re property as I agree that putting large sums of money into something that only depreciates, does not seem the wisest thing to do. Plus as one gets older the desire to trundle up and down all the highways and byways gets less attractive. Better to sit on the terrace with a G&T. Plus one may have something to give to the kids later on.

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pelmetman - 2013-10-30 5:20 PM


Why spend a fortune on a vehicle that gets used occasionally? :-S................ a older low mileage vehicle will do the same job..........and sounds like it would more reliable than your last vehicle, plus depreciation would not be not an issue ;-)

You still trying to flog that old shed of yours Dave?. Look..............I'll give you a tenner for it, but only if you fill it with diesel as well. Bargain. (lol)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dave225 - 2013-11-01 6:01 PM


Sorry to hear of your disappointment. There has to be others in similar positions when one sees all the low mileage, nearly new MH's sitting on forecourts. They cannot all be due to 'lost job' etc. Mind you selling it without using it as a P/E has possibly increased your financial loss, even going private may mean taking a big hit.


However, as others have said not having a MH does not mean you cannot participate in the Forum. I do not have one and am very happy to keep the MH owners on the straight and narrow whenever I see them going astray.


I also share Clive's comments re property as I agree that putting large sums of money into something that only depreciates, does not seem the wisest thing to do. Plus as one gets older the desire to trundle up and down all the highways and byways gets less attractive. Better to sit on the terrace with a G&T. Plus one may have something to give to the kids later on.


I'm actually on a hysterectomy forum despite the fact that it would be impossible for me to have had one, but I'm sure my input is invaluable especially not having a clue about it.


As for depreciation, who cares, having seen how my late brothers cash was spent by his kids that'll be the least of my considerations. ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental

always someone worse oft Micky! just look at new thread, and the member who bought a new Hobby for 45K and have now been informed by Hobby Germany that they don't own it.... because Hartley's? the dealership it was purchased from never paid Hobby for it? *-)



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It,s a Travesty that so many dealer,s get away with selling vehicle,s unfit for Purpose and for Legal reason,s Plus advertising revenue they are not allowed to be brought to task on forums such as this, Perhaps a way around this is if some kind person who is on the forum Regular whom we would all know of would accept a complaint from anyone with a genuine gripe about a dealer, all that it needs to state is what the complaint is and action /lack of action by dealer, we could then have a list of dealers whom are known to be Dodgy, then should anyone wanting to purchase from a certain dealer they would just have to check with  that certain someone on here. It would work if some member who is on here regular would be willing to write down the offending dealer and keep a log we would all know who that person is and  could direct the motorhome purchaser to the log keeper, what do you think ......is it workable/ viable.
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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-11-01 6:05 PM


pelmetman - 2013-10-30 5:20 PM


Why spend a fortune on a vehicle that gets used occasionally? :-S................ a older low mileage vehicle will do the same job..........and sounds like it would more reliable than your last vehicle, plus depreciation would not be not an issue ;-)

You still trying to flog that old shed of yours Dave?. Look..............I'll give you a tenner for it, but only if you fill it with diesel as well. Bargain. (lol)


Talking of sheds ;-)................



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