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Dr Flippin' Who?


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Is it just me being a grumpy old git again, or does anyone else find the BBC's obsession with either blatant advertising Dr Who at every available opportunity or making cheap spin offs an abuse of the license fee and of their power over what they can dump on us under the guise of educate, inform and entertain - especially entertain?


OK, so 20 million people might be interested, allegedly, but what about the 40 million who do not give a toss?


Plenty of other channels with just as much, but different, crap to watch I guess?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-11-22 4:54 PM


Is it just me being a grumpy old git again,




Next you'll be moaning that TV stations and newspapers are banging on about JFK who just happened to be assassinated fifty years ago.







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Tracker - 2013-11-22 4:54 PM


Plenty of other channels with just as much, but different, crap to watch I guess?


That's true Rich. Lets watch a film, it starts at say 9pm. 9pm adverts until 9.07pm start of film 9.07pm until 9.15pm then adverts until 9.23pm and so on and so on. If you're lucky, in 1 hour you might just scrape 35 minutes of film. Stopped watching tv almost, more entertaining on here especially when Frank's on a roll.



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Guest Had Enough

I agree, constant commercials are a pain in the proverbial. Thank God we don't get them on here!



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This post will be repeated every twenty minutes. ;-)


I'm now rolling out for the evening! (lol)

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Had Enough - 2013-11-22 5:03 PM

Next you'll be moaning that TV stations and newspapers are banging on about JFK who just happened to be assassinated fifty years ago.




Only someone as twisted as you would compare the very real person of JFK with the fictional BBC TV children's entertainment character of Dr Who.


Apart from which the BBC have been banging on about Dr Who for weeks whereas JFK has only just emerged as a contender for our viewing.


So no real comparison is there?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-11-22 5:51 PM


Had Enough - 2013-11-22 5:03 PM

Next you'll be moaning that TV stations and newspapers are banging on about JFK who just happened to be assassinated fifty years ago.




Only someone as twisted as you would compare the very real person of JFK with the fictional BBC TV children's entertainment character of Dr Who.


Apart from which the BBC have been banging on about Dr Who for weeks whereas JFK has only just emerged as a contender for our viewing.


So no real comparison is there?


Who's comparing? They're very different events but each has a a unique interest. Doctor Who is a part of British culture now. It's fifty years since it first aired and every new episode gets high viewing figures.


A person who is really twisted is one who can't understand why the BBC would wish to celebrate and promote such an iconic TV series.


And only a twisted person would feel the need to come on a motorhoming forum just to whinge about it!


You more or less answered your own question when you asked if you were being a grumpy old git!


You asked and I answered so what the hell are you getting excited about?


Yes, you're definitely acting like a grumpy old git!



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What or who is Dr Who I have never seen an episode ever. Am I missing something ? I think not , same goes for Eastenders I would not waste the electric it costs to watch it . I now record the programmes I want to watch with adverts , so I can fast wind the ad's. Call me a grumpy old git if you want to , because its true.
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Had Enough - 2013-11-22 10:16 PM


Yes, you're definitely acting like a grumpy old git!



Spoken by true expert in the subject!


May I point out that once again instead of responding to the subject, and by the way chatterbox is not a Motorhome forum as well you know, you chose to take yet another unprovoked opportunity to have yet another pop at me.


Considering some of the bilge that you post on here you've got a nerve complaining about it being a motorhome forum.


But then that is what we have come to expect from you so no surprises there then.


For crying out loud Frank - grow up and accept that other people have

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-11-23 9:24 AM


Had Enough - 2013-11-22 10:16 PM


Yes, you're definitely acting like a grumpy old git!



Spoken by true expert in the subject!


May I point out that once again instead of responding to the subject, and by the way chatterbox is not a Motorhome forum as well you know, you chose to take yet another unprovoked opportunity to have yet another pop at me.


Considering some of the bilge that you post on here you've got a nerve complaining about it being a motorhome forum.


But then that is what we have come to expect from you so no surprises there then.


For crying out loud Frank - grow up and accept that other people have


If growing up means that I'm going to get worked up just because the BBC plugs a much loved TV programme on the occasion of its 50th anniversary then I'm happy to stay young at heart thank you! ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
kelly58 - 2013-11-23 7:37 AM


What or who is Dr Who I have never seen an episode ever. Am I missing something ? I think not ,


How do you know if you've never watched it? Bit of the old 'Closed Mind Syndrome' on display here!


And if you're serious about not knowing what Doctor Who is, you've just admitted that you must never watch TV news programmes or read a newspaper. What an admission to make! You don't need to watch a programme to know all about it! I too have never watched East Enders but I know what it's about because I keep in touch with the news.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-11-23 10:11 AM

I too have never watched East Enders but I know what it's about because I keep in touch with the news.


Its been a few years since I was last in the East End, but I suspect it doesn't portray as it is now ;-)................


Too many English speaking people of Anglo Saxon origin to be accurate :D........

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A British success that is being criticized, sounds about right. The program tonight will be watched in 90 countries over 6 continents, and I will be one of those watching it. OK in the past it went throu some bad patches, but nowadays it has come of age IMO.
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I think that this commentator says it all for me:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-25051457


The only episodes that I found watchable were those featuring the delicious Louise Jameson ( who I briefly met once - her 'best mate' was my supervisor during a Social Work training placement) as Leela.


Which does not mean to say that I agree at all with Tracker's usual sniping about the finest public service broadcaster in the world - whatever its current shortcomings!





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Had Enough - 2013-11-23 10:11 AM


kelly58 - 2013-11-23 7:37 AM


What or who is Dr Who I have never seen an episode ever. Am I missing something ? I think not ,


How do you know if you've never watched it? Bit of the old 'Closed Mind Syndrome' on display here!


And if you're serious about not knowing what Doctor Who is, you've just admitted that you must never watch TV news programmes or read a newspaper. What an admission to make! You don't need to watch a programme to know all about it! I too have never watched East Enders but I know what it's about because I keep in touch with the news.

Frank, Frank, Frank! Mercifully, we are not all as you, otherwise the whole forum would be devoted to pointless one-upmanship, dubious put-downs, needless abrasiveness, gratuitous insults, and no-one would ever learn anything of value! :-D


As to the OP, choose your subject. Football, soaps, celebrities, cooking, getting locked in houses with a bunch of prats, getting lost in the jungle with much the same bunch, dancing, quizzes for prizes, talent competitions, old/third rate films, third rate detective stories. It's all pap, and of no value other than it keeps its victims off the streets.


Mind, I'm half persuaded that one advantage makes the cost of owning a TV receiver worthwhile. But there again, when it's cold and wet and the streets are unappealing, I think otherwise! :-)

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Brian Kirby - 2013-11-23 12:18 PM


As to the OP, choose your subject. Football, soaps, celebrities, cooking, getting locked in houses with a bunch of prats, getting lost in the jungle with much the same bunch, dancing, quizzes for prizes, talent competitions, old/third rate films, third rate detective stories. It's all pap, and of no value other than it keeps its victims off the streets.


Mind, I'm half persuaded that one advantage makes the cost of owning a TV receiver worthwhile. But there again, when it's cold and wet and the streets are unappealing, I think otherwise! :-)


Maybe worth the cost of the TV but whether the License fee is well spent is another matter!


Sorry about my omissions Brian, and as you say most of it, depending on your point of view is crud but as there is so much crud I can't ever see us getting crud free TV?


At least we don't get bombarded with related spin off crud for weeks on end about most of those you mentioned.

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Symbol Owner - 2013-11-23 12:06 PM

Which does not mean to say that I agree at all with Tracker's usual sniping about the finest public service broadcaster in the world - whatever its current shortcomings!


What sniping Colin?


Please be accurate with your accusations?


I only mentioned one programme?


There is much right with the BBC, but perfect it ain't and as one who contributes to that cause I reckon I have as much right as anyone else to air my views when the mood takes me.


However - just for you please see the posting above!!

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Without getting involved in the mudslinging Tracker doe make a valid point. The BBC does not show adverts (thank goodness) but it makes up for that with almost endless trailers. which can be just as irritating. It even starts showing trailers of the very episode you are about to watch, so kinda destroying any mystery. It has also shown itself as an organisation that is riddled with cronyism and sheer incompetence and of course as the licence is mandatory, really does not care about improving. It also seems to act against its own viewers by frequently showing some of the better programmes late at night on BBC4. Its News broadcasts are almost taken word for word from Guardian so you always know what the slant is going to be. (never let the truth get in the way of some mudraking)


Whether a swop to a 'pay per view' system for each programme, or time period would make it more accountable, I do not know But I for one would be happier as I am away for several months a year so get no value from it. They will not even allow me to watch it from abroad without a lot of hassle so do me twice.

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Tracker - 2013-11-22 4:54 PM

an abuse of the licence fee and of their power over what they can dump on us under the guise of educate, inform and entertain - especially entertain?

If that's not sniping Richard, I don't know what is!

O.K., so as I can't recall any other recent examples, so perhaps the word 'usual' was a bit unfair and I retract it.

My comment was really just demonstrating my irritation at the 'usual suspects' (e.g.: CliveH!) who seem to want to 'lay in' to the Beeb at every turn!





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Tracker - 2013-11-23 2:08 PM


Oi, Dave - you can't say that - Colin will be most upset!

Here comes one of: 'the usual suspects' -- Dave 225 -- beat me to it -- what a load of biased rubbish he spouts on here -- to talk of the licence as 'mandatory' - or, even worse, refer to it as a 'tax' as some do, is just nonsense -- no-one 'has' to buy a T.V. set and watch anything on it -- I didn't for many years -- it is a 'consumer choice' like so many things.

As for Guardian-type news reporting -- that is just a black lie - put about by the Tory press - anyone who lifts their snout above the affairs of this little island knows that the BBC is revered for its fearlass and unbiased reporting all over the world -- particularly the (radio) BBC World Service -- it's worth the licence fee for that alone.


I just don't understand Dave's last comment ( being "done twice") but 'pay per view' is only for sports fanatics who want to support the 'dirty digger' (Murdoch) surely?



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Symbol Owner - 2013-11-23 2:09 PM


Tracker - 2013-11-22 4:54 PM

an abuse of the licence fee and of their power over what they can dump on us under the guise of educate, inform and entertain - especially entertain?

If that's not sniping Richard, I don't know what is!

O.K., so as I can't recall any other recent examples, so perhaps the word 'usual' was a bit unfair and I retract it.

My comment was really just demonstrating my irritation at the 'usual suspects' (e.g.: CliveH!) who seem to want to 'lay in' to the Beeb at every turn!






No problem Colin - just a difference of opinion about what a snipe is!!


I thought it was a point of view - not a snipe!!


When I were a lad a snipe were a car - until I discovered birds that is!


Come on, be fair - even you must accept that much of what the BBC puts out is inane crud aimed at the younger generation - that's the generation that pays for nowt and expects everything for free because they are 'the next generation' and must be appeased at all costs!


Not that any other broadcaster is any different, in the interests of balance!


And I did say that there is much right about the BBC as well!!



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Guest pelmetman
Dr Flippin' Who?......................Sounds like when I ring our surgery, to find my doctor has changed yet again to someone with a unpronounceable name :D
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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2013-11-23 12:18 PM


Had Enough - 2013-11-23 10:11 AM


kelly58 - 2013-11-23 7:37 AM


What or who is Dr Who I have never seen an episode ever. Am I missing something ? I think not ,


How do you know if you've never watched it? Bit of the old 'Closed Mind Syndrome' on display here!


And if you're serious about not knowing what Doctor Who is, you've just admitted that you must never watch TV news programmes or read a newspaper. What an admission to make! You don't need to watch a programme to know all about it! I too have never watched East Enders but I know what it's about because I keep in touch with the news.

Frank, Frank, Frank! Mercifully, we are not all as you, otherwise the whole forum would be devoted to pointless one-upmanship, dubious put-downs, needless abrasiveness, gratuitous insults, and no-one would ever learn anything of value! :-D


As to the OP, choose your subject. Football, soaps, celebrities, cooking, getting locked in houses with a bunch of prats, getting lost in the jungle with much the same bunch, dancing, quizzes for prizes, talent competitions, old/third rate films, third rate detective stories. It's all pap, and of no value other than it keeps its victims off the streets.


Mind, I'm half persuaded that one advantage makes the cost of owning a TV receiver worthwhile. But there again, when it's cold and wet and the streets are unappealing, I think otherwise! :-)


Oh, there's a few like me Brian! But I stand by what I said. Someone may not watch Doctor Who but to claim that they've never heard of it! Come on!

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