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Big sticky out mirrors, decapitation anyone.

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave

As some will know I've swapped my PVC, now I have ( for now ) a CB, but even though having them in the past I cannot recall any having such long sticky out mirrors, sure they were not standard van mirrors on the others but these things are something else and seem designed to decapitate pedestrians.


So here's the thing, I've had the missus hold a mirror a further 5 inches in which I've read is the measurement of these extra long mirrors over the long arm ones and the side vision seems fine, so has anyone swapped their mirrors for the long arms ones, or like me considered it.


A pal of mine ( yes I know it's hard to believe for some ) tells me he folds both mirrors in on a regular basis whilst travelling small roads after losing two at about £300 a go to white van man, I made no comment, but surely there has to be a solution, yes mirror guards are an option for damage, but what about those pedestrians getting clonked on the head, not to mention the odd gate post.

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Im sure there are other posts recently which explored the fitting of shorter mirror arms. This might be a possibility, tho there may be a regulation covering the size fitted?

In the meantime, i can recommend the mirror guards as ive had a couple of whacks (tho not on pedestrians :-) ) and they have remained intact.

I also have a pal :-) and i got him to think about mirror guards. He said yes and i got two pairs for £200 and collected them as the guy lives nr Wellington so not far and i was in the area. Good saving there.

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Another vote for Mirror Guards, they do work (from experience) also they make you a lot more visible. Vehicles driving towards you appear to register on the width of the cab and fail to notice the body is wider and are completely oblivious to those bit sticky out black things on the doors.

I have noticed particularly in France cars coming round a bend on or over the white line suddenly veer back to their own side of the road when you have big WHITE sticky out things.

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The thing is, most vans' sticky out things are black and, as Lenny says, just dont register with oncoming users. The white covers do raise awareness and leave the indicator light unobstructed.

I feel that if this lamp cluster were also employed to display a 'marker' light, as on the rest of the body, it would show off the width of the vehicle even more easily. Another reason to show some sort of lighting during the day, perhaps? .........whoa, steady all ;-)

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lennyhb - 2013-11-27 12:51 PM


Keithl - 2013-11-27 12:41 PM


But aren't Mirrorguards only designed for X2/50 mirrors and as 1Foot's MH is a 2.8jtd will almost certainly be pre X2/50 :-(



They make them for pre 2007 vans as well.


Thanks for the update Lenny, I had only ever seen the later model ones. Here's a link for anyone who hasn't seen them before... Link



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Guest 1footinthegrave
All useful stuff guys, when passing through Llangollen and Corwen, on our way back home from picking the van up I was acutely aware of the mirror overhang into the pedestrians footpath space the nearside one was, I think I'll buy a standard long arm version and give it a go, I'm less concerned with the O/S hitting a vehicle than knocking some-ones head off on the N/S but I'll also take the advice to fit mirror guards as well, like that famous advert, every little helps. ;-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Mel B - 2013-11-27 3:50 PM


If having the mirrors more visible makes them less likely to be clonked then why not simply paint them or put some sort of on cover on them to make them more visible ... a lot cheaper than mirror guards! :-D


I think the point is that if, or should I say when, they do get whacked as a pal who had to replace two in fairly quick succession at £300 a go has found a clonk now is far less likely to result in another £300 spend as I believe they are designed like a crash helmet to absorb the impact, not to mention the inconvenience of effectively being put off the road,especially if over the water on your jollies. ;-)


I've ordered mine today. ;-) you're one of the sensible ones though, like me that until a few days ago I had got a PVC without ruddy great sticky out ears.

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Mike..Is this similar to what you've got now..?

(..because they don't look that wide on this one...are they narrower than yours?)


*It may be worth just having a quick scan of ebay..because there are some reasonably priced mirrors on there and decent, used complete units("just in case"), may work out cheaper than the mirror guards..?


Edit: *Forget that idea, I've just noticed that you've already ordered 'em. ;-)


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Similar...................it's my van, I wondered why there was an empty spot where I park it. ;-)


to be fair from that view they don't look that "sticky out" but viewed head on they seem very wide indeed, or perhaps I've just got to adjust back to the width of a CB, mirrors and all.


Although I've checked with "mirrorman" and apparently these are the extra long mirrors that do not seem available other than direct from Fiat at huge cost due to the gubbins inside them I guess..................another reason to think about trying an after market long arm version. :-( although I've ordered some "mirror guards" as well for which ever ones I have.

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Yes, I suppose that 3/4 view/angle doesn't really show their width very well...


Daft question..but has there been many reports/incidents of folk smashing the mirrors on this model of Fiat?....as it's usually the X250 mirrors we hear about(..and they sounds as if they're made out of Bakelite! (lol) )

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I've just been outside to measure the projection and it's 37cm, I guess after having the IH for the last 4 years driving the same base van with small arm mirrors this is going to take some adjusting to, even though we've had a couple of CBs in the past, thanks guys.
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Mel B - 2013-11-27 3:50 PM


If having the mirrors more visible makes them less likely to be clonked then why not simply paint them or put some sort of on cover on them to make them more visible ... a lot cheaper than mirror guards! :-D


Because they may still get clonked and they are very fragile. My local dealer tells me they replace between 3 and 7 mirrors a week. We have mirror guards and they have saved the mirrors on a fair number of occasions.

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Colin Leake - 2013-11-27 7:17 PM


Mel B - 2013-11-27 3:50 PM


If having the mirrors more visible makes them less likely to be clonked then why not simply paint them or put some sort of on cover on them to make them more visible ... a lot cheaper than mirror guards! :-D


Because they may still get clonked and they are very fragile. My local dealer tells me they replace between 3 and 7 mirrors a week. We have mirror guards and they have saved the mirrors on a fair number of occasions.

You also tend to get 'clonked' by sticking out trees/bushes etc which are on the nearside. Bushes dont respond to hi-viz mirrors but having a mirror guard helps (literally) to soften the blow..... ;-)

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We live in West Devon and are blessed with pretty narrow A roads, I am thinking of the A377 to Barnstaple or the A road from Crediton to Tiverton for example. These are narrow and with high hedges. Even with the nearside mirror brushing the hedge the offside one is on or over the white line. Ok for a car but a large 4x4 or white van coming the other way does cause problems. To add to the excitement the hedge often includes telegraph poles or similar as well. I am sure we could get away with short arm mirrors on our Starfire but it is quite expensive for an experiment so we have mirror guards which have paid for themselves. I happened to see the new Eldiss Accordo in a dealer a short while ago. This was fitted with short arm mirrors as delivered which may be a factor when the time comes to change.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
We are in Wales, so bulging stone walls and occasionally having to center line comes with the territory, and sometimes it's hold your breath time, especially in the summer months when the townies arrive, they are terrified of the stone walls and it seems would rather end up hitting an oncoming vehicle as the safer option. :-S
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