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Sold my baby


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Or at least that's what it feels like: I've actually sold my beloved arapaho ,after much deliberation ,my husband and I decided that he spent to much time in storage and not enough on the road : we sold him on Monday and its taken me till now to talk about it : well he's gone I feel really bereft ,but work and commitments dictated that we couldn't go on the long tours that he was built for:it was sad to see him stuck in storage : perhaps in later years when I'm not working we will be able to pick up the rains and go for it again :I know one thing though it was the best van we've had,and I've enjoyed the three years of motorhoming and learnt such a lot :- - can you stay on a forum when you've sold your van, or would you be eaten up with jealousy? Haha. Pp
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Pampam - 2014-01-17 6:23 AM


...my husband and I decided that he spent to much time in storage and not enough on the road : we sold him on Monday...//....but work and commitments dictated that we couldn't go on the long tours that he was built for...


We are in the same position and we are coming(have come!)to the same conclusions, Pam'.... :-S


I don't really want to see ours go and I can't really see us being in the position to be buying something similar(value/age) again....but a 2008 model MH,clean,cared for and with only 20K...well, that'll be quite a lot on money tied up in something that's just left sitting on the drive'....

..and an impending house move in the next couple of years,would probably require it being stored elsewhere anyway.


Similar to Mike, I would be interesting to know the methods that you used to sell..?






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Guest JudgeMental
I would try ebay..cheap, instant and maximum exposure. As for giving inanimate objects like vans human characteristics, craven idols springs to mind..........an abomination!
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Mike88 - 2014-01-17 8:29 AM


How did you sell it? Private sale, ebay sale or to a dealer? I might be selling mine later in the year so am considering the options.


I've had my van on eBay classifieds & Gumtree, eBay has given the most serious responses, nearly sold mine at the weekend the couple who looked at it had looked at over 20 vans & came down to 2 unfortunately they preferred the layout of the other one & I'm haggling with someone else at the moment.

As for Gumtree it's free but drops down the listing after a few days and tends to attract the scamers, having said that one guy who contacted offered a too lower price I put him onto my mate with a similar van who wanted a quick sale he brought it.



Don't even think about a dealer they will offer you a silly low price and sell it on at a huge mark up, one couple I spoke to saw a van at a dealers then noticed a private add for the same van contacted the owner he had already sold it to the dealer for 15k less than their asking price. Travel world contacted me said they were desperate for good quality vans said they saw mine at low thirties on the forecourt and would offer me mid twenties I had already turned down an offer of 35k and I know it would be on their forecourt around 40k.

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Guest JudgeMental
Patricia - 2014-01-17 10:42 AM


Glad to see you back Judge - yesterday on one thread people were wondering where you were. I should be glad of your advice so will send you a PM later if I may.


Yes you may sweetie.......Ask away! :-D



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Guest JudgeMental
pepe63 - 2014-01-17 12:27 PM


Ebay was going to be our preferred route...although having never sold anything through it before, I think a bit of "homework" will be in order before I start messing about with it.... ;-)


takes 5 minutes to get your add up while waiting weeks/months for a mag to come out? and its cheap. Obviously all the caveats and cautions apply to which ever way you use to sell it. I have the Adria and an E bike on there right now.....even though I have sorted a decent PX price out, but could probably do better with cash. but its so cheap to advertise, so worth a punt, but this weather really puts people off ..Sun come out, and you get loads of inquires...

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Ah!..that's yours is it Eddie...very smart van. ;-)


We've got a couple more outings earmarked for ours(Mar-April)and I think once they are out of the way, we'll look at getting rid of it...


Our "usage" has never been "extensive" at the best of times but this last year, with us using the Hiace for Festivals and stopovers after gigs etc, the MH was only really used in anger for 6-7 long weekends..and as most of those were either "city breaks" or visiting friends, we could probably manage with Travel lodge/B&Bs and "last minute dot com" type websites, for these...


Hindsight is a wonderful thing..but looking back now, although not really our favoured layout ,the Duetto we had would probably have suited our current use better.

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I think we have discussed this before but selling privately through ebay or anywhere else concerns me. Most, if not all, potential buyers will want to test drive the vehicle and I'm nervous about a total uninsured stranger loose on my vehicle on narrow Devon roads. If an accident were to occur the cost could be far greater than the loss through selling through a dealer.


I appreciate the likliehood of an accident is remote but I have had a bad similar unlikely experience, albeit 40 years ago, when a test driver on my motorbike ended up being chased by the Police apparently for speeding, dumped the bike and ran away. I had a hell of a job convincing the Police that the driver was not me.


Of course I would be in the motorhome for any test drive but this experience has caused me to think twice before letting an uninsured person near my vehicle.


I will give ebay a try but with trepidation. Perhaps I will reject any test drive requests and see what happens.


The next issue is what do you do about payment. I bought my first motorhome privately and the seller accepted a deposit of £1000 by cheque, gave me the V5 and I subsequently wired the money through to his account. Is this the best way?

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Guest JudgeMental

Indeed...... cash deposit then a bank transfer.


As for a test drive..... why? I have never allowed it, taken them around for sure, but its a risk I would not take. if they want to drive one they can visit a dealer :D

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Guest JudgeMental
lennyhb - 2014-01-17 3:40 PM


As Eddie says never let them drive, when looking at a vehicle costing quite a wedge most buyers understand the insurance risks and are happy for you to drive.


I can never remember it being an issue to be honest.....Mike you are worrying about nothing :-D

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Mike88 - 2014-01-17 2:26 PM


The next issue is what do you do about payment. I bought my first motorhome privately and the seller accepted a deposit of £1000 by cheque, gave me the V5 and I subsequently wired the money through to his account. Is this the best way?


Don't part with V5 or anything else until you have all the cash. Transfers are instantaneous these days although the most you can transfer online in a single day is 10k on a private account, 25k on a business account, so for more than that they would have to go to a branch and do a CHAPS transfer.

Also I wouldn't take a bankers draft or cash.

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Pepe:- if you want to make any money I suggest ebay , we made our mind up on Sunday and sold it to dealer on Monday hence not a money earner but speed was of the essence so we went the dealers route: he made the offer I refused he came back with a better one and I accepted : asked him when he wanted it and he said today if I wanted so my husband drove the van and I followed in the car(little sooty)........... Yes judge I call my car little sooty cos he's black and he's little BUT you needn't worry about me cos I'm not a Christian so I can have as many graven images as I likel. Lol Mike if I'd sold it private i wouldn't let anyone drive it :....it was easy selling to dealer but not very lucrative :but when we got there all done and dusted in ten mins ....and like I said earlier at moment I really miss it but husband keeps flashing kuoni brochures my way and trying to cheer me up bless him ... So if anyone wants a good steady tag axle that pulls like a train ,and not a rattle or squeak I know where there is one pp
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Changing vans should not be a sorrowful occasion. Like our Rapido 987M it was bought for a purpose and it served its purpose for 6 years and now its gone we never miss it. In fact relief is the more applicable word here. As others have suggested it was idle for more days than used ones and I saw no fun in that.


A while ago I owned a huge accumulation of antique objects, it was said many times by well wishers that they doubted I would part with them, well I did and with the proceeds bought the Rapido. Now that's gone, what the hell, enjoy what you have while you can, to be sure in will not fit into an oblong box labelled RIP.


So what's next? Reading what others do on their travels. What's the snooker score tonight, must check.


PS 3 - 0 to Maguire


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Will85 yes your right I will find other enjoyable things to do :we were at bridlington last Sunday morning on a beautifull frosty morning sat in van having a coffee :when we both mentioned the fact that the van was underused (if that's a word) by the time we'd driven home we had made our minds up :next day it had gone :it was coming up for,tax ,insurance, mot, (2 tyres) storage,breakdown cover .in the next couple of months , anyhow I always enjoyed ""changing"" vans but its not so much fun selling up ,but yes perhaps there is an element of relief emerging through the misty sorrow :(. Lol PP :)
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Re payment;


I sold a caravan privately c. 4 years ago - one chap asked "what discount for cash?". Wasn't sure what he meant, obviously I wasn't offering finance or suchlike :-D


So, we agreed a price - £11,000 - and he turned up that evening with a plastic bag full of notes (!)

(It WAS a Waitrose bag, I do have some sense!!)


A) embarrassing counting it all out in front of him and his wife;

B) worrying taking it on foot to the bank next day - what if it was a setup? - it wasn't.

C) Belatedly thinking "what if they're all forgeries?" - they weren't

D) What about the Banks's money laundering procedures? - there weren't any, they just counted it and updated my account!


So, it all went well, but I don't think I would do it that way again.



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I had my car on ebay recently and never received any response at all. Stuck it on Gumtree and got my first phone call within 10 minutes. After that the phone never stopped and it was sold within a matter of hours. First guy who turned up bought it.


I think a lot depends on the value of the vehicle you are selling. My car was cheap and that means a huge market. The more expensive the vehicle the smaller the market, not to mention sellers expecting daft figures. As for the MH market......extremely small and you just have to hope and pray there is someone out there who is looking for exactly the van type you are selling.


If it's not a particularly common van you will either be stuck with it or end up taking it to a Dealer and selling at a big loss.

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"Eyup" bullet guy you've taken the words out of my mouth,I know the forecourt price of our van was in the region of £50,000 so we thought that would narrow down any prospective purchasers on eBay,therefore it would sell better to a dealer who can then offer different forms of finance to further enable people to buy it :I don't suppose there's a lot of folk out there who would want to hand over £50,000 to a complete stranger ie ...me cheers pampam:).... Still keep reading the forum tho lol
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