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Sold my baby


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Guest pelmetman

Been there got the "T" shirt *-)............. camper sat on the drive, yacht on the mooring............... and not being able to afford the time to use either :-|........


Its something newbies need to take on board............ being able to afford the price is only half the cost :D......

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Guest JudgeMental

To me a camper a means to an end and that is leisure/travel. Only reason we moved up to vans was my back and camping becoming a bit a chore....but would consider throwing a tent in the car along with the bikes before I would consider giving up travel, life simply to short. Have always been self employed and when on high paying contracts I would take our usual month of in summer, colleagues couldn't get their heads around the fact that I could loose all that money. Likewise we never tied up vast amounts of money in campers, certainly nothing like 50K. We just buy value for money European vans, that way we have flexibility, not all our eggs in one basket, and can afford alternative long haul holidays without thinking of a large amount of money tied up at home haemorrhaging money....


But some of us have always been at this, so the perspective different then those who decide to take it up in their dotage, or on a whim at a show just for something to do :-D

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Pampam - 2014-01-17 7:18 PM


Pepe:- if you want to make any money I suggest ebay


Hi Pam...although we won't be wanting to give it away, I do have a figure in my mind which I think that both parties should feel happy with..

And as you say, it's certainly not productive to let yourself get distracted by some of the silly prices you may see on the forecourts....

Ours isn't anywhere near the value of yours but we have seen examples of ours(same model/year etc)on forecourts priced for the same or even a few thousand more, than we paid for ours over four years ago!..now that is just plain daft!...


I think Will's ".more of a relief, than sorrow..." comment sums it up for us...

Luckily we'll still have our Toyota Hiace to "rough-it" in..although I can't see 'em welcoming us with open arms onto many CC sites with it ! (lol)

(..I think we could cope with that though.. ;-) )

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Ill be watching this space with interest ;-) we went camping with our four children for years, then one day when they were old enough and taking too much catering for ! we decided we would sell up the trailer and go long haul flights to poshish hotels until one day I had had enough of all this time keeping and queuing to have a meal (lol)


We took up caravan and then when that got to be more of a chore we moved up to motorhoming !! I now dread the day we have to give up, as being able to just up sticks and tootle off somewhere is very therapeutic :-D I wonder how long you will last pam??

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Condolences, PP,

It's always sad to see them go (unless they have water ingress !!), Giving up altogether though, thats something else.

We are both retired, so we can use our's when we want to. I know it's a lot of money 'sitting on the drive' but what else would we do with it ? better than earning some banker a wad in 'unpaid savings interest'. and if the weather is too bad to go away, I can go out and 'Tinker' with it.

So, keep in touch. Good Luck. ;-) Ray


As for 'Hotels' and plane travel, I did all that for 20 years as a Computer engineer. Much prefer to 'please ourselves' and not have the hassle.



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Pampam - 2014-01-19 8:09 AM


"Eyup" bullet guy you've taken the words out of my mouth,I know the forecourt price of our van was in the region of £50,000 so we thought that would narrow down any prospective purchasers on eBay,therefore it would sell better to a dealer who can then offer different forms of finance to further enable people to buy it : I don't suppose there's a lot of folk out there who would want to hand over £50,000 to a complete stranger ie ...me cheers pampam:).... Still keep reading the forum tho lol



Hi Pam


Not so sure it's about 'handing over £50k to a stranger' but more about how many folk have £50k 'loose change' rattling around with nothing to do in their Bank account!


I've always bought cheap cars for cash as i've never gone down the finance route and the car i sold was what i had when still working. I retired just over three years ago, bought my van, and four months of each year the car was just standing in the drive......crazy. Paid £1100 for it six years ago and sold it for £650. Plenty of folk can spare that and there was a right scrabble for it. I knew the first to turn up would buy and he proved me right.....came with the cash and ten minutes later he was driving away in it.


Anyway, don't disappear off the forum just because you are an ex-MH'er! Anytime i'm 'up your way' or you are 'down my way', let me know and i'll put the kettle on and make you feel 'at home'. It may be smaller than what yours was but there's plenty of room for two!!



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Have always looked on eBay and always showing husband different "projects". But as he points out on a regular basis he hasn't got a clue about anything mechanical and neither have I so it's not really an option to buy an older van...: but when we both retire at 66 in the words of mr Schwarzenegger "" I'll be back""..... Pp wouldn't swop past few years ...loved it
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Guest pelmetman
Pampam - 2014-01-19 5:19 PM


Have always looked on eBay and always showing husband different "projects". But as he points out on a regular basis he hasn't got a clue about anything mechanical and neither have I so it's not really an option to buy an older van...: but when we both retire at 66 in the words of mr Schwarzenegger "" I'll be back""..... Pp wouldn't swop past few years ...loved it


Neither have I :D...............that's what mechanics do to earn a living ;-)........... find a decent one and you'll be amazed how much cheaper they are than main dealers B-) ..........



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Although your van is 20+ years old, am I right in thinking that you have owned it from nearly new?...If so, then presumably when you bought it at 1-2 years old( ? ), then other people at the time, would've seen it as being just as "expensive" as we see 1-2 year old vans today...?


..and as for buying one of your "Bargain Bangers"...don't forget that owning the van for that length of time, is totally different to buying something that is already of that age... ;-)




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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-01-19 5:44 PM



Although your van is 20+ years old, am I right in thinking that you have owned it from nearly new?...If so, then presumably when you bought it at 1-2 years old( ? ), then other people at the time, would've seen it as being just as "expensive" as we see 1-2 year old vans today...?


..and as for buying one of your "Bargain Bangers"...don't forget that owning the van for that length of time, is totally different to buying something that is already of that age... ;-)




I thought everyone knew we inherited Horace? :-S..........and he was 18 months old at the time........but just as I have ensured he's stayed in good working order.......purely by regular servicing and preventive maintenance ;-)............campers that have been similarly cherished appear all the time on ebay..........admittedly rarely of our vintage now days...........but 10 to 15 year old campers that have hardly been run in are frequently available B-)...............


My bargain banger thread was all about highlighting whats available for a fraction of the price of a new camper............and as I like to point out on a regular basis they are just as reliable as any camper if regularly maintained............and a dam site cheaper in that respect to do so >:-)..........

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2014-01-19 6:14 PM




That reminds me Eddie ;-)....................Now where did I leave my Bargain Banger thread? :D.........

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pelmetman - 2014-01-19 5:58 PM


My bargain banger thread was all about highlighting whats available for a fraction of the price of a new camper.


Oh I agree that folk don't need to be spending the silly sorts of sums that we've got "accustomed " to, (..sums that we now just accept as being the norm!)..30-40-50K plus are REALLY serious figures when you take a step back! :-S )


But I thought that, as far as Pam was concerned, it was the lack of TIME as much as anything that had really prompted the decision to sell(..Not unlike us really).


We've also gradually realised that, at the moment, we are really more "Campervan-campers", as opposed to being "Motorised-Caravanners".. ;-)


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Hi to you all,


I put my motorhome in the MMM mag did not have much luck in the first add but sold it in the second one.

It cost me a hundred pound for the first add and ninety for the second.

I put the first add in in February and the second in October and it went.

I think if it is clean and well looked after and you are honest with the buyer you will not have any comebacks with it, (and has had plenty of cash thrown at it) you will get the price that you want I did and was well pleased.

I think/hope that the buyer will have many years of enjoyment with it.



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JudgeMental - 2014-01-20 12:24 PM


I've got someone interested in mine now.......Honestly don't know if I'm doing the right thing :-S


I'm not surprised Eddie as, having looked at many ads recently, it seems to me that the price you are asking is really low.

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Patricia - 2014-01-20 1:53 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-01-20 12:24 PM


I've got someone interested in mine now.......Honestly don't know if I'm doing the right thing :-S


I'm not surprised Eddie as, having looked at many ads recently, it seems to me that the price you are asking is really low.


How do you mean, Eddie?..you're unsure whether you should be selling it at all?...or just method by which you are doing it?...


Patricia..Don't forget though, what some folk "advertise" their vans for and what they end up actually getting, are two different things.. ;-)


In monetary terms, something is only worth, what someone will give for it...

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JudgeMental - 2014-01-20 12:24 PM


I've got someone interested in mine now.......Honestly don't know if I'm doing the right thing :-S


Eddie you want to weigh up if the difference in van you are getting is worth the loss your making and having to pay for another :-D I think the van you have is lovely.

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Guest JudgeMental
No not the method, just letting it go and then all the expense of fitting out another one. Have seen a 6 month old van that I like and if I can get it (depending on what i get for mine) and cost to change reasonable, then Ill go for it...Mrs M says I should. To be honest my health is up in the air and dont want to risk a big investment, if it wasn't I would splash out on the La Strada as that's what I really want...Van has the OH! La La! french bed, and the swing out bike rack I covet :D
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Guest JudgeMental
Patricia - 2014-01-20 6:00 PM


Is the French bed and the swing out bike rack on the one you would change for or on the La Strada? Wish I could buy yours Eddie but will never reach those heady heights cost-wise again - left it too late to change.


On the nearly new one that I have seen, its an OK van, only 10K. (The la strada in a different league to be honest)..I know what you mean re leaving it, as it gets more expensive to change! :-S

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