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Gaslow questions


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Hi all.


I have been saving my pennies up for the last few months and Iam seriously thinking of spending it on the Gaslow refillable LPG system,but could do with some opinions/advise before i go ahead with it.

I have read on some threads on here and other forums that people that have the Gaslow fitted have been refused permission to be to fill their tanks up at certain fuel stations(shell in particular).In general have people experienced this and is this refusal becoming more common practice with fuel companies,I dont want to invest in this system if its becoming a problem to fill tanks up with LPG through health and safety laws here and in europe or for any other reason,anybody got any thoughts on this?


The other concern is that I have read that the LPG mixture can cause appliances in the van not to work properly,fridges in particular with burners sooting up.My van is a 2002 Autosleeper so is fairly old now, I read that this probelm with sooting up seem to be more of a problem in newer vans,has anybody got any opinons on this.I had kind off made my mind up about getting Gaslow until i read about this problem and it has put me off a bit i must admit.

Finally Looking at the cost of Gaslow(in my case around £250-£300..a single 6KG bottle with adapters and fittings)I can see the advantage with it for long term european tour but for someone who gets 6 weeks holiday and a few long weekends away does the cost justify the usage its going to get and possible hassle as regarding the above points?should I i stick with the red/blue bottles.All comments are welcome.Thankyou for your time and comments.





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I have fitted refillables to my van,two 11kg bottles, best thing I have done for a long time no problems filling in Portugal France Austria Germany and  Hungary and UK so far I got my system fram GASIT,great guys to deal with next day delivery to Southampton mine were and so easy to fit,and much cheaper than gaslow and bottles etc from the same factory in Germany I hear, I think the problems with filling you refer to is where people have fitted the fill point in the gas locker and not exterior on the van side,France does not like fill points in the locker as they think you are filling non refillable bottles and may stop you filling.
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last year I fitted a Gas-It 13kg bottle with the filler point in the locker as I did no want to bore a hole in the motorhome . It was really easy to fit a brilliant company to deal with and good value for money compared with Gaslow . I fill up an empty cylinder with 11kgs / 22ltrs  of gas at Morrisons for about £15 without any problems from the forecourt staff .13kg cylinder 90* bracket pipes and fittings including adapters for France and Germany about £185.
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vindiboy - 2014-02-03 5:47 PM


I have fitted refillables to my van,two 11kg bottles, best thing I have done for a long time no problems filling in Portugal France Austria Germany and  Hungary and UK so far I got my system fram GASIT,great guys to deal with next day delivery to Southampton mine were and so easy to fit,and much cheaper than gaslow and bottles etc from the same factory in Germany I hear, I think the problems with filling you refer to is where people have fitted the fill point in the gas locker and not exterior on the van side,France does not like fill points in the locker as they think you are filling non refillable bottles and may stop you filling.


We have had a single 11kg Gaslow installation since 2009, swapping it from the original van to 2 others without a problem. We wild camp and do anywhere up to 7 weeks abroad at a time so we tend to use a fair bit of gas and our fill point is now, and has always been, on a bracket inside the gas locker and we have NEVER ... repeat NEVER ... had a problem in the UK or abroad (France, Germany etc) ... NEVER, in fact we have had the opposite happen with attendants offering to help or doing the filling for us. To date we have used 194 litres of gas which is a fair bit!


We definitely need a refillable system as we holiday abroad for a long time and our gas lockers wouldn't take enough UK bottles to see us through - if we used campsites we could probably eek it out but we don't so can't.


IMV, as you use so little gas, unless you really 'need' to get a refillable system I wouldn't bother as it would take a very, very, very long time for you to reach payback, if ever you did.

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We Have 2 11kg Gaslow ,which I fitted myself quite easily to our last Motorhome and removed them when we part ex it,  now fitted to our new M/H .IMO they are ideal ,we have always been able to fill them every where we have been ,were lucky to have a BP garage in town who sell Auto Gas and never stop me filling the gas up , which is a lot cheaper then Calor exchange cylinders, touring France and staying mainly on Aires one 11 kg Cylinder of Gas lasted a Month , go for it you wont be sorry. Never had any problems with different gas brands. 

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If one will fit, switching to a 13kg Calor bottle(from 6kg)will almost half your gas costs..

I think our last 13kg was around 26quid (against £21 for the 6kg)...


Obviously it depends on your usage...If you know that you tend to get through loads of gas or you "mild-camp" or spend lots of time abroad,then a refillable may make sense...


But I can't help but think that some folk get steered towards them, when in reality exchange cylinders would have served them well enough... ;-)


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We have a fitted gaslow system 2 x 11kg. Never had a problem filling but do have external filler point. Lasts for ages and costs about £25 to fill both from empty . We have also heard the sooting up stories but touch wood have not had a problem. We have a pigtail that fits the exterior filler and an adapter for the repsol bottle to save removing bottles just in case, as we shall be in Spain from next week until July.
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In 2012 I ordered and fitted an 11kg Gaslow bottle, adaptor, refill kit with hose and internal bracket from Hamiltons for just under £200 and was the best money I've spent on the MH.


It really is easy to do it yourself but also have the system checked by a qualified Gas fitter.


We have a 6kg Calor bottle as back up.


No more humping about heavy, for an old crock like me, bottles when the 11kg runs out, no more swearing as knuckles catch on the locker sides or risk dropping it on my toes as I try to get the bottle in and out – it's easy-peasy now!


And at about £14 to fill an 11kg Gaslow bottle in the UK, and probably less in Europe, it's got to be cheaper than using only Calor bottles.


Fitting inside the locker means that if you change MH you can take the system with you.


There are other systems, some better – some worse, but we've never had trouble filling up in the UK or abroad and feel the money on a Gaslow system was well worth while.

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I was also going to fit refillables but I then questioned myself as to do I really need to? I spoke to the guys at Gasit and got some great advice. So instead of going down that route I kept my two standard 6kg Calor Lites and fitted two new pigtails with their automatic changeover valve. It works great, no more going out in the rain or in the night to change bottles. Just once in a while check the valve which shows if it has done a changeover because it indicates which bottle is in use and so allows you to change the empty in your own time and all this at a fraction of the cost of refillables.

Gasit are a good company with friendly people and great advice.

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A lot depends on how long you are going to be abroad. 2 Gaslow bottles 11kg with auto change are far far cheaper than calor and last for ages. We have a calor lite bottle that we have trailed around camping shops and been unable to get a refill which is why we got our second gaslow. Anyone want to buy a 6kg calor lite????? Empty!!!!!!
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We have a Gaslow system, it was fitted when we got the van 4 years ago. We have one Gaslow bottle and one Calor bottle with a switch over valve so if the Gaslow runs out we can use the Calor until we can get to a LPG station. We have vevor never run out in the 4 years we have had it, we have now taken the Calor bottle out to reduce the van weight.


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If you use a reasonable amount of gas then yes it is well worthwhile.  Gas is presently around (on average pricing taken from a few sources)...£30.00 per 15kg bottle(butane).  A refill with Gaslow through Countrywide will cost around £10.00 or less per 11kg bottle.  If you take into account you can sell it on with the MH should you decide to sell at anytime (MH at £X amount or an additional £X amount with Gaslow left installed) and you can easily see that over a very few refills you will be saving a lot of money.  We had the twin bottle kit installed at a show and can honestly say it is the best modification we have done.


If you look at Countrywide web site they have a 'gas' locations atlas on sale.  It lists hundreds of outlets so there is bound to be one close to you.


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You could argue that its not going to pay for itself for a while for you but then there is the convenience factor, however I would go for a 11KG bottle if you can otherwise you will be constantly looking out for LPG stations. 6KG single isnt much. I could use that much in 2 days in winter.


Been questioned a couple of times in France and one attendent at E Leclerc who seem to be the most fussy was adament we couldnt fill but they have always let us in the end as I never open the locker as the filler is on the side. I just say its Autogas whats the matter with you!? (lol)



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Hi Scud. We've had a single Gaslow bottle operating with an internal filler point for over four years now and by my reckoning I've just about paid off the initial cost. Filled up in many different places UK and elsewhere - never had any problems with station staff, sounds like a bit of folklore to me. Main problem I have found is positioning the MH to get the shortish LPG hose into the filler.


We also carry a separate 6Kg BP lite container which we use for the BBQ but not as back up for the Gaslow system. This is because we have never come anywhere near running out as we keep an eye on the guage and fill up in good time.


I'll be filling up today at San Roque near Gibraltar after 14 nights on a site. Don't expect to put in more than 4 litres but filling points in southern Spain are less frequent than elsewhere. BTW most spanish forecourt staff fill the cylinder for you and have never commented about the filler unit being inside the gas locker.

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Absolutely no problems at all with gaslow system [ 2 x 11kg ].

Have topped up in several European countries including GB and while considering my wife and I average gas users I do find the cost of filling,especially in France or Holland inconsequential-it is so cheap.

I know there is an outlay for installation but the convenience to me is worth a premium.

I would however complete the system with 'auto-changeover' if getting 2 cylinders as when your cylinder empties it is sure to happen at an inconvenient time.



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Had 2 x 11kg Stako bottles for 5½ years never had a problem filling with external filling point.

Despite mentions of Auto gas being dirtier & the instructions for our Dometic fridge saying "do not run on autogas" never had a problem, cleaned the fridge after 3 years use no soot in chimney & jet clean.

I always try to fill up in the UK although more expensive I know when winter comes I have 100% propane in my bottles.

If you are a heavy user like us (don't use EHU) it will pay for it's self in under 3 years but cost is not that relevant it's convenience & ease of use.

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I've had a shuftie on the Hamilton website and to get a single 11kg bottle with an in-locker fill point (ie including a mounting bracket) would cost £243:


£114 = 11kg bottle

£66 = filling kit (with SS hose)

£18 = bracket

£45 = Connection SS hose




I've also had a look at the Gasit site and you can get what you need there for an 11kg single system for just £171:


£161 = Kit including 11kg bottle, filling kit, mounting bracket

£10 = connection hose




However, this is for standard rubber hoses, not the SS ones, so if you wanted those you'd need to enquire how much it would add to the cost.


So, for around £170 you could get a refillable 11kg system which makes the cost much more reasonable!


When we got our single 11kg in-locker fill system with SS hoses from Gaslow it cost us around £242 (DIY) and if we had to replace it in the future I'd certainly consider the above suppliers!

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Guest JudgeMental
kelly58 - 2014-02-04 7:21 PM


You will be amazed how easy it is to fit yourself , and for me one of the biggest benefits is no more lugging gas bottles about especially in the rain !!!


I feel far more confident fitting myself after buying a gas tester.....really gives peace of mind




can you get a 13 kg aluminium refillable bottle? as if it will fit I might just fit one (or11kg otherwise) + lightweight calor


to be honest for our kind of usage have always found 2 x11 kg bottles overkill. really don't see the point of in locker filler, as its so easy to drill hole in locker floor and fit angle bracket on van sill

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JudgeMental - 2014-02-04 7:52 PM


can you get a 13 kg aluminium refillable bottle?




But watch out as some ferries restrict individual cylinder size to 11 kg.


The last thing you would want was to be turned away from a ferry as your cylinder was too large :-( Or worse still have to leave it behind to catch your ferry :'(



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Guest JudgeMental
Keithl - 2014-02-04 8:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-02-04 7:52 PM


can you get a 13 kg aluminium refillable bottle?




But watch out as some ferries restrict individual cylinder size to 11 kg.


The last thing you would want was to be turned away from a ferry as your cylinder was too large :-( Or worse still have to leave it behind to catch your ferry :'(




do you really think they would notice? on 8 ferry crossings (4 returns) during last 2 years no one has ever asked! Tunnel, they always want to check.......

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UK to France - gas restrictions ferries/tunnel:



Weight of up to 47kg (excluding the weight of the gas receptacle) may be carried.



When travelling in a vehicle, a maximum of three 15kg gas cylinders may be carried.



Do your ships accept vehicles which run on Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG?

Yes, vehicles converted to LPG or motor homes carrying LPG cylinders are accepted onboard our ferries. Please note however, vehicles are limited to carrying one LPG cylinder. We also ask that you advise the staff at the check in booth before you check in.


LD Lines - I can't find any mention of cylinders, just this:

Can we board with a LPG vehicle?

Cars powered by LPG should have tanks switched off whilst on vehicle decks.



The maximum number of cylinders carried in any Vehicle shall be three, except in the case of small expendable cartridges hermetically sealed and packed in an outer container, when up to 12 may be carried



It's a bit more complicated so look at the below link, however the maximum limit for a single mobile container/fixed container (tank?) is 47kg, or 50kg in total if more than one/combination of both types



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