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I talk to other people including other Hymer owners. After 5 years of caravanning and 18 years of motorhoming - 13 with a Hymer Integrated, it's not the van that makes motorhoming fun, it's the people.


You will find some people want privacy and you should respect that. Many prefer to befriend like minded individuals. It's normal.


Take 'em as you find them.

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falfil - 2014-02-28 11:44 PMDo Hymer owners not talk to other people as I've just bought an old 93 B534 and would hate to appear standoffish

No I will talk to anyone, Even the non Hymer owners at a push, it's my good turn for the day bringing enlightenment to the masses.  :D (lol) 
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Guest JudgeMental
Will85 - 2014-03-01 12:36 AM


Whats special about a Hymer that may cause you not to talk to others ?


I think its a kind of inverted snobbery brought about by the ridiculous notion that has been propagated in the UK by slick marketing (to justify inflated UK asking price). Where hymers are considered up market (think merc drivers) when in fact they come about 10th in german quality tests...Saying that when you look at the state of UK manufactured, overweight, old fashioned, low tech, leaky, ridiculously expensive vans, maybe they have a point! :D

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-01 5:00 PM
Will85 - 2014-03-01 12:36 AMWhats special about a Hymer that may cause you not to talk to others ?
  Where hymers are considered up market (think merc drivers) when in fact they come about 10th in german quality tests...Saying that when you look at the state of UK manufactured, overweight, old fashioned, low tech, leaky, ridiculously expensive vans, maybe they have a point! :D

Mind the other 9 brands are Hymer group products.


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Guest JudgeMental
Retread24800 - 2014-03-01 4:30 PM
JudgeMental - 2014-03-01 5:00 PM
Will85 - 2014-03-01 12:36 AMWhats special about a Hymer that may cause you not to talk to others ?
  Where hymers are considered up market (think merc drivers) when in fact they come about 10th in german quality tests...Saying that when you look at the state of UK manufactured, overweight, old fashioned, low tech, leaky, ridiculously expensive vans, maybe they have a point! :D

Mind the other 9 brands are Hymer group products.


a perfect example above of the nonsense Hymer owners believe Will..that they are anointed..blessed, the chosen people etc.. etc...It gets worse Will, at shows they invariably have their own sections....with there own events, they fall short of barbed portable fences, as they like the common folk to look on in awe....You might find it hard to believe Will..but come nightfall it gets worse! (midnight creeps and out comes the freaks (bootsy collins lyric) springs to mind). They all get kitted up in western garb and go to the big common folk tent for a spot of line dancing...I am talking full on Will Rogers regalia with guns here Will (guns presumably fake) Its is a sight to see, impossible to stop laughing at them...but in their revelry they are blind poor things, and believe they are truly wonderful strutting their stuff...I had to talk Kirby's out of joining up!!!!! but when a man reaches his 3 score and 10 its an upward battle at times I fear... and sense does not always prevail*-)
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 I know what you mean Judge and they invite all the cousins too:-

·                   Burstner

·                   Carado

·                   Dethleffs and Possl.

·                   Eriba:caravans under the sub-brands Troll, Puck, Touring, Nova and Triton

·                   Hymer

·                   Laika

·                   Niesmann & Bischoff

So cut a rug and dozy do, get yer dancing shoes out!! Your invite is in the post.

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falfil - 2014-02-28 10:44 PM


Do Hymer owners not talk to other people as I've just bought an old 93 B534 and would hate to appear standoffish


Frankly, I've always found Hymer owners to be stand-offish, but maybe that's because I drive a 25 year old Commer self-build which, to be truthful, is looking a little worse for wear these days, though it does still have an MOT (just).

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Guest JudgeMental
Only N&B in the top 10....just because they buy up other brands means little..all the ones you list are really second rate (including my Possl but its good value for money). But i'm far from delusional unlike some! :-D
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falfil - 2014-02-28 10:44 PM


Do Hymer owners not talk to other people as I've just bought an old 93 B534 and would hate to appear standoffish


Oh dear Falfil. I am afraid all the rumours are true although to be fair I didnt know about their penchant for Line Dancing but it does not suprise me.


Have you noticed that they always refer to their motorhome as "The Hymer"? "Yes I will come to the meet, I will bring "The Hymer".


They refuse to wave as well. I remember passing loads on the way down to Dover and waving from my Leaky Kontiki window. They just blank you (unless you have a Hymer) and I got so annoyed by the time I reached Watford Gap services with the tenth one that blanked me that I turned around and chased the Barsteward all the way back to Yorkshire and missed the ferry.


Nah. Its a slippery slope for you now. You might answer this post but its only a matter of time before you press the ignore button. :-(

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I think Hymer (pron. Oomer by the way) owners do think they are not the same as the rest of us.

Why else would so many of them refer to their motorcaravans as, "The Hymer" rather than the van which is what most of us call ours?



Seanacchie, that's a very modern Commer you have, Alan.

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erneboy - 2014-03-01 8:39 PMI think Hymer (pron. Oomer by the way) owners do think they are not the same as the rest of us.Why else would so many of them refer to their motorcaravans as, "The Hymer" rather than the van which is what most of us call ours? Seanacchie, that's a very modern Commer you have, Alan.

Why do people refer to the Hymer (pro Him mer) In the same way that people refer to a Hoover, Hymer being one of (if not the) oldest surviving manufacturers of European A class Campers and it slips off the tongue a lot easier than 'the Motorised caravan'.
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falfil - 2014-03-01 7:49 PM


Buggah , anyone want to buy a 93 b534 er motorhome , would suit a banker , ( nobody likes them either)


No. Dont give up just yet. It could go either way. You could end up an egotistical snob and join the club or you could be the first to break the mold and reach out to a lowley Swift Owner and finally start to make some inroads into Hymer Owners coming back to earth.


Actually. You sound like a nice chap. Sell it.

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falfil - 2014-03-01 8:49 PMBuggah , anyone want to buy a 93 b534 er motorhome , would suit a banker , ( nobody likes them either)

Sell , why? when you have shown so much sense in buying a well built, well equipped, Well insulated van with a bullet proof engine, just go and compare it with anything costing say half as much again and you will see what a bargain you really have.
Otherwise you may be tempted into becoming one of those people who have to have the newest piece of tin cr*p on the site rather than an appreciating classic
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Guest pelmetman

A 93 Hymer..................well clearly you have bought well before the spin merchants and accountants took over ;-)


So providing it was well looked after by its previous owners then you have a quality camper B-) ...............enjoy :D............

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erneboy - 2014-03-01 7:39 PM



Seanacchie, that's a very modern Commer you have, Alan.


Well, it's not much, but the best I can afford, and I did pay cash for it all those years ago, which is why I find it quite hurtful at times when other folks with their big fancy Hymers (probably on HP too) look down their noses at me when I pitch up next to them. In fact, that was why I resigned from the Caravan Club as I always felt that some of their wardens admitted me to CC sites with great reluctance and then made sure that I was allocated a pitch as far away as possible from other members.

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They refuse to wave as well.


I've noticed that as well, especially from Brit Hymer owners, but I thought that it was just because I was driving an old self-build.


On the Continent they are much more friendly and I've even parked up next to some foreign Hymers on those overnight aires thingies and they seemed quite nice.

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Retread24800 - 2014-03-01 8:00 PM


Why do people refer to the Hymer (pro Him mer) In the same way that people refer to a Hoover, Hymer being one of (if not the) oldest surviving manufacturers of European A class Campers and it slips off the tongue a lot easier than 'the Motorised caravan'.



No, no. If that were so all motorhomers would refer to their vans as The Hymer, wouldn't they?


Just as most vacuum cleaner users refer to the hoover, Alan.

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